Boltbeam ago

And I'm pointing out that nobody is going to spend money on an insignificant internet fight, regardless of meme wars

Boltbeam ago

Because "petty internet arguments" were what turned Gamergate into a force of nature

No, backlash from hackjob "journalists" not writing about video games caused GamerGate to explode.

>Equating one thread on voat to a sudden widespread meme war

nobslob ago

You can sell upvoats? How much, asking for a friend.

RodentLord ago

There is no way that kind of shit would have those scores organically lol.

gazillions ago

Kind of off topic but I enjoyed the comment pointing out the right is dangerous because there's truth in what they say.

bbylon ago

I was going to mention him in my post here but I decided not to since I didn't have enough evidence that he was involved. The reason I suspected him to be behind these alts is because one of them (/u/RonaldTheDuck) was in the same thread standing up for /u/tiggergurlies with this comment.

Broc_Lia ago

"standing up for" implies that it was a deliberate action to comment with a separate account. I think this was an accident. He was probably using RonaldTheDuck to vote and forgot to switch accounts back to tiggergurlies before replying.

bbylon ago

Ohh, that would actually make more sense considering that it was /u/RonaldTheDucks's first comment in 5 months as well as being the second comment ever posted from that account. Good thinking!

Broc_Lia ago

Plus it was a scanned as if it was just the next reply in the conversation, not a new person chiming in.

I caught someone doing that around a year ago on a thread about cursive handwriting or something. They deleted their comment when they realised their mistake, but back then deleted comments still showed up in your inbox so I caught them. I edited the comment they replied to to show what they did and the conversation immediately ended there. Never saw either account again.

Adminstrater ago

He recognized a pattern.

Boltbeam ago

Going on a limb for 'im and saying that, even if the opinions are unpopular, it's not impossible for an account to begin with a conversation that just so happened to have multiple upvoats like that. Plus, why buy upvoats for a petty internet argument?

bbylon ago

It's a way to sway peoples opinion by making it look like a majority agrees with them. It also gives them the ability to downvote posts that they don't want us to see.

Boltbeam ago

So according to that logic, they're farming upvoats from random one-time internet arguments with one account making three comments? Going to call Occam's razor on this one and say that it's too arbitrary.

BrimstoneBrute ago

The account never made any comments until four hours ago, then it just happened to get just over 100 CCP with comments that are generally unpopular on Voat.