something_went_wrong ago

As of this comment 21 days later, each of those accounts still exist, have only 1 single comment voted to exactly +104,-0, and absolutely no other activity. Except RonaldTheDuck. That user has an extra comment made 22 days ago:

[–]RonaldTheDuck -10 points (+0|-10) 22 days ago

did you even finish reading my statement you fucking downsyndrome having monkey?

No. I stopped when I reached the stupid. Would you like some English lessons, friend?

Behuvius ago

I think /u/tiggergurlies is another. It's a new account with very few shill-only comments

microbutton ago

A solution is to archive the post so that it can't be upvoated or downvoated any more after X amount of time.

peacegnome ago

This will always be a game of whack-a-mole unless there is some sort of drastic action.

my solution on this front is to have invite only (with infinite invites) so that we can see who sired shitty accounts, and also make it pretty easy to kill off large portions of shit, without a ton of manual work. Yes, it would cut growth. but if you allow growth of fake accounts then you get one of reddit's many problems. although it looks good on paper to investors, it is shit for the people making your site great.

Bojangles ago

I hope @greycloud shoves a Captain Hank Hydro minifig up your dumbass kid's urethra


Antiracist10 ago

Him: I bring love.

You: He brings love! Break his legs!

@eagleshigh @sarmegahhikkitha @bojangles

greycloud ago

don't wish on me what you wouldn't wish on your son. the nastiest death is from a hair curling iron. you insert it cold into their butt, than you turn it on. after you can smell the stench of burning skin for a bit you pull it out, with their colon seered onto it. they bleed to death.

i served with 5th group and 7th group, and i served in a spearhead platoon. if you think i haven't grown comfortable with violent death, you are wrong. i accepted my death long ago. have you accepted yours? how about your sons? nobody is immortal.

SketchyFishSandwich ago

So you are telling me it is normal people that sympathize with them? I refuse to entertain that idea.

No it's not normal people it's leftist mentally ill people who don't even understand the difference between men and women. If they can't even distinguish the difference boys and girls then what makes you think they can distinguish the difference between children and adults? You can bet your ass you're going to see people like @greycloud showing up and delivering that stupid fucking speech and plenty of bleeding heart liberals are going to latch onto it sooner or later. There's really just no other way to say it. It's already happening as we speak.

greycloud ago

is it so stupid if so many people can understand it? in the last year i have seen 3 people now parrot some of my arguments. i have 2 close friends who say that i can be with anyone i want and they will be ok with it. and for the first time an adult woman who is nowhere close to what i want in a romantic relationship, is also ok with what i like. it ends up that if you educate and you are able to state your position clearly, that the strawmen don't work. you will actually have to come up with rational reasons.

let me help you out. these are the things that i personally worry about. even though children have sexual desire, it is possible that if they have sexual experiences that this will infatuate them, and they will obsess about sex acts. they need to be paying attention in school, not daydreaming about getting laid again. as people get older their brains become less plastic, so early sex can lead to children neglecting things they should be learning. that is a real concern, even if everything were legal.

liking sex early is one thing, but doing so before the hormone rush of puberty is another. once puberty sets in, if children already are experienced with sex, you can reasonably expect a sharp rise in sexual activity. this could easily lead to pregnancy and spread of STDs. if sex at all ages were perfectly legal and acceptable, than we could expect the highest rates of STD transfer to be between 11 and 15. we could also expect a tenfold increase in teen pregnancy.

all romantic attachment issues and other issues related to child sexuality are also true of adult promiscuous behavior and premarital sex. adults are no better at fully understanding the reprecautions of sex and romantic attachment than children are, basically everyone is an idiot. arguments towards consent and the like are stupid. the same is true at 12 and 18, people like what people like.

don't ping me unless you want me to chime in. the legal restrictions on sex are a crime against humanity.

SketchyFishSandwich ago

You can groom children to believe or do whatever the fuck you want. The most evil sadistic types of people in the world are those who victimize children. So here let me list some of my concerns

  1. Are the liberals going to throw a hissy fit if we just use blunt force trauma to get rid of pedophiles since they aren't worth the money spent on chemical injections or bullets?

Actually yea that's pretty much my only concern.

greycloud ago

it is people like you who create empathy for people like me. i don't wish blunt force trauma on you, because i don't believe you are really that violent. and if you are that violent it is because you have not seen such violence, and have not had to deal with living with having participated in such things.

want to know why there are so many veterans that despise war? because we have been there and done that, we have experienced what hollywood has glorified and we realize the farce. we have been through enough violence in life to no longer desire it.

i hope you are able to open your eyes and see a different perspective. you have been lied to your entire life. what you believe about sex abuse is based upon lies that have been told to you throughout your life. why is it that so many who were sexually abused as children, carry on that abuse towards other children? do you think maybe it is because they experienced such "abuse" firsthand and have decided that it is a positive experience worthy of sharing with their own children? or do you think they are so wrecked that they want to harm their own children? the narrative is the latter, the reality is the former.

the narrative that you have been told was told to you by the same people who told you that war and violence are honorable. they are not. it is honorable to put your life on the line to help others, but it is not honorable to kill, especially when you drastically overpower your enemies. war is a coward's game, where the leaders who are in a position to make such decisions don't lie in the battlefield themselves and instead risk the lives of the young and ignorant.

at the end of the day, i am much more capable of killing than most. i am already accustomed to violent death. i don't like it, but i am intimately familiar with it. i accept that sometimes violence is the only solution, i hope you do not put me in a position where i must resort to it.

greycloud ago

what i do is not illegal. there is no more reason to imprison me than imprison you and your son. fuck off.

greycloud ago

So what do you do? Dispose of them like a majority of other pedos?

i am nice to them, and i don't come on to them or have romantic relations with them, because society has created a false ideology that will harm them if i do. because i love them, and i care about them, i abstain from seeking them out in fear that it will harm them.

Only because you can't handle a true relationship without your pedo bear.

if i am not romantically attracted to them, why should i bother? why don't you have a gay lover? can't handle it? or perhaps for the same reason as me, simply not attracted.

No that isn't love that you have it is infatuation and lust. Not really good things with children.

i do have lust, but i contain it, much like everyone else does when they are lustful to a beautiful woman. (well at least those who are not rapists).

No you piece of shit..... Do not compare yourself me and try to draw a correlation between what it is that I as a parent have for children as you a self admitted fucking pedo.......NEVER DO YOU DO THAT!

its not comparable with your children, its comparable with your wife the day you fell in love with her. it is also comparable to how you feel about other people's children, but not your own. your own children are your flesh and blood, they are an extension of you. this is why i always defend the parents' right over their children. even if society accepted my type of love, i would not seek a relationship with a child who's parents did not approve.

you act as if i don't have deep respect for the girls i love. you are wrong, they are the things i love most in this entire shitty planet.

greycloud ago

you must hate your wife, because you love her the same way i love girls.

Kal ago

You protectvoat cunts are just as bad. Go fuck yourself.

edit: probably worse.

greycloud ago

They see them as parasites to be used in a manner that will gratify another if possible.

fuck off! not even close! we see them as people, people to love, to cherish, to respect their wishes. you don't see it that way, you see them as parasites to raise until they turn into real people. i see them as already being people. you view them as incompetent shits, i view everyone that way and see no difference between "children" and "adults".

girls are no more parasites than women are, and in a lot of ways they are much less parasites than women are. i care a whole lot more for some children than you are even capable of. because at the end of the day, the girls i love most, i love in every way that you do, and on top of that romantic love as well.

ExpertShitposter ago

no u

SketchyFishSandwich ago

Pedo people are having sympathy given to them by other pedos. Get that straight.

Don't fucking lecture me about this I raised two sexually abused children with my ex because her sister invited some pedophile from Florida to sexually abuse her kids and post it all over the web because she was lonely and wanted a man in her life. There's other people that whore their children out for material possessions and money. Salon posted an article glorifying pedophiles and saying we should sympathize with them. I served time for a first time DUI in a highly liberal county and watched pedophiles who assaulted children get out faster than me never mind the fact they got fucking WORK RELEASE and were allowed to go walk the streets every day along with rapists. I have seen this shit first hand, you have no idea what you're talking about.

SketchyFishSandwich ago

Does homosexuality impact your life in a measurable way that you can identify as criminal? How about someone else?

We have adults that identify as children, animals, men, and women, we have liberals chemically castrating their children and dressing them up as different genders, this crap was almost unheard of 10 years ago and now it's being glorified on TV and taught in public schools. If you think pedophilia sounds outlandish to these people just give it another couple years. Logically if there are adults that identify as children it would be immoral and transphobic to prohibit children from having relations with other children. This is how this shit works, you give them an inch they'll take a mile.

SketchyFishSandwich ago

It's a cancer to society, just like homosexuality. First we had LGB then we have LGBTQ all based on "sexual preferences". Give me one good reason pedophiles won't be added to that list in the next 50 years. We already see liberal outlets sympathizing with pedophiles and we already see predominantly liberal areas giving lesser sentences to child molesters. People called this stuff out many years ago and they were right

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

It's a God damn shame to see the great name of Slayer being used by a farmer...

pangaea ago

Well I have my doubts as to how vote manipulation can be proven. Upvoting legitimate submissions/comments with lots of alts and fake IPs is pretty much indistinguishable from real upvotes.

SketchyFishSandwich ago

They care because Voat is supposed to be a counter-liberal counter-reddit website which has the potential to gain a lot of traction. There's already segments infesting this website with censorship and staffing trannies and defending pedophilia.

If we don't nip this in the bud soon it can become an issue down the road. We either need to keep this garbage out of the site (which we can't since the Admin is down with it) or begin migration/development of a new site. Either way, everyone should know what's going on. It's the community that makes the website and not the other way around, as long as people are in the know then we are safe.

SketchyFishSandwich ago

Power and influence comes in many forms, wanting power just because other people have it is silly. The goal should be to abolish it entirely so no single entity or group of people can decimate opposition and pump out narratives.

voats4goats ago

@putitout how about we have it if you delete the comment, you lose the upvoats but keep the downvoats. That way it will give people pause if they really want to go through with it.

Broc_Lia ago

I was wondering how the hell he found it, so I looked through their comment history. He was in a thread with (presumably) the person controlling the accounts, when they accidentally replied with one of their alts instead of the account having the conversation. Presumably he took a glance at their history to see who the account was and discovered the vote farming thread that way.

ChillyHellion ago

Wow. Now that's some good sleuthing.

Broc_Lia ago

Every account had only one comments which was five months old, that should have been undetectable by any reasonable standard (unless you're an admin). The last one had two comments, it didn't take all that long to find, lol.

Broc_Lia ago

Lol, at one point he got sloppy and accidentally used one of the accounts to reply instead of to vote.

Wonder if this is the crowd who sell votes and comments?

Edit: Just a thought, this might have had something to do with the DDOS attacks voat was suffering. If they were automating bots to create accounts, find old threads, and vote on them, it might have stressed the servers since putitout mentioned they have difficulties accessing older parts of their database.

This was before the ability to vote on old posts was removed of course.

Rotteuxx ago

Oh, of course. It's also fun to trigger dingdongs.

digitalentity1497 ago

And how! :D

SketchyFishSandwich ago

Why can't people just say what they need to say? If it is unpopular deal with it.

Vote manipulation goes both ways. This is the issue with a Reddit style upvote/downvote system, it increasingly becomes less representative of opinions based on merit and just becomes representative of hivemind faction circle jerks (SRS). Many times I've seen completely factual and not even debatable comments get hidden under an ocean of downvoats just because it contradicts a narrative or because a certain person said it.

piratse ago

I'd prefer no downvotes or upvotes. Forums and sites like 4 chan have existed a long time without them.

MadWorld ago

This is one of the reasons why I love Voat so much. We have guardian angels watching and protecting the site!!

Rotteuxx ago

Not rly, it would have to be a serious comment to start off with.

Grifter42 ago

You're not a thug. You're a kike.

Grifter42 ago

Your first sentence is true. The second one, not so much. You're probably some frustrated little man, with a little dick, and little money.

You realize that if you took out your frustration in real life, you WOULD get your teeth knocked in.

So yeah, you're a fuckin' coward.

It's faggots like you that talk big that are the smallest in real life.

Grifter42 ago

Hey, maybe I'll roll my eyes so fuckin' hard it kills me.

You ain't shit, you fucking degenerate.

You're mighty brave behind a keyboard. It's very telling about the quality of life you have, which is to say, it's probably pretty shitty.

Grifter42 ago

You really are a coward, Beatle.


Im upvoating this 1488 times.

Ding_dong ago

@PuttItOut if you are going to go through with this, check into the people requesting you to do this as well. All of them are SBBH

Rotteuxx ago

SBBH is a pro-Voat vote farm, leave the white knights of our community alone.

Ding_dong ago

fuck off tranny

Rotteuxx ago

I'm not a tranny, I'm a shill. Get your fucking act together faggot.

notyouraveragellama ago

I'm having a good laugh at how butthurt he's getting. I tried to explain to him that he's only going to make things worse the more he gripes about SDBH and SBBH. But I got called a fucking liar, so fuck him. Imma just kick back and enjoy the show.

Grifter42 ago

Hey, retard: I got all those comments you deleted screen capped.

You're just another nigger, and you'll hang from a rope like the nigger you are.

Everyone knew you were fake sane, everyone knows what you're up to, and your SRS brigade is being exposed.

Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, kike. I learned from the best.

The only thing you can drive is your mother's car on the weekends, you basement nerd.

chance_pictures ago

Been getting into it with several shilly 5 mo accounts. Lines up with the election somewhat. Wonder what it means...

ExpertShitposter ago


ExpertShitposter ago

Umm, its like 25 accounts...

Ding_dong ago

What do you know,, Beatle and expert discussing brigading right in the open on the front page. If those accounts get deleted for manipulation then both of yours and your alts need to go too @PuttItOut

ExpertShitposter ago

Sane alt detected.

Cock_Slap ago

Sane stopped posting. He's only on Gab now. Maybe you should go back to Amalek alt accusation.

vonHugenbuben ago

This must be recent because he was just bombarding one of my posts with insults just a couple days ago.

heygeorge ago

It's not that it's recent: It's simply untrue.

Edit: Your engagement post (congrats, by the way!) was being poorly trolled by "fake sane", who is now banned from the site.

ExpertShitposter ago

How about manhood 101 accusations? I could start those!

ExpertShitposter ago

@puttitout you should straight up delete these accounts. No mercy.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

I totally agree.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

It's time to Gas every shill involved.

TAThatBoomerang ago


Samsquamch ago

Agreed, couldn't be any clearer than this - 104 upvoats on every single comment? Beyond a doubt voat manipulation

bigdirtymotherfucker ago

fuck off beatle