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Gothamgirl ago

Skrayzie suffers from Histrionic Personality Disorder. Why are you blaming the people she victimized?

Crensch ago

You mean the guy that asked for tit pics from her after attacking her with his alt, then "coming to her rescue" as esoteric?

The guy that manipulated and disappeared more PG researchers than anyone on this site?

Why are you defending another pedophile? I call him that because he tries to get rid of those that actually work to get rid of pedophiles.

Gothamgirl ago

Crensch youre batshit crazy, you and Q, destroyed Pizzagate research.

Crensch in your delusional world everyone's a pedophile.

You should really get treated it's called, narcissistic personality disorder.

Crensch ago

Crensch youre batshit crazy, you and Q, destroyed Pizzagate research.

Says the girl with CP on her phone and the pedophile boyfriend.

Totally gonna take you seriously.

Gothamgirl ago

So you believe you are taken seriously?

Sad your truly sick in the head.

Crensch ago

You believe you are? So far you have two usernames made specifically to attack me that defended you, and an algorithm that doesn't seem to care about everything that makes you an ugly troll, built by a guy that realizes fatties will pay more to have something tell them they're prettier than the pretty girls.

Gothamgirl ago

No I sure don't have 2 users names attacking you. You did that all by yourself buddy.

Slander, slander, slander is all you know, no one cares.

Crensch ago

Learn to read, stupid cave troll.

Gothamgirl ago

Learn to quit, LOSER.

Crensch ago

That's all you and your family ever did. Hell, your genes quit sometime around the paleolithic era.

Gothamgirl ago

Haha my family has actually rung at the bell on the NY stock exchange,

My cousin owned one of the biggest shipping companies ever in this country,

one of the nicest uppity catering companies in Connecticut,

my aunt owned the employment agency that furnished most of the employees at the world trade center

we owned many hotels, 🤣

my little cousin is the next Donald Trump of real estate in NY. He made million before his 21st birthday.

There is a street named after my uncle in NY.

My mother's side was the Fitzgerald's of Glin castle..

My father's side our family was 1 of the 23 Lord's of ostoja,


Goths, we were the Calvary in every war,

and we are direct descendents of Cyrus the great.

Every male on my dad side ending with my grandfather served in the military. My grandfather earned a purple heart during WW2

Before I retired at 32 I worked for one of the top engineering companies in the world, Arcadia, and If I wanted to, I still could.

What have you and your family done in this country? I will wait..

Crensch ago

Haha my family has actually rung the bell on the NY stock exchange,

"Ug ring bell"

Whatever you say, Missing Link.

Gothamgirl ago

No it's past tense

Crensch ago


Gothamgirl ago

We rung rang lol the bell on December 10, 2008 at 3:45

My family owned TBS shipping and Cotco

Crensch ago


Gothamgirl ago

All caps, and is that some San Fran Faggot Streetshitter slang? I am not impressed.

Crensch ago

It's paleolithic racism if you can't tell, Missing Link.

Crensch ago

Gothamgirl ago

Doxxing Srayzies daughter is wrong bird brain.

Crensch ago

That's what your face looks like, you cave troll.

Gothamgirl ago

No worries I have a pic of you.

Crensch ago

And still out of your league.

Gothamgirl ago

Basement dwellers are frowned upon, and not allowed into the league to begin with.

Crensch ago

Human basement dwellers are out of your league, whateverthefuck you are, Missing Link.

Gothamgirl ago

Your missing screws.

Crensch ago

You're missing about 100,000 years of evolution.

Gothamgirl ago

If that's your Instagram I saw, I have a hunch that you may have ate it.

Crensch ago

Don't blame your genetic failures on me.

Blame them on your taco nigger and ancestors.

Gothamgirl ago

This shit started over your taco nigger, dirty tamale, Mexicant, beaner friend, and her invader brown kids.

Just curious what kind of bullets were you thinking about using?

Crensch ago

Probably the same ones you consider using on yourself when you look in the mirror.

Gothamgirl ago

So your weren't serious about murdering Invaders?

Thank God, but your still beyond twisted.

Crensch ago

Murdering? Heavens no. They're enemy combatants. We don't call that murder. We call that self defense.

Gothamgirl ago

So after you kill invader children you would call it self defense?

Wow your truly psycho....

Ok I am done chatting with you cause I'm afraid you might snap and hurt someone, or yourself. Plus your beyond boring, and just a waste of everyone's time.

Good night, and have a great holiday.

Crensch ago

Hope you finally do it. Stare at that disgusting mug in the mirror and finally let loose.

You know everyone would be happier if you did.

Gothamgirl ago

Your not even making sense.