Gothamgirl ago

"where many users are telling others to "seek" help/treatment/psychological help/mental health"

Your on a website with some of the smartest researchers on the internet. You broadcast crazy horseshit here, all day long, and you carry on like an adolescent.

Did you think your bat shit crazy rants is invisible or something?

SearchVoatBot ago

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DanglingGoatBalls ago

but somehow did not leak them to everyone else.

Well no shit Sherlock. That means she leaked the pictures herself. There is more. You wanna see it? Not gonna happen.

Some of us are trying to lead you to the Promise Land. This next link is the history of humanity in three minutes and eleven seconds. Join humanity. Its really not all that bad.

The Cave: An Adaptation of Plato's Allegory in Clay

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Its almost like a lot of people think you sitting on the internet crying and making up lies all day is a mental illness. Just guessing. I wonder how many times you wrote the words "literal pedophile" this month? Thousands?

SearchVoatBot ago

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21902829? ago

I wonder why everyone would possibly be suggesting the same course of action based on your behavior. Hmm... gotta think about this one. It's a real brain teaser.

Crensch ago

I wonder why (((every one of them))) teamed up with a pedophile to attack srayzie. Hmm... gotta think about this one. It's a real brain teaser.

Heebro ago

lots of people heard you admit you make false pedophile accusations so there is no reason to believe you ever

Crensch ago

What do you call someone that attacks people that research and try to bust pedophiles? I called them pedophiles. It's hard to believe anyone wouldn't, but I made a concession and changed it based on a deal that the pedophile didn't follow through with.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Heebro ago

You falsley accuse people of pedophiles making you a shill

Crensch ago

Debunk this, then. Should be easy, right?

Heebro ago

looks like a huge fuxking waste of time no thx catching pedophiles is easy find someone who takes pictures of naked children and then call the police

Crensch ago

Chris Hansen would like to have a word with you.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Heebro ago

Oh Chico how original you falsely labeling people pedophiles

Crensch ago

Why are you so attuned to what 2 month old baby dicks look like?

Gothamgirl ago

Yet Skrayzies religon thinks it's ok to bite baby dicks, and eat it and rub it on their faces during facials...

Crensch ago

Last I checked she was Christian. You, however...

Gothamgirl ago

Yeah kikes pull that chameleon shit all time. The nose doesn't lie though.

Crensch ago

Her nose doesn't look remotely Jewish, but you look like a ogrefaced Jew

Gothamgirl ago

You know what you and your crew look like?

Crensch ago

and have the nerve to say your Christian....GTFO.

I most certainly am not. Why are you lying? I never said I was a Christian, I said, last I checked, SHE was.

Gothamgirl ago

So what are you then?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I most certainly am not.

Then what are you?

Crensch ago

And she never applied for an injunction, and probably never made a police report.

Where's that police report for the CP on your phone?

Gothamgirl ago

It's at the police department, call up and get a copy. I may or may not have a copy. I threw away mostly everything I owned when I left Florida.

Heebro ago

You're the one who keeps bringing it up ayson

Crensch ago

Why are you defending pedophiles? Are you a pedophile?

Heebro ago

I haven't defended anyone you just seem extra retarded and super sensitive about your micropenis

Crensch ago

You're teaming up with them to attack the innocent victim of a pedophile. You're attacking me for attacking them. Meaning you're defending them.

What did srayzie do to you?

Heebro ago

I team up with no one. As ubermensch I have no need.

The qu3stion is not what srayzie did to me but who she is to you that you derangedly whiteknight so hard Chico Ayson

Crensch ago

I team up with no one. As ubermensch I have no need.


The qu3stion is not what srayzie did to me but who she is to you that you derangedly whiteknight so hard Chico Ayson

So she did nothing to you, yet you persist in attacking her?

No motive?

I doubt that. You're one of the pedos, aren't you?

Gothamgirl ago

So you're her Mexicant taco nigger husband 🤣🤣🤣 I don't see any denials here!

Heebro ago

I was defending my Hebrew sister because she should be allowed to qhore herself out while her cuck husband watches and also pointing out you have a micropenis. End of story. Your micropenis is why she fucks other dudes btw protip

Crensch ago

It's funny because the only person she sent nudes to is ESOTERICshade, and then when leaked, called @kevdude on his horseshit stoic narrative he couldn't keep straight by sending the ones leaked to him again.

I guess ESOTERIC had a micropenis? I don't really know what you're trying to get at, here. Kevdude had a micropenis? Help me out.

You are protecting pedos, and teaming up with them to continue to attack their victim. Srayzie doesn't deserve this, and everyone knows it, they just pretend they have a valid reason for continuing this crusade of degeneracy.

Gothamgirl ago

Why is she sending nudes if she's married?

Harlot Hussy

Crensch ago

Because, unlike with you, someone (@ESOTERICSHADE) actually wanted them?

Also, last I heard, she was still married, unlike a certain cave troll with no morals whatsoever, who is unmarried despite having shitlets from TacoShitholeistan

Gothamgirl ago

Married, sends naked pics to another man = morals?

Whatever fucktard...

Crensch ago

You couldn't even stay married to a taconigger, you keep CP on your phone, and invited a pedophile into your home.

What is sending tit pics compared to any of that?

Gothamgirl ago

I don't like the government knowing my business, I really never wanted to get married it's a preference. I definetly don't keep cp on my phone...

I dont know what sending tit pics, is compared to any of that, might want to ask Srayzie, she sent the tit pics, I didn't. According to her and zyklon they had video sex chats, so doesn't that violate her marriage?

Crensch ago

According to her and zyklon they had video sex chats, so doesn't that violate her marriage?


Horseshit, pathological liar.

I dont know what sending tit pics, is compared to any of that

Nothing. It's nothing, cave-troll slut that had kids out of wedlock, or broke of your marriage because you're too ugly and stupid to keep a taco nigger.

I definetly don't keep cp on my phone...

It's the only reasonable explanation for your bullshit from before; you got spooked and blamed it on someone in an attempt to garner a LEO pussy-pass.

Gothamgirl ago

Well I know the first statement isn't true. Although Srayzie did claim it, under her clitorissa alt. Maybe ask her why she would intentionally lie like that!

A Leo pussy pass? I dont get it. I went to the police and reported what I saw myself, and they couldn't find anything at all. If I was guilty of something, that wouldn't be something I would do.

Crensch your rants are insane, get some help loser. I just got in from a night out with friends, and I have to get some sleep. Try not bust an artery while I am gone, cause I really want to watch it happen, when you do.

Crensch ago

Well I know the first statement isn't true. Although Srayzie did claim it, under her clitorissa alt. Maybe ask her why she would intentionally lie like that!

Maybe because she was fucking with you, and you're an ugly fat sow that zyklon told her was stalking him?

It's pretty believable given the pics you've dropped of yourself that you'd be a desperate stalker.

A Leo pussy pass? I dont get it. I went to the police and reported what I saw myself, and they couldn't find anything at all. If I was guilty of something, that wouldn't be something I would do.

I don't believe you did that at all. I think you blamed srayzie for it, and tried to delete it from your phone yourself, then didn't go to any LEO at all, because you know they'd find out why you'd invite a pedophile into your home.

Crensch your rants are insane, get some help loser. I just got in from a night out with friends, and I have to get some sleep. Try not bust an artery while I am gone, cause I really want to watch it happen, when you do.

Insanity is being able to look at your face in the mirror every morning and not ending it all.

Gothamgirl ago

No I have never stalked anyone. But never forget what you wrote. When zyklon made threats about Pedos coming after my kids, your Skrayzie jumped in to help, because she was fucking with me.

Do you see where her fucking with me, got her fucked off? 🤣🤣

As for the rest cool fairytale bro..

Crensch ago

No I have never stalked anyone.

I think you're lying.

But never forget what you wrote. When zyklon made threats about Pedos coming after my kids, your Skrayzie jumped in to help, because she was fucking with me.

You made any support of those attacks on your kids ok when you dated the fucker after he attacked you and your shitlets. Hell, if I was accused of putting CP on your phone, and threatening to kidnap your child, I really wouldn't give a shit about you, either.


She lied to try and help zyklon get away from you because she believed he was a good guy. The only difference between you and her is that she realized he was a pedo, and you dated him.

Oh and by the way that wasn't her first time fucking with me, but thanks for participating and helping me show everyone else....

Says the cunt accusing her of being the one that put YOUR CP THAT YOU PUT THERE ON YOUR PHONE and threatening to kidnap your kid.

Where, exactly, did she do anything to you before that?

Heebro ago

omg your so boring like I fucking care about her flabby tits you are sad ESOTERICshade got nudes of your wife so you made mean sticky while he lives rent free in your head nobody leaked anything because nobody cares zyklon b used images of a similar looking girl and the pics are from some shitty boudoir photographer site everything you say is a lie

Crensch ago

Gothamgirl is the one with flabby tits. She shared a pic of her hideous face, wearing a disgustingly low-cut top that was evidence that she's a nasty sack of adipose tissue.

ESOTERIC leaked srayzie's real pics to the mods, but somehow did not leak them to everyone else.

And even if she shared tit pics, SBBH houses literal pedophiles. What are you doing going after an adult sharing pics with an adult when you have pedos threatening to sodomize and eat children?

Gothamgirl ago

We saw pannus piggies social media accounts though.....🤣


Crensch ago

So you don't understand that the ugly cave-troll face pic you shared shows you have flappy, flabby, disgusting, saggy tits?

You really have no friends, do you?

Gothamgirl ago

No one gives a fuck what think faggot 🤣

I have many many friends.

Crensch ago

No, you don't, because if you did, they'd tell you what a disgusting sack of flab, eyebrows, and cheekbones you are.

Gothamgirl ago

Great I am glad it hurts you so much sancho 🤣

Crensch ago

Doesn't hurt me at all. Every lie you tell, and every defense of your pathetic life you tell, gives me more information about exactly how awful and empty your life must be.

You don't even have the requisite IQ to make the only winning move in your life. Hell, you don't even have the requisite IQ to know that that move is.

Gothamgirl ago

That that 🤣

Do I make you stutter, or is it just another phone issue?

Crensch ago

Aww, does it make you feel better to point out typos in someone's comments you clearly know has a better grasp of the language than you do?

How empty and awful is your life, caterpillar brows?

Gothamgirl ago

My life is spectacular so don't fool your self, wacko.

Crensch ago

Everyone knows it's not. You're so fucked in the head you think anyone believes what you can't even convince yourself is true.

Gothamgirl ago

Oh but it really is... Outside of you running off at the mouth everyday I am really really happy 😊

Crensch ago

I use that sometimes. Sometimes I type on a keyboard. Sometimes I make typos.

What I don't do is make the kind of grammatical error that suggests I don't have a firm grasp of the English language constantly.

Heebro ago

I ain't defending or going after anyone just pointing it how manic depressive you are about your micropenis. Interesting the word diahhrea out of you as result. idgaf but you are butthurt all the way to the esophagus also there is no evidence for anything you claim

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Maybe if he had a big carpet sale he would feel better?

Heebro ago

Made from the hair of aushwitz victimz

virge ago

Truth really doesn't matter when the entire world is built upon lies.

Unfortunate, but reality.

m_1 ago

Truth really doesn't matter when the entire world is built upon lies.

I'm stealing this for use IRL.

i_scream_trucks ago

when you sperg out publically often enough it goes from funny, to concern, to complete boredom.

Crensch ago

You're SBBH.

Your opinion doesn't count since you're part of a bunch of pedophiles (((shitposting))).


Everybody needs some help some time. Just last month my cousin helped me replace the muffler on my truck, nothing wrong with that.

weak_penis ago

@Crensch is a megafaggot

That said, you should definitely not seek professional "help". Its a trick to get you to out yourself to the authorities so they can red flag you.

spaceman84 ago

What's funny is that the users telling you to get help are a bunch of sperglords who spend too much time on this site too. Voat isn't even that good, and yet fags and retards will get heavily invested in these meaningless internet squabbles.


Why are you invested in the drama between users here if you don't even like voat?

spaceman84 ago

I'm not. It's simply a phenomenon that I have noticed. Internet forum regulars seem to like to be well known and get into turf disputes regularly. It's strange and pathetic.


Oh so you're not unnecessarily trying to get in the middle of some stupid voat drama by picking a side, you're just making a general statement that it seems like people on voat seem behave in a way that is typical of the way that people behave in many places on the internet. Am I understanding that right?

spaceman84 ago

Correct. I have no idea what motivates the aforementioned resident weirdos here to do what they do or why anyone cares.

Crensch ago

I fully agree. I also have some of them dead to rights as either literal pedophiles, friends of pedophiles, or teaming up with pedophiles.

They had so much power for so long here thanks to @kevdude that they could do what they wanted and shit all over anyone for any reason. They don't like having their misdeeds highlighted.

m_1 ago

Hmmmm....what could it be?