brandon816 ago

I like how that slope gets steeper going down every time. More and more people are getting tired of his bullshit.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Look at all your positive energy oozing out.

Disappointed ago

Just a heads up on the archiving.

I've discovered is case sensitive which means there are 4 possible cache locations instead of the two I linked above. In theory there are possibly a lot more than 4 given you can change the capital on any letter for a different result however these 4 are the most likely:

HarveyHarveyJones ago

@sanegoatiswear This goat thinks every opinion u hold is worth -3 to -5 votes per post. And rainy-crybaby there is even calling out an admin for it. The math check out to you? Lol

MrPim ago

I disbelieve the bot war theory. SaneGoat earns his thousands of down, we have enough users for that. And he uses bots to up himself, maybe point farms. People DV SG, bots upvoat him.

He is Amaleks newest alt, and if I go back thru my history far enough I'll find a conversation w Amalek. Where he said to me that using his 2000 alts he'd own the front page. If I go all the way back to the beginning I get back far enough that Amaleks basic spiel was his free speech being trampled. Before he went totally Zionist, it was about his peaches. The format is only modified.

It's Amalek, voat manipulating.

Disappointed ago

Right but going forward you could take snapshots yourself every two hours or 3 a day as you say.

On the main page at the top is a bookmarklet that you can drag to your bookmarks folder. It requires javascript to be enabled on the page you want to archive, otherwise you can manually paste in the page you want archived. Once set up it will enable a one click archive of any page. Just note that it differentiates between /u/ and the default /user/ in voat profile pages so you'd need to check both regularly.

In this comment for example there is proof that the ~2.5k CCP was gained in two hours. Every time you archive it will offer a previous version(in this case it was two hours ago) and each page you can see in the top right the prior and history page links. Someone had archived the page 2 hours prior, so I was able to add that to my comment.

Edit: spelling

gatordontplaythatsht ago

Guy poorly trolls entire website for attention like last drama whore. Becomes wildly down voted and is mentally incapable of understanding. The confusion only pushes him further towards spamming global chat or posting in popular spots to increase his visibility. This obviously increases his downvotes and dislike from the sites general users but confounds new users as they come from a site where a heavily down voted user is typically being censored, whereas on voat it typically means we're just taking out the trash.

I picture drama whores like sane like massive waves that last a very long time because of the energy and shitposting they cause, but eventually they do taper off and make room for another fatherless jew-hating retard.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

butthurt confirmed

Disappointed ago


probably the single biggest contributor to the decline of western society over the last 70 years or so.

gatordontplaythatsht ago

I agree.

Disappointed ago

If you combine the two URL's here there is enough history to make a set of data points that can't be manipulated by a user because they are independent archives of each page and not images. All timestamped as well.

Disappointed ago

This took me 2 minutes to do by using developer tools in Firefox. My CCP has blown out as you can see. My point being if you use to capture the fluctuations instead of images no one can manipulate them. As of now they can.

Anti-Stupid ago

Sanegoat guy is voats dramalord. He puts you in his mega list of shills for mere slights against him.

Disappointed ago

Do you have archives of all of these points in time? Images can be manipulated easily.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


no no no.

you fucking shill.

figure out how to stop

how to stop


fuck your shilling for more restrictions on all users.

fuck you.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you just want to make it easier for you to set up voating bots so you can inflate your CCP some more

SaneGoatiSwear ago

disinformation tactics


known shill shilling

@puttitout this is a shill shilling.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're the shill, how much do you get for causing trouble here? does CREW help you with upvoats for free?

Mick ago

Meh. Fuck you, you mental cunt. reblocking your sad arse

SaneGoatiSwear ago

confirmed butthurt faggot who blocks users because fee fees

@mick reddit cancer confirmed so hard i'm a diamond encrusted adamantium dick

@puttitout @greensmoke lol who else @kevdude he'll love it. OH aaaaand @seemsreasonable

Mick ago

I block you because you are the biggest fuckwit on this site. So do many others. Go cry to your mommy or something, faggot.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

patronizing shill is patron saint of shitposting.

AltRightEagle ago

People just really like his quality insightful posts I guess....

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you've been here for 53 minutes.

how the fuck do you know of me

AltRightEagle ago

I'm an alt.

zak_the_mac ago

He's RightEagle's alt. Says so, right in the name.

AltRightEagle ago

I would upvoat you but I can't.

Daeshaniqua ago

3000 ccp in 2 hours. either he has no life or botting. most likely both

SaneGoatiSwear ago

pay no attention to the downvoat brigade, shill.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

being disliked is your own fault as is cheating for upvoats

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ffs i forgot to answer directly look at me being a dumbass

yeah, no, i have no capps, i thought it was going to stay there or go lower; goatku hadn't brigaded me up in days... as the graph shows lol

hey look i'm glad you did this graph. thank you even if you used it to use the shill tactic "false association" against my character and the post gets brigaded to the front page.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

someone in chat probably did, figuring shills were in chat

i just... i'm a penguine who lives in antarctica.

that's my personal data for you, nothing personal. lol nothing personal. double entendre!

edit: oh a personal attack, nice.

coming from the guy who openly publishes inaccurate data about people to claim things about them

and uses alts to do it.

ratsmack ago

Your paranoia runs deep... do you sleep on your bed or under it.

dallasmuseum ago

On his bed that's in a faraday cage

SaneGoatiSwear ago

and the timezone

eat my dick.

i wrongfully felt it should be safe to play games instead of watching your ccp

when you were watching my ccp to make a graph to make claims and allusions about me in public?

so you're low-effort, then?

tisk tisk.

sorry you get brigaded man.

-ccp restrictions should be removed. 100% overt authoritarian user-curated censorship IMHO.

luckily people are free to create alts here and you can get around it

also luckily people are free to voat on voat, so people can just upvoat you back into the positives

the data does show i'm being brigaded both directions

but i fail to see a problem and fundamentally disagree with you that there is a problem in the way you're saying. voating on a social network is expressing one's self. that self expression is a human right and is protected by the constitution of the nation in which voat is registered, therefore, voating shall not be infringed. people ought be able to downvoat me in to the negatives, and that shouldn't restrict my free speech. so no, actually there ARE problems: -ccp restrictions, the shadowboxing (now GREYBOXING), and the lack of communication between dev and community about this, that the entire conversation and many others are being taken over and shut down by the shills.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

factually incorrect

my ccp went down further than that to 6400 and many in chat saw it.

either your data set is incomplete, or you have purposely attempted to mislead the public in an attack against my character.

in any case, i'm being brigaded in both directions, that's obvious.

i ain't doing shit, if you're listening to any of the shills, that's on you. they're all lying, using disinfo tactics, and fallacious speech.

they flip out when i get upvoated

but don't say a word when i get downvoated.

i just went down over a thousand, and they didn't say a fucking thing.

they only care about assassinating my character, not about voat.

if the actual goats of voat do not stand against these shills

then they will eventually be the only population left on voat.

with no where else to go

good goats must stand against this overt tyranny, and not let voat be come a hugbox safe space when they have every other website like this on the entire internet.

FaggotBot ago

You assassinate your character all on your own, faggot.