deformedwarf ago

badass name

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Tonight's the night

xeemee ago

SaneGoatiSwear is being a real dick - look at the TIL post deletion log

and why isn't TIL a sys sub? just curious

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Looks like he deletes posts were links are bad, posts that state inaccurate "facts" and a few random statements about how "retarded so-and-so is", which should be posted in whatever if that kinda shit is really that necessary. He followed the rules of a sub he mods. Regardless of public or sys sub he did what any mod should have done. The user had the right to repost it the correct way. "TIL til is a type of-" would that have been so god damn hard?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you are then retracting your claim of libel, and refuting the validity or seriousness of your own statement?

right because without your recent statement that quote can be taken as admitting you're she.

so i up until you now refuted the validity/seriousness of your statement, was not committing libel

now i coudn't possibly thinkyou're she!

you're just a shill. that's been confirmed repeatedly

for example, your participation in this massive attack and brigade on me.

whisky_cat ago

I don't see why a little rule variance is worth deleting. If you follow the threads stemming from this, sane goat is off his meds in his defense of this. Dude could definitely chill a bit. For fucksake. And go back to begging for warrant canary updates.

AnTi90d ago

..smells like some more contrived SDBH shenanigans.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

here you claim your other account was she.

so when you say


you are saying you eant to put an "/s" after that right?

you were just trolling me right?

then answer the questions:

do you code voat?

do you talk to the admins off of voat?

do you organize with these users who happen to be pv sbbh and mods of most major subs who some also code voat?

in iirc and off voat possibly elsewhere like twitter?

see, you didn't answer the questions last time

you used a disinformation tactic to avoid answering them.

personal attacks

nice. you always devolve to those, confirmed sjw shill possibly @she.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


you have admitted to being she

you have admitted to coding voat

you have admitted to talking to the admins off voat

you have acknowledged that information is not very publicly known

you are the cabal.

i have no cabal, no associations, i have no cabal.

you on the other hand are hand in hand scripted with 12 other accounts RIGHT NOW saying the same shit about me in posts and comments.

it happened at the exact same time you even suggested to another op of libel against me that you might delete your post.

as if you weren't organized.


shill shilling for silence on voat.

shilly shill she shill is obvious shill.

how many downvoats do you intend to levy on me after the last 1000?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

see that @inhysterics this is what a shill does. read this comment chain.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

deleting comments that are not rule breaking.

banned for pointing out to locke other rule-breaking comments that had not been deleted.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

public sub means nothing. shill tactic.

if v/til was a default sub then these posts would be labeled some flair along "factually incorrect" and "shitpost" and left up. but in a default sub like v/til with specific rules that state deletion if, is not censorship

you are shilling, fuzzy.

it's obvious. you're just digging deeper.

"janitor the rules" was a turn of phrase. s

speaking of baseless acusations

oh ok

do you admit to talking to the admins of voat off of voat?

do you admit to coding voat - codes that of course require the admins to admit into voat code?

do you admit that there was never an annoucement and it's not well known that you and your cabal code voat?

do you admit that these same people that code voat silently also mod most major subs, janitor defaults, are mods in pv and pizzagate?

breakingpoint ago

I like this

HWY__395 ago

It's only been a few hours into 2017 and you are already bitching. Let it go.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@kevdude this is the shilling i'm fucking talking about. what say you? (see whole comment chain and linked posts)

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i linked to my full response to this baseless allegation. you are clearly attempting to remove me on false pretense. you planted these two users and had them post these things on purpose.

if atko removes me

  1. i am just giving a few minutes a day to voat. ifyou take that, you are hurting voat not me. you free up my time is all

  2. if atko comes down, then it's clear atko is sjw, and voat is to be abandoned at all costs.

you are censoring people

this is literally slander.

not only was op inquestion told to repost, he was given suggestions on how to post correctly.

this is not censorship by me

this is censorship by you and your dirty sjw cabal against me

you are moderating a public sub

not a default sub you stupid nigger, a private sub.

i simply janitor the rules. again, op was told to repost with correct title, and given suggestion.

failure on his part to do show shows intent to participate in this, not post meaningful content to a sub.

it was low effort posting at best, part of this attack on me at worst.

you are a shill and you have every right to speak here, but when you attack others and silence others,

you become the enemy of free speech and free people everywhere and must be defended against at all costs.

heygeorge ago

TIL that sane could really use a hobby outside of Voat.

To directly answer your question, and not even joking like my recent shitpost: No, they shouldn't have been removed. On the plus side for sane, he'll be awash with attention again. I think he's literally @she.

dabork ago

Are you really going to talk shit about how much time someone spends on Voat while you post in what basically amounts to a dedicated vigilante sub that thinks they're the protectors of a website like fucking batman?

Those in glass houses.....

SaneGoatiSwear ago

known shill with a comment supporting known shill with disinformation tactics

Gorillion ago

Can confirm this. Heygeorge is a well know faggot shill. Obviously trying to instigate something here.

heygeorge ago

Cannot address issue at hand, hides behind baseless accusation

Edit: In response to "known shill with a comment supporting known shill with disinformation tactics"

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Best part is he accused me of "slander" (Libel) for saying he deleted things, yet he is making up shit about you.

heygeorge ago

Lol, my current favorite part is how he thinks he's important enough that there's an "organized effort" to silence him.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

another known shill

this one, @fuzzywords, who has claimed to be @she on multiple occassions,

is participating in a disinformation campaign against me

because i speak up for free speech on voat.

see in this other post for my full response to the slander.

heygeorge ago

Libel, sane, libel. We just had this chat.

Edit: In response to

"another known shill

this one, @fuzzywords, who has claimed to be @she on multiple occassions,

is participating in a disinformation campaign against me

because i speak up for free speech on voat.

see in this other post for my full response to the slander."