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Cuckbot ago

If I were in your position I would be making a bigger deal over being banned from a default for reporting spam as laid out in the FAQ here: The discussion seems like it will be had one way or another on v/videos but maybe try pming one of the admins and asking if they feel your ban is justified on one of their censorship free subs. Everyone is focusing on the election now but soon the eyes will turn and in the meantime you could be making strides Those mods on v/videos seem adamant that they dont give a fuck what the admins want their mods to do despite being appointed by @atko so maybe raise that as well. What would be interesting is if the admins appointed a Janitor there to remove that spam. I wonder what the lvl 2 mods reaction would be then.

InnocentBystander ago

So, you're against the idea that the community owns the system sub?
Are you saying that you want us to make arbitrary rules, on our own, without community input?

I think you should have a look at what PV is all about, as well as the ideals of Voat.

We stand by two things. First free-speech. Second, community ownership of the system sub.
Do you really see that as us being the bad guy?

AOU ago

/v/videos mods are obviously playing the community card when in fact most of the voaters voicing their opinions are spammers trying to get traffic to their youtube channels, and thus revenues.

They turn a blind eye on blatant spammers and let them reach the front page.

I'm waiting for @Atko and @Puttitout to step in and clear this thing up.