Crackers ago

I hope you cut your shill throat. While I am balls deep in you.

Just wow. Are those Slayer lyrics?

Crackers ago

and went so far as to switch accounts

I haven't switched any accounts. I'll ask again, do you have a psychiatric disorder?

Crackers ago

HAHAHA you are the same fucking twat! Christ you are pathetic!

Wtf? Do you have some kind of psychiatric disorder?

Crackers ago

I would beat the shit out of you

If you knew who you were talking to, where they live and how big they are?

golgotham ago

SHILLS have nothing useful to say. All you spread are lies. BELIEVE NONE OF THEM, people. They are being PAID to ignore facts, and press on with vacuous accusation.

TrumpsFatBelly ago

SHILLS have nothing useful to say

Then why don't you stop generically accusing everybody who is against rape of being a shill and shut the fuck up? Nobody is interested in your stupid blanket attacks against everybody from mainstream journalists to 13 year old girls.

golgotham ago

yada yada yada Did you actually say anything just now? All I can see is yada yada yada, because you haven't actually PROVIDED any proof, facts, evidence. NOTHING.

TrumpsFatBelly ago

All I can see is yada yada yada

All I can see is you shilling like a hardcore shill, and accusing everybody else of being a shill. I've just looked through your posting history a moment ago. Are you aware that you have accused no less than four people of being shills in the last hour alone? As far as I can tell, the only thing these people even have in common is that they are talking about the Donald Trump sexual assault cases.

golgotham ago

LOL, shill.

TrumpsFatBelly ago

I love when you faggots get bothered by that. It is great!

Yeah bro. Only faggots get bothered by a bit of rape. High five me man. See you at the Trump rally next week. Remember to bring the Roofies.

TrumpsFatBelly ago

Id be rough about it to.


TrumpsFatBelly ago

Id rape you. Use your shilly tears as lube

Behold the Trump internet army, ladies and gentlemen.

Biscuitbaiter ago

There is only one thing that is going to make you feel better after Hurt finishes with you. Knowing you still had some tears left for what I'm going to do to your asshole.