gatordontplaythatsht ago

For the record they've been ear marked as SRS for awhile. They just sit by waiting for their retarded chance to spring and take the site like the tumors they are. The thing is that's how the internet works, when something gains attention the "power users" come and stake their claim like the over-weight, basement dwelling creatures they are, lumbering about huddled in subs upvoting each others pathetic inside jokes until more of their buddies show up and they take control.

And then everyone leaves for somewhere else they'll eventually follow to, rinse and fucking repeat.

Broc_Lia ago

Holy shit. I thought they were just trolls, but that clinches it.

Disappointed ago

They've been taking that dick for a long time. Those users used to have a voice on Voat and people listened to what they said and some were even very well respected. After a long hard 1.5 years their names aren't worth shit. Thats something of an accomplishment isn't it?

jobes ago

The autism is strong with this one

Ina_Pickle ago

Whatever. You guys have already proven three times over what a bunch of low lives you are. That's why no one outside of PV trusts any of you.

fagnig ago

if this was unintentional wow

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Because if someone blocks the sub they keep doing what they are doing.


Free speech is fine, within limits, but SRS is definitely a no-go area. They should all be banned and their sub removed, to protect Voat's values.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

"haha it's just shitposting" is the excuse SRS used for years, even as they openly organized mass voting brigades and influenced admins to ban people over petty shit.

Mickgoestojail ago

They are starting off their own site now and continue to try to fuck with Voat as if they are just begging someone to go fuck with theirs. Maybe they haven't thought this through.

ginganinja ago

Freedom of speech is speech you don't agree with, but if they start spamming and doxxing, kill it.

Ina_Pickle ago

And you think it's fair to stop them from doing what the sub was designed for (within the confines of their own sub) because... reasons? @Mattvision is not the only person in that sub. And the users of that sub are not responsible for his actions outside of the sub anymore than ProtectVoat is responsible for you going on a rampage. Nothing has ever been posted in SDBH that has anything to do with what you are complaining about, and from what I know, there is no other meeting place for subscribers to SDBH. They aren't actually plotting the downfall of this site, no matter what you may think. Some of us actively donate to Voat.

We LIKE it here.

Not only that, but you have absolutely no proof that any of these things you think are happening (provide evidence please, to avoid witch hunts) are at all tied to that user. You seem to have a bias against that person which is coloring your assumptions. If I am wrong, please provide links to these odd happenings and an explanation as to what you think is happening.

Also, correct me if I am wrong (which I'm not because you guys have done it to me), but PV has done it's own fair share of downvoat brigading. I've even had some of you guys go into my comment history and downvoat every post I've made in the last week just because I didn't agree with some stance you guys have taken.

To me, a group claiming to be protecting this site actively targeting users and manipulating voats is a million times worse than one guy with ties to a sub you don't like doing something similar. Not that either is okay.

Cuckbot ago

They have been trying to fuck voat for over 2 years now and havent succeeded. They are praying for an influx of lefties from reddit. They are useless by themselves beyond occasionally upvote brigading themselves in a thread like yours and they know it.

jobes ago

The reason the SRS CSS is there is because of people like you who get so worked up over this fantasy that we are SRS. It's been a while since someone complained about our sub's existence to PV.

fagnig ago

If they are better at this than you, they would display less written emotion and just call them fags, which they are, which theyre proud of

Ina_Pickle ago

Ferret, I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm just curious. Please explain where you're coming from., because I don't get your stance at all.

Exactly what division? How is a shitty CSS on a sub most people don't even view creating this division? Especially when literally everyone on Voat knows that SDBH is not meant to be taken seriously, and no one in that sub was ever a fan of the real SRS.

Who is it hurting and how? Real examples, not just inflammatory accusations. If @Mattvision literally just became the embodiment of everything I hate about reddit, I want to know.

From where I'm standing, the only people who the CSS was meant to troll were the actual members of SDBH. @Mattvision has been screwing around with the CSS for weeks now trying to find the one that would aggravate us the most.

We all know it's his attempt at trolling the subscribers, but here's the thing, We were aware that SDBH is a shit posting sub when we sign on. We came to be trolled. It's expected.

Edit: I guess what really confuses me, is if this sub really bothers you then why haven't you used the block feature? There's absolutely no reason why you even have to see the sub's posts, much less enter them.

Disappointed ago

Right now check his lowest rated comments. You'll see a couple of comments where they raided this sub and you'll also see this:

There's also this which was the first open brigading sub v/techiusalts. A few weeks ago this sort of thing was a big deal but it's been going on a long time.

fagnig ago

I won't sit by and allow them to push that the idea of SRS is ok.


7726121? ago

Found my favorite animated gif, Fuck SRS :

fagnig ago

You kind of owned this comment chain with this reply, but if youre so old here, im really surprised youre bothering with this thread. Isnt it obvious trolling. Why are you feeding it?

Ina_Pickle ago

lol sure

Actually, I think it's kind of amusing. I'm not a fan of the new SDBH CSS. SRS hassled me quite a bit before I left that other site.

But if the CSS is going to get these kinds of reactions I might change my mind about it.

Disappointed ago

You haven't seen it because you missed it. I'm not trying to brush off what you are saying, just saying its happened for a long time already. It's not the first time that CSS has been used either it was up on v/meanwhile for a while too. Check the lowest rated comments of some of those people.

Ina_Pickle ago

Nah. You're trying to incite a riot over a sub you don't even participate in.

alalzia ago

What does Malleus Meleficarum says about CSS witchcraft ?

jobes ago

your top guy provoked me

I didn't realize we had a top guy, especially given that I'm the L0 owner of the sub.

Also, SDBH has purchased multiple ads on Voat, I paid for one of them. What have you done to help Voat?

mamwad ago

I thought we were all bottoms.

Disappointed ago

They will tell you they are just shitposters the same way they did a year ago when they tried to kill this sub by spamming it with unrelated crap for months on end. This is more a cry for attention than anything else though.

I thought they had a new site to go to now that better suited them but it seems not

tanukihat ago

I don't trust protectvoat either. I never voated for them to be Voat's judiciary committee, they're self-appointed and think they run this shit.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Those Nazis need to all be banned. Anyone who ever posts there is a total troll and shouldn't be on voat.

I say ProtectVoat brigades them and downvotes all their posts in the entire sub.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

fuck off SRS/SDBH

clamhurt_legbeard ago


tanukihat ago

It's SRS vs. SRD mate. Same shit.

7726170? ago

Good comparison, same circlejerking, cancerous metards, redditry in it's purest form.

mamwad ago

Has Trump stopped by to fuck your wife yet?

tanukihat ago

They like to laugh about being SRS but look how mad they get when you actually call them out on being exactly like SRS.

First time I've been called a cuck fag tranny before.

Camamoow ago

I thought Mick said he quit a long time ago, but I don't keep up with his affairs

mamwad ago

I will win

First time on the internet?

mamwad ago

So why insinuate that you want to end it?

mamwad ago

free speech

jobes ago

Sticky says they are SRS

It's a shitpost from a shitposting sub. @Mattvision your CSS is triggering the normies.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

It's a shitpost from a shitposting sub.

This is the excuse SRS has always used to justify vote brigades and censorship.

Mickgoestojail ago

Starting to Phuk with Voat again? Same thing could happen to your new site very easily.

fagnig ago

you know you love it

B3nd3r ago

kill it with fire.

fagnig ago