21839661? ago

This such a curious turn of events. Hell hath no fury like a women scorned, is that how the saying goes?

Crensch ago

I'm not the one that asked for tits, yet you refrain from attacking him.

I gotta say, that looks totally not suspicious.

ESOTERICshade ago

"srayzie is a smoke show. I could lose the game over this one."

Yep. You indeed lost the game over this one bro. Like I said, you can stop anytime you get ready.

Even in his absence, @kevdude has released the nuclear bomb against your type of wrecking ball. There is nothing left that you can do. You're done. French fried homo that you are.

Unless....just unless maybe...you want to be declared a builder. Maybe you should actually build something instead of being a parasite and a wrecking ball. You got the nutz for that?

Stand By Me | Playing For Change | Song Around The World


Crensch ago

"srayzie is a smoke show. I could lose the game over this one."

You asked for tit pics.


Even in his absence, @kevdude has released the nuclear bomb against your type of wrecking ball. There is nothing left that you can do. You're done. French fried homo that you are.

No, he didn't. He had nothing after what he already dropped.

Crensch ago

Palling around with a guy that asks for tit pics on the net? Kek.

Some "traditional wife"/"Nazi" you are.

Gothamgirl ago

Skrayzie suffers from Histrionic Personality Disorder. Why are you blaming the people she victimized?

ESOTERICshade ago

Skrayzie suffers from Histrionic Personality Disorder.

I had to look the definition of that up because I didn't know what it meant. I'm pretty sure that you are 100% correct about that.

Crensch ago

You mean the guy that asked for tit pics from her after attacking her with his alt, then "coming to her rescue" as esoteric?

The guy that manipulated and disappeared more PG researchers than anyone on this site?

Why are you defending another pedophile? I call him that because he tries to get rid of those that actually work to get rid of pedophiles.

Gothamgirl ago

Crensch youre batshit crazy, you and Q, destroyed Pizzagate research.

Crensch in your delusional world everyone's a pedophile.

You should really get treated it's called, narcissistic personality disorder.

ESOTERICshade ago

narcissistic personality disorder.

I didn't have to look that one up. I already knew what it meant. You are 100% correct. It actually goes deeper. Not only does @crensch have narcissistic personality disorder, he has "malignant personality disorder" and that is the sort of stuff Jeffrey Dahmer was made of. Crensch is a dangerous mother fucker and has fantasies of imprisoning his detractors, torturing them, and getting his "just revenge."

No way of knowing but I suspect he still lives with his mother and she enables him. About two years ago he told me that he was 19 years old. That should make him about 21 or 22 years old right now. He is unsuccessful, does very little, and relies on his parents to stay alive. He hides from the world because he has no balls to try it on his own.

At least that is my assessment of it all. Even if I am wrong on the age thing the rest of it is pretty spot on in my opinion. I hesitate to say this, but if he had the chance and the means, he would do something incredibly violent that would get him locked up in the prison system, and frankly, that might be the best thing for everybody.

Its a good damn thing this forum is an anon type thing or he would be dangerous to the people involved. I sincerely believe that.

Crensch ago

Crensch in your delusional world everyone's a pedophile.

What do you call someone that hinders the research against pedophiles?

I can't think of a better label than "pedophile" because only pedophiles help and support pedophiles.

Gothamgirl ago

I call them Crensch that's what I call them.

Crensch ago

That's because you're one of them, CP-having-on-phone cave troll.

Gothamgirl ago

Remember just yesterday, I named 3 pedos you converse with, I do.

Crensch ago

You accused others of the CP you had on your cellphone. Then you stayed with a literal pedophile because you're a disgusting cave troll, whose face should be made into a scary Halloween mask.

ESOTERICshade ago

awwww.... @gothamgirl is even offering to buy your meds. I BET SHE WOULD DO IT TOO.

go to bed crensch.

Gothamgirl ago

Ffs give it up already you know ithats not true. You were chatting it up with a pedo 2-3 days ago and defending it, Fatskat.

Crensch ago

You lived with and loved a literal pedophile, and had CP on your phone.

You have no room to talk, cave troll.

Crensch ago

Crensch youre batshit crazy, you and Q, destroyed Pizzagate research.

Says the girl with CP on her phone and the pedophile boyfriend.

Totally gonna take you seriously.

Gothamgirl ago

So you believe you are taken seriously?

Sad your truly sick in the head.

Crensch ago

You believe you are? So far you have two usernames made specifically to attack me that defended you, and an algorithm that doesn't seem to care about everything that makes you an ugly troll, built by a guy that realizes fatties will pay more to have something tell them they're prettier than the pretty girls.

Gothamgirl ago

No I sure don't have 2 users names attacking you. You did that all by yourself buddy.

Slander, slander, slander is all you know, no one cares.

Crensch ago

Learn to read, stupid cave troll.

Gothamgirl ago

Learn to quit, LOSER.

Crensch ago

That's all you and your family ever did. Hell, your genes quit sometime around the paleolithic era.

Gothamgirl ago

Haha my family has actually rung at the bell on the NY stock exchange,

My cousin owned one of the biggest shipping companies ever in this country,

one of the nicest uppity catering companies in Connecticut,

my aunt owned the employment agency that furnished most of the employees at the world trade center

we owned many hotels, 🤣

my little cousin is the next Donald Trump of real estate in NY. He made million before his 21st birthday.

There is a street named after my uncle in NY.

My mother's side was the Fitzgerald's of Glin castle..

My father's side our family was 1 of the 23 Lord's of ostoja,


Goths, we were the Calvary in every war,

and we are direct descendents of Cyrus the great.

Every male on my dad side ending with my grandfather served in the military. My grandfather earned a purple heart during WW2

Before I retired at 32 I worked for one of the top engineering companies in the world, Arcadia, and If I wanted to, I still could.

What have you and your family done in this country? I will wait..

Crensch ago

Haha my family has actually rung the bell on the NY stock exchange,

"Ug ring bell"

Whatever you say, Missing Link.

Gothamgirl ago

No it's past tense

Crensch ago


Gothamgirl ago

We rung rang lol the bell on December 10, 2008 at 3:45

My family owned TBS shipping and Cotco

Crensch ago


Gothamgirl ago

All caps, and is that some San Fran Faggot Streetshitter slang? I am not impressed.

Crensch ago

It's paleolithic racism if you can't tell, Missing Link.

Crensch ago

Gothamgirl ago

Doxxing Srayzies daughter is wrong bird brain.

Crensch ago

That's what your face looks like, you cave troll.

Gothamgirl ago

No worries I have a pic of you.


Crensch ago

And still out of your league.

Gothamgirl ago

Basement dwellers are frowned upon, and not allowed into the league to begin with.

Crensch ago

Human basement dwellers are out of your league, whateverthefuck you are, Missing Link.

Gothamgirl ago

Your missing screws.

Crensch ago

You're missing about 100,000 years of evolution.

Gothamgirl ago

If that's your Instagram I saw, I have a hunch that you may have ate it.

Crensch ago

Don't blame your genetic failures on me.

Blame them on your taco nigger and ancestors.

Gothamgirl ago

This shit started over your taco nigger, dirty tamale, Mexicant, beaner friend, and her invader brown kids.

Just curious what kind of bullets were you thinking about using?

Crensch ago

Probably the same ones you consider using on yourself when you look in the mirror.

Gothamgirl ago

So your weren't serious about murdering Invaders?

Thank God, but your still beyond twisted.

Crensch ago

Murdering? Heavens no. They're enemy combatants. We don't call that murder. We call that self defense.

Gothamgirl ago

So after you kill invader children you would call it self defense?

Wow your truly psycho....

Ok I am done chatting with you cause I'm afraid you might snap and hurt someone, or yourself. Plus your beyond boring, and just a waste of everyone's time.

Good night, and have a great holiday.

Crensch ago

Hope you finally do it. Stare at that disgusting mug in the mirror and finally let loose.

You know everyone would be happier if you did.

Crensch ago

Comment-deleting Missing Link decided to delete her comment here:


Your not even making sense.

My response:

Some part of that cro-magnon cranium of yours is letting it sink in.

Gothamgirl ago

Your not even making sense.

ESOTERICshade ago

It’s funny that he’s doing exactly what we said he would this morning.

Its pretty weird.

Crensch ago

The truth will always win out. You sound like CNN with leftist polls and Mockingbird reporting about Trump. "It's over! It's over! He can't recover!"


Crensch ago

You are so trying so hard to regain the narrative after I destroyed you.

Trigglypuff running interference for ESTOERICshade, the guy that actually begged for "more" than tit pictures from srayzie.

this is what a drowning man looks like on the internet

Why are you protecting someone that used consensus cracking and alts to try to doxx Pizzagate researchers off the site?

Is that what this is? Does SBBH really actually want to to save the pedophiles?

ESOTERICshade ago

Why do you think I told you that? I knew exactly what you would do. Do you understand that we are dictating your behavior? We determine what you do, simply by telling you things. You follow our commands like a trained donkey. You are really something to behold. If you are this willing to respond, I might just say some other shit you can further drown yourself with.

You are really something else.

Rotteuxx ago

You know how some nerdy kids cope with being bullied by escaping into imaginary lands where they are the hero ?

Voat is Crenschypoo's escape from a world where he's a little bitch.

ESOTERICshade ago

I think he must be on a meth binge or something. My brother is a meth head and I have seen shit like this before.

Or maybe this is just really him? He has always been a power hungry little turd, but now, he is a power hungry little turd on steroids. No telling what all we can get him to do from here. Sky is the limit.........

Rotteuxx ago

Sky is the limit indeed, jump into this thread of dementia if you're game.


A fellow /v/welding poster commented and instantly it was an organized effort, dude is nuts.

Crensch ago

The lot of you are riled up beyond your ability to control. Just like before when I WRECKED you in PG, and you responded on your alt - the one you used to attack users you would then come in and "save" as esotiercshade in order to get close to them.

Gothamgirl ago

No did you just wrecked Pizzagate we are still standing, bird brain

Crensch ago

Could you try English this time, guntpiggy?

Gothamgirl ago

No I speak Yankee learn it.

Crensch ago

Your "Yankee" is a lot like everyone else's "nigger": without punctuation, and missing words and context.

ESOTERICshade ago

I have a rich full life. Lots of cool toys. Lots of opportunities to do things whenever I choose. This internet shit is very superficial to me.

You are different. This internet shit is all you have in life that really means anything to you. If you ever wake up and realize what all you burned you will hate yourself a lot more than you already do.

You can stop anytime you get ready.


Crensch ago

I have a rich full life. Lots of cool toys. Lots of opportunities to do things whenever I choose. This internet shit is very superficial to me.

And yet, here you are.

You are different. This internet shit is all you have in life that really means anything to you. If you ever wake up and realize what all you burned you will hate yourself a lot more than you already do.

Constantly using ALTS to manipulate this place. But somehow I'm the one without a life... or whatever argument you're trying to make here.

You can stop anytime you get ready.

I already did. You just refuse to see it.

ESOTERICshade ago

I already did. You just refuse to see it.

If this what you call "stopping" I would hate to see what you do when you decide to "get on it" because for the last few days, at times almost nonstop, you been sperging like hell.


Crensch ago

Aww, little faggot doesn't like that he asked for more than tit pics from a PG researcher, that he then used to push her off of PG.

ESOTERICshade ago

Aww, little faggot doesn't like that he asked for more than tit pics from a PG researcher, that he then used to push her off of PG.

Believe it or not, out of respect for srayzie, since you have been dragging her name through the mud nonstop for weeks, I have declined from REPOSTING THE SEX FREAK PMs that Kevdude already posted.

Those alone blow you out of the fucking water. She herself admitted to being an aggressive internet sex freak. I saved those PMs he posted, and ain't no doubt I have a PM box full of them myself that have never been posted.

I have never done that to srayzie. What you are doing to your "friend" right now, srayzie, is beyond low dog shit. I am sure she fucking despises you for all this shit you are doing.

You never answer my question>>>>What are you hoping to gain from all this? What is your idea of a successful outcome from all this ranting you are doing? What do you want to see happen that will satisfy you?


Crensch ago

Believe it or not, out of respect for srayzie, since you have been dragging her name through the mud nonstop for weeks, I have declined from REPOSTING THE SEX FREAK PMs that Kevdude already posted.

oh, I saw some of those. Bestiality and whatnot? Having a daddy complex? Those were proved to be falsified PMs.

Was there something else?

ESOTERICshade ago

oh, I saw some of those. Bestiality and whatnot?

You are a liar. Srayzie never said anything to me about beastility, or to kevdude. Zyklon posted that bullshit as best I remember. Srayzie never said anything about beastiality. You are fucking a disgusting human being.

The PMs I am talking about that Kevdude posted, are still on Voat. If not I saved them. I still have them. I have not reposted them simply because you are sperging out. We all read them. We know they are not fake, and they say nothing about beastility. Its just her describing her internet sex life.

You are a disgusting mother fucker. Go to bed. When this meth binge ends, if it ever did, you will hate yourself.

My brother is a meth head. I know the symptoms.

Crensch ago

You are a liar. Srayzie never said anything to me about beastility, or to kevdude. Zyklon posted that bullshit as best I remember. Srayzie never said anything about beastiality. You are fucking a disgusting human being.

The PMs you're talking about, idiot. They were posted here as supposedly legit PMs. I'm sorry you don't seem to understand that, Old Man PizzaPedo, but that happened.

The PMs I am talking about that Kevdude posted, are still on Voat.

Yeah, so are the ones I'm talking about. Your point?

ESOTERICshade ago

And yet, here you are.

Yup. Laying on the couch, watching it rain periodically, and watching all my beautiful Redbirds at my bird feeders.

How bout you? You mad?

I feel sort of like this. I got my boogie shoes on because I got a full night of sleep unlike somebody else around here. Ahem.....

Walking Blues featuring Keb' Mo' | Playing For Change | Song Around The World

Crensch ago

You asked for more than tit pics in order to leverage her to stop researching what you didn't want her researching.
