22432437? ago

Oooooh that's fighting talk. From a worthless drunk.


22432431? ago

No you go fuck yourself, you reek of booze from every pore. You're a failure.


ZyklonTouchesKids ago

Hur hur gur im a "racist "with nigger kids. meth head with a low iq. hur hur trufe trufe 1990

21985173? ago

you sound like a whiny faggot judging by the voice clip of your boozy voice that is being circulated and laughed over. You're a fucking laughing stock.

Gothamgirl ago

Hello šŸ˜Š

clamhurt_legbeard ago

No. Only actual forcible physical contact.

Gothamgirl ago

He thinks everyone is a pedo, he lost his damn mind.

Gothamgirl ago

Lispy gay voice, and talking about meeting another guy in a restroom. What a fag.

Crensch ago

Nobody wants to hear your drunk ass speak, moron.

Crensch ago

Apparently you don't understand how the fecal matter in that analogy was meant to be what you had to offer, and the places you infest.

Crensch ago

"Hey man, I'm going to go shit in a latrine, and then sit in it, and wait for you to come sit with me, or you're not a real man and I win."

That's about the equivalent of what you're attempting to convey here.

You're insignificant.

Crensch ago

So much cringe.

I was never going to go on mumble to hear your drunk ramblings. That song anmanindustries made of you is everything anyone needs to know about what you have to say.

Nothing. That's what you have to say.

Crensch ago

The only reason you would ever think you won is because someone got sick of your drunk rambling and started ignoring you.

And you're just pathetic enough to actually think you'd won in that situation.

Crensch ago

i dont need to white knight nor do I, shes fucking crushing you


Then why are you here?

Also, she's failing at every turn. She had child porn on her phone, dude. Her post-hoc explanation is laughable.

Gothamgirl ago

I haven't failed at all lunatic.

Crensch ago

Pay whom zero respect?

Drunk white-knight idiot.

You could at least find a woman that has SOME redeeming quality to her to white-knight for.

Crensch ago

its funny you bring up "beta" meanwhile begging up nudes from a whore with your lispy BETA voice.

The only one that begged for nudes is @ESOTERICshade.

And since you can't even start a comment off with something factual, I really have no reason to continue reading, do I?

HoIomonic ago

You sound like a whiny gay homosexual with a persecution complex, hahahhaha! Hell I know real life homos who sound more manly than you.


HoIomonic ago

No you shut up, fattie

HoIomonic ago

Only in your deluded, booze-addled pea brain. You are living proof alcohol lowers your iq.....permanently. @Crensch

HoIomonic ago

How bout you shut up you intolerable drunk?

Saba= Sorry Ass Boozy Alcoholic


Crensch ago

she flirted with me constantly like a bary fly.... i shut it down quick, i ain't no slut

No, she didn't, and no, you didn't. You're so pathetic that you think any generally-friendly female is flirting with you. You're pathetic, and you always have been.

Gothamgirl ago

She passed around her pics like a basket of breadsticks.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You mean at are being widely passed around?

She sent me pix I didn't ask for. I believe u/HeyGeorge got some, too, though I don't know if he asked or not.

Crensch ago

You mean at are being widely passed around?

The ones that aren't her?

She sent me pix I didn't ask for.

No, she didnt.

I believe u/HeyGeorge got some, too

No, he didn't.

Crinsch ago

Why are you impersonating me? You and your SBBH buddies attacked an innocent woman all while you defended a pedo.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

No, she didn't.


It was St. Patrick's Day. She wore a dark red shawl. You mad she didn't send YOU the pix? Hahaha....


Crensch ago

Oh, you mean when she thought you were her friend and sent you a pic of her dress? She really did think of you as a friend; you and @heygeorge.

What did she do to either of you?

Ohhh, I get it, because I didn't specify "tit pics", you think you're clever suggesting that you got "pics" from her. I think we both know I was talking about tit pics here. Do I really need to be so pedantic going forward? It gets tiring specifying it all the time.

I guess so.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I assumed you were talking about the blowjob.

She never told me we stopped being friends before she quit the site. You seem upset about that.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Now you've angered the Crensch. Nobody talks smack about his (((baby))).

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Crunch is always angered.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Who woulda ever thunk he would end up like he did? kek

clamhurt_legbeard ago

They make you take a test before you can drive a car but every woman can wield a pussy.

That's kinda fucked up.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You're all a bunch of internet nerd faggots to me

Crensch ago

I assumed you were talking about the blowjob.

The one they spread around that was fake?

She never told me we stopped being friends before she quit the site. You seem upset about that.

Nah, your backhanded attack on her while people were stabbing her in the back left and right was pretty harsh.

clamhurt_legbeard ago



was pretty harsh

She never said we weren't friends, I think you're just blowing things out of proportion.

Even Srayzie herself wasn't at all upset with me.

Crensch ago

She never said we weren't friends, I think you're just blowing things out of proportion.

I don't think I'm blowing anything out of proportion. I think my reaction to (((SBBH))) blowing things out of proportion, both FOR zyklon and AGAINST srayzie is really quite mild.

Gothamgirl ago

Happy New year's Grinch!

šŸŽ‡ šŸŽ† šŸŽ‰ šŸŽŠ šŸŽ‡ šŸŽ† šŸŽ‰ šŸŽŠ

Crensch ago

Making a resolution not to admit to having CP on your phone and not supporting pedophiles so openly this year?

Gothamgirl ago

I don't do either, must suck for you to be that out of touch with reality.

Crensch ago

You did both.

I won't be paying for anything, but I will continue to tell you the truths you don't want to admit to yourself.

Gothamgirl ago

You live in a fantasy land.

Crensch ago

How's that new year's resolution going, cheekbones?

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't make one, my life is perfect, Mr./Ms. brainsick, daft, demented, disordered, distraught, dotty, insane, lunatic, mad, maniac, maniacal, mentally ill, moonstruck, off, touched, unbalanced, unsound, wrong, bonkers, cracked, daffy, gaga, loony, bananas, batty, buggy, cuckoo, fruity, loco, nuts, nutty, screwy, wacky twisted Fucktard.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectGoats submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#85949) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Gothamgirl: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

Crensch ago

You look like you've never made a resolution to do something worthwhile in your life. You could have lost weight, trimmed your eyebrows, gotten cataract surgery, taken care of your body so your hair didn't look like an 80 year old's at 45, grinded those cheekbones down, or read a book for once in your life, but clearly you've done nothing to better yourself.

Gothamgirl ago

Actually I have done alot that's worthwild in my life. For one you will never see me put my kids names, and pictures, on the GoFundMe website begging for money šŸ’° from the world wide web, especially since all these Voat Pedos were just sooooo scary and threatening. Nope not me, I am an extremely protective and nurturing parent.

Crensch ago

Kek. You think her kids are on a gofundme?

You're even stupider than you look.

Gothamgirl ago

Absolutely they are... I am looking at it right now.

Donate now


$10,000 goal

Donate now


C***** Ay*** is organizing this fundraiser.

Created July 27, 2019

Celebrations & Events

My daughter S***e is getting married to the love of her life Me.

As you know weddings can be crazy expensive.

They are being very moderate and doing so many things themselves. God is blessing them with so many people helping a little here and there.

It is so amazing to see. As parents we want to do all we can to help out.

If God puts it on your heart to help pay for their wedding I thank you as every dollar helps.

Thank you for considering helping and God bless you.

And it hooks right onto a Facebook account, which contains pics of her husband, her her children, and oh she really is a fucking whale....

Crensch ago


No matter what you say, that pic she dedicated to you is not a myspace angle, and she weighs less than you based on that alone. Also, her face isn't fat like yours.

Do you understand that you're hideous, yet? That you're currently fatter than she is, no matter what she may have once been?

Your face is a moonface. Meaning the excess fat you have on your body needed more than just a little area around the waist to settle in, so it settled on your disgusting featureless-besides-massive-cheekbones face.

Gothamgirl ago

You sound pretty much like a child playing Roblox or Minecraft or something. Do you believe your effective at all? šŸ¤£

David Brock should fire you.

Crensch ago

You sound like a jealous fat hog that couldn't have competed with srayzie even if she was fat like you.

You're disgusting inside and out. There's really no way around it, despite your continued efforts to build yourself up. We all know your life is shattered every time you look in the mirror.

Gothamgirl ago

The perfect face is a Dodecahedron, ass, Hollyweirds standards don't mean anything to me, and neither do you. I am very comfortable which who I am.

God made me, and saved me more then once.

Crensch ago

The perfect face is a Dodecahedron, ass, Hollyweirds standards don't mean anything to me, and neither do you. I am very comfortable with who I am.

It's got nothing to do with Hollywood, you disgusting cave troll. It has everything to do with what gets a man hard without a bottle of viagra. And you don't have it.

God made me, and saved me more then once.

No, pretty sure you crawled out of some shithole country of subhumans that weren't actually saved/made by him, if you want to take the bible as literally as possible.

Gothamgirl ago

Do the voices in your head let you know you speak for all men? I can assure you, you don't. Secondly, you are way way off...

I am full blooded Aryan, chicobeanersloppysecondswannabe.

Crensch ago

Do the voices in your head let you know you speak for all men? I can assure you, you don't.

I can assure you, no man finds you attractive that isn't a thirsty beta that just wants a wet hole to pat him on the head and tell him "good boy". Even they would drop you like the disgusting sack of potatoes you are for a 2/10 if they had the chance.

I am full blooded Aryan, chicobeanersloppysecondswannabe.

I'm sure that's what you want me to think, but your IQ is subhuman, and your face suggests your genetics stopped long before the crucifixion.

Crensch ago

Long before the crucifixion.

Gothamgirl ago

Well this is 2020, and women still get stoned to death for cheating in some countries, does that explain skrayzies face?

Crensch ago

Well this is 2020, and women still get stoned to death for cheating in some countries, does that explain skrayzies face?

Nice try, but despite what your pedo SBBH buddies, your beta orbiter, and an algorithm that doesn't see caterpillar eyebrows, and a completely horrendous "social media" app that supposedly matched you to 700 suitors in 24h, you're hideous, and there's nothing to suggest there's anything wrong with her face.

Why did you laugh above about Srayzies kids pics still being on the internet? Do you want her targeted by your fake made up pedo group?

Because they're not, cave troll.

Gothamgirl ago

No one cares what you think faggot. Oh yes her kids pics are on the internet, just Google her husbands name. I am telling you since you strangely think a bunch pedo's are after them. If they're still up after today then everyone will now how full of shit you and her really are.

If I was a pedo, or a sick individual I wouldn't tell you and I could easily make memes and make those SUBHUMANS go viral.

If Srayzie is such a sex addict why is she so obese? Sex is a fat burner, so is that just another lie?

Crensch ago

SECOND ROUND @puttitout and @cynabuns!

This user is threatening "seconds" of posting more doxxing information on her innocent victim in blatant violation of User Agreement Rules:

Keep Everyone Safe:

You agree to not intentionally jeopardize the health and safety of others or yourself.

Since the victim in question has had her and her family's lives threatened by this doxxer's violent convict boyfriend.

Keep Personal Information Off Voat:

You agree to not post anyone's sensitive personal information that relates to that person's real world or online identity.

Since this is more information about a previously-doxxed victim that was not shared here in any way.

Here's an archive just in case the to-be-banned decides to try to cover her tracks.

Gothamgirl ago

You put my pic of my whole face on on here first and I have already asked for you to be banned days ago. She isn't a Voat user she quit...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Actually, she reaffirmed our friendship and was glad to have me on her side.

Any negativity is in your head. She has no problem with me.

Crensch ago

Yeah, hoping you had some humanity left in you unlike almost literally every other shitposter here, but never knowing when or if you'd backhand her again for standing up for herself.

Whatever friendship she thought she had with you was betrayed in that comment; I don't blame her.

I was the one that still had no problem with you at that point. I was wrong, of course, but it was her idea to have you removed as [D], while I thought you were harmless there and wanted to see what you'd do.

I even hoped for a short stint that your 'soapdox' vs 'soapbox' would hold some water, but you're certainly friendly with those that teamed up with zyklon to actively attack her.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hmm, you seem very confused. She never had any problem with me, even to this day, and you've produced zero evidence otherwise.

Soapbox vs soapdox? They're is no soapbox vs soapdox. We're all just a group of friends.

You're pathetic. You're talking about some chick from last year who didn't even give you a blowjob.

Crensch ago

Hmm, you seem very confused. She never had any problem with me, even to this day, and you've produced zero evidence otherwise.

Yeah, I only produce evidence for most of my claims, not all of them. But someone that produces zero evidence for their claims? No reason to disbelieve them!

I'm not wrong.

Soapbox vs soapdox? They're is no soapbox vs soapdox. We're all just a group of friends.

Yeah, I can see that.

You're pathetic. You're talking about some chick from last year who didn't even give you a blowjob.

You're pathetic. You're friends with the kind of people that celebrate, like, and team up with a pedophile.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I raped a chick once. It was fun. She was eventually into it.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

kek are you gonna let Crensch talk to you like that?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Dude, I encourage it. It's hilarious.

Crensch ago

I raped a chick once. It was fun. She was eventually into it.

That's what I figured.

21941031? ago


Crinsch ago

Stop lying on her. It is unforgivable. She wouldn't send photos to a lowly faggot like you. I'm a real man and she only sends the real photos to me. You are a pedo defender and I will never forgive you.

heygeorge ago

lol of course I got pictures. I donā€™t specifically recall that one, but I probably got it, too.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

pix of one of her daughters too

heygeorge ago

I did not ask for pix, but I did receive some.

I was asked to share pix. I wager if someone hadnā€™t shared compromising photos with her, they would be behaving the way they are.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yeah, that's what I figured. She was sending stuff to groups.

I'm married, I don't need to see some blowjob. Most she could get is asking my wife's permission to give me a double blowjob, haha.

heygeorge ago

Only one away from a triple blowjob!

clamhurt_legbeard ago


three people is the sweet spot

four people become pairs of two very easily

Gothamgirl ago

Actually she tried to send them to others as well.

Crensch ago

The kevdude thing has been hashed over, but nice try.

Gothamgirl ago

Wasn't talking about Kevdude, don't even really know him. Jeez you're such a gaslighting, head case..

Crensch ago

Yeah, you do. You went out of your way to defend him when we knew he was the one that doxxed srayzie's name and other information that ultimately led to her getting fully doxxed.

Gothamgirl ago

Not true. The dox came from the fatskat.


This is my only conversations with kevdude ever... This was after I made memes making fun of him for white knighting for Skrayzie on BTA, and I told all of you I hacked her messages.



Crensch ago

Yeah, you lied to me about hacking her, then you lied to me about her giving them to you. Kevdude gave them to you, and Kat got her info from kevdude.

Gothamgirl ago

Well that's not what I heard so I know nothing about that. I was told it was someone else but whatever makes no difference to me.

Gothamgirl ago

No I joked about hacking her you guys knew I didn't.

ESOTERICshade ago

Why do you care? Since you are such a badass builder why don't you just go quickly go build the most badass sub on Voat? Do it!

Crensch ago

Why do you care? Since you are such a badass builder why don't you just go quickly go build the most badass sub on Voat? Do it!

Aww, is the little "my life is great but I begged for more than tit pics from a married woman" faggot butthurt?

ESOTERICshade ago

Why do you care? Since you are such a badass builder why don't you just go quickly go build the most badass sub on Voat? Do it!

ESOTERICshade ago

The only pics proven to have come from srayzie were sent to ESOTERICshade,

The pics that have NEVER shown up on Voat or anywhere else to my knowledge. That means I didn't share. Whats wrong? You wanna see em?

Nope. Not happening. Try again jew faggot.

Crensch ago

The pics that have NEVER shown up on Voat or anywhere else to my knowledge. That means I didn't share. Whats wrong? You wanna see em?

The narrative of your SBBH buddies is that she sent them to everyone.

She sent them to you, and then to call kevdude's bluff, sent them to him after you sent them to us.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't even know what all that means. Ya know, crensch, sometimes people are born that should have been a miscarriage. You are one of those people. You don't have a soul. You are what is known as a "ghoul" and in the old days they used drown children like you when they figured out the person had no soul. Go to a river, tie a big rock around your neck, and jump from a bridge. You will be a lot happier.

Crensch ago

I know you don't, because your mind is Jewish, just like the rest of you.

Jews are low IQ, overemotional subhuman parasites. Enjoy.

ESOTERICshade ago

The only pics proven to have come from srayzie were sent to ESOTERICshade, who asked for them and clearly wanted them

I see that you didn't ping me you faggot. That is because you can't prove a fucking thing you say. Somebody pinged me to this. Yes she told me that she would show me her titties. Yes I asked to see those titties.

What else ya got? I like titties. At least they didn't drive me over the edge. You have lost your fucking mind.

I will ask you one more time>>> What is your idea of a successful conclusion to all this bullshit. What do you need to happen for you to feel like you win? What are you looking for from all this sperg shit posting hell you do?

Crensch ago

I see that you didn't ping me you faggot.

You show up anyway since you stalk my comments. Nice try on twistedmac. I didn't forget who he was.

That is because you can't prove a fucking thing you say. Somebody pinged me to this. Yes she told me that she would show me her titties. Yes I asked to see those titties.

And you knew she was married. According to the SBBH trolls here, that makes you a sick fuck. But now that you've admitted to doing what they've been accusing me of and attacking me for for months, it's nothing but crickets. Fancy that.

What else ya got? I like titties. At least they didn't drive me over the edge. You have lost your fucking mind.

You never had one. After a very small amount of time I was able to get you to fuck up so badly that you lost any legitimacy you could ever have with all of PG.

I will ask you one more time>>> What is your idea of a successful conclusion to all this bullshit. What do you need to happen for you to feel like you win? What are you looking for from all this sperg shit posting hell you do?

You'll find out when it happens. Enjoy the show, Mr. "I have a great life" but you need to see married-woman titties.


ESOTERICshade ago

You never had one.

I saw a tittie one time. I sorta like it. It was ok.

You'll find out when it happens. Enjoy the show,

Damn. You sound dangerous. What you gonna do? You gonna get a gun and hurt people? You should get a mental health check. You are losing that last grip on sanity.

I will ask you one more time>>> What is your idea of a successful conclusion to all this bullshit. What do you need to happen for you to feel like you win? What are you looking for from all this sperg shit posting hell you do?

twistedmac11 ago

Umm but didn't we see a PM from srayzie to kevdude where, upon discovering he hadn't looked at her tit pic when it was previously sent, she sent it again for him to see? And if ES supposedly leaked the picture, wouldn't srayzie be upset over them leaking, instead of wanting to be sure who ever received the picture actually looked?

Gothamgirl ago

She tried to send it to others as well.

Vindicator ago

Well twistedmac, you might want to research how people cope with childhood sexual abuse. Not all people turn celibate afterward. Some cope by accommodating their abusers, which creates a lifelong pattern that is very difficult to overcome. Branding such a person as a whore is a profound act of evil in it's own right; it repeats the denigration and shaming they were inculcated with by their abuser when they were too young to resist.

Srayzie was distraught over the pics being sent to us. She was very proud of having built a sub of her own, the first leadership role she had ever been in in her life. She was devastated to have her humiliating dalliance with ES known by the three of us, whose respect she prized. She did what she'd been trained to do as a child: give the men "what men want".

This filled me with gut-wrenching sadness, to see such a vibrant, friendly person brought so low.

Pizzagate is real.

So I told her she was beautiful and that the Lord loves her and that nothing they could reveal about her past would ever change that or make me toss her out like trash. That's what friends do for each other, at least where I come from. And she was my friend. She defended me on numerous occasions, which brought heat down on herself. She had a lot of courage.

800,000 kids go missing every year. That's 800,000 broken little ones, many of whom grow up to be adults with serious maladaptations. ES exploited it. So did Kevdude. @Gothamgirl and Zyklon and their pack of thugs lead a destruction campaign that involved threats against her children and telling her to kill herself. It was obscene.

So no. @Crensch and I will not "get over it". We saw what Voat was really made of.

Anyone who pigpiled on has no business investigating pizzagate because they are hypocritical liars.

ESOTERICshade ago

@Gothamgirl and Zyklon and their pack of thugs lead a destruction campaign that involved threats against her children and telling her to kill herself. It was obscene.

srayzie should have left them alone. Instead she hounded them RELENTLESSLY. And then she got fired on by Zyklon and he was playing for keeps. She brought all that on herself. Its alllllllll in the history. She should have ran her sub, minded her own business, but she didn't.

Vindicator ago

As I said, srayzie was a highly courageous woman. She was willing to fight for what she loved -- not just her own little patch of grass. I watched her put her own relationship capital with old goats on the line for the sake of QAnon and Q researchers in QRV -- despite being smeared regularly by them. She had the balls to ask the trolls to be civil for the sake of Draining the Swamp, which is precisely when they decided she had to be cut from the goat flock and culled. As I said, Voat showed it's true colors.

While I miss srayzie, I am glad she didn't compromise and bow to your "mind your own business" limited hangout scheme. She died a fiery death, but she went down fighting and exposed just where people stand on this platform. ProtectVoat was gutted. Kev was exposed. TWOS lost all the credibility he so carefully cultivated. If you had called them out and owned up to your role, you might have actually rehabbed your pathetic account. Too bad. :-) You'll never, ever get back the influence you once had.

ESOTERICshade ago

I agree with everything you just said. I watched it all and I encouraged and helped her. You are missing a few parts of the story.

She died a fiery death,

Yes she did. She lit her own matches with her own hubris. I was proud of her. Even though I didn't agree about Qanon, I encouraged her because that sub made her feel good about her self. I sent her LOTS of material to post in that sub that she actually posted and she thanked me for giving it to her. You just don't really understand this shit like I do because I lived it.

Draining the Swamp

You will no longer believe that in a few years. I have tried to teach you guys that Trump is FILLING this swamp and so far I have been right about it. Barr? Are you kidding me? Do you understand who he is and what his background is? I teach this relentlessly and yall don't listen to me. After Trump's eight year term is done we will be trapped worse than ever. If you can't see this playing out in front of your eyes it ain't my fault.

ProtectVoat was gutted. Kev was exposed.

No. Putt went missing in action, @crensch smelled blood, and knew he would face no consequences for his actions. If you want to be associated with what crensch has become, have at it. I cannot imagine in a million years why you would even associate with that fucker, but so be it.

TWOS lost all the credibility he so carefully cultivated. If you had called them out and owned up to your role, you might have actually rehabbed your pathetic account. Too bad. :-) You'll never, ever get back the influence you once had.

I have nothing to do with with TWOS. All his writings were to internet technical I barely read them. He knew about some archives of ip addresses or something like that and it does not interest me. The shit you believe always buggers my mind because you are capable of learning more, dude.

Crensch ago

srayzie should have left them alone. Instead she hounded them RELENTLESSLY. And then she got fired on by Zyklon and he was playing for keeps. She brought all that on herself. Its alllllllll in the history. She should have ran her sub, minded her own business, but she didn't.

Typical blame the victim mentality of these sick fucks.

Gothamgirl ago

If it wasn't us it would've been someone else, she and Shizy were often nasty to others.

ESOTERICshade ago

I can already tell you what will happen next. As desperate as @crensch is, he will start posting private messages that srayzie gave him. I am gonna admit to every one of them. Then he will be done. Finished.

Crensch ago

You really are fantastically stupid, aren't you?

That's nowhere near happening. I have a dump file she left with me of more screenshots and links than I could ever hope to go through. But here's a hint:

I don't need any of that to wreck you and everyone else on this site. It's happening right now, and some part of you knows it.

ESOTERICshade ago

You really are fantastically stupid, aren't you?

Yes. I just realized that I am a moron. Please help me. Teach me the real wisdom. I want to learn. Lets start NOW ok?

That's nowhere near happening. I have a dump file she left with me of more screenshots and links than I could ever hope to go through. But here's a hint:

Fuck that. Lets crack that easter egg open.

I don't need any of that to wreck you and everyone else on this site. It's happening right now, and some part of you knows it.

That aint no joke. I feel wrecked as hell. Did you do this?

Crensch ago

@Vindicator check out this cuck, trying to play troll games now that he's gotten his shit fully wrecked.

ESOTERICshade ago

now that he's gotten his shit fully wrecked.

Ain't no joke. I am on my damn knees begging for relief. Please, please, master, let me go. I just cansts be standn this no mo massa. Please, please lemme go...

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Did you bow on one knee before posting your comment to him? I do. I'm just a worthless, low IQ, mentally ill Goat.

ESOTERICshade ago

Did you bow on one knee before posting your comment to him? I do. I'm just a worthless, low IQ, mentally ill Goat.

Absolutely yes I do. You made me realize that he has the power of the Hammer Of Thor. Last thing I need is for him to strike me down like the peasant that I am.

ESOTERICshade ago

ES exploited it. So did Kevdude.

You fell down again. She WANTED to be seen as a victim, and she orchestrated it all on her own. Your sad song about her is hollow is as hell. If I had wanted to hurt her, I had better avenues than sending YOU her picture. Get real bro. You got played by a pro. This is not complicated.

ESOTERICshade ago

She was devastated to have her humiliating dalliance with ES known by the three of us, whose respect she prized.

You were doing good up until that point, then you fell down. She NEEDS to be a victim, and she made herself one, or so she thought. But she failed on that one.

Gothamgirl ago

You had no issues when they turned to zyklon for information on me and went after my kids, on Pizzagate..

And actually, I do still investigate Pizzagate on other websites, and also here. You don't own Pizzagate research. You let your sub totally go to shit, because of the Srayzie and Crensch shit show. She is a con artist, and you have been hoodwinked.

Vindicator ago

From everything I saw, GG, you started it by claiming all kinds of bullshit about her putting CP on your phone. I kept all of that drama of pizzagate, other than where you decided to defend Esoteric the vote brigader in the warning submission Crensch put up.

I've never seen a shred of evidence that srayzie was a "con artist". Not once. If you got it, post it.

Gothamgirl ago

Well then you missed alot, cause that's not where the problem started. I apologized for the error, and never accused her of it again.

Both I and srayzie have been posting the story for 2 years. I am not on your sub anymore, and I am not going to rehatch much of this crap again.

I stuck up for esoteric because Esoteric took the time to teach me many many things, so I didn't believe Crensch's posts about anything, nor did I really follow much of the rants.

She is a con artist! She tried to set me up with a married man! Then she pretended to be my friend and tried to get with zyklon! She made false accusations against me, Flynnl1ve5, and Jem777 calling us all Sarah and on and on and on. Every week was a new head game. She wanted me to snap. I have posted it, she has posted it, and I am not digging back 2 years to find it all again.

ESOTERICshade ago

I've never seen a shred of evidence that srayzie was a "con artist". Not once. If you got it, post it.

You probably shouldn't be that bold bro....just sayin...

Crensch ago

You had no issues when they turned to zyklon for information on me and went after my kids, on Pizzagate..

You're a sick fuck that accused srayzie of putting CP on your phone. Then you got with the guy that doxxed you, and more importantly DOXXED YOUR KIDS AND PINGED OTHER PEDOS TO THEM. You're beyond broken, and not because anyone raped you when you were young. You're too ugly for that.

And actually, I do still investigate Pizzagate on other websites, and also here. You don't own Pizzagate research. You let your sub totally go to shit, because of the Srayzie and Crensch shit show. She is a con artist, and you have been hoodwinked.

Literal pedo lived with you and you stayed with him throughout. AND you had CP on your phone before that.

Your backpedaling explanation of your phone doesn't cut it, cave troll.

Gothamgirl ago

Your mentally disturbed schitzo friend was playing mind games with everyone. She doesn't get a free pass to do whatever to whoever, just for being raped.

She was accused because of her actions.

Then she turned to someone who did dox me, who said horrible things about my kids, even called for pedos, and she joined in, and so did you, and Shizy.

He is not a pedo, he has Asperger's. Why is her issues any more important then anyone elses?

You don't know what happened to me in my past at all, so you can fuck right off.

Crensch ago

Then she turned to someone who did dox a past address, who said horrible things about my kids, even called for pedos, and she joined in, and so did you, and Shizy. Then you people used that info and posted everything your could get your hands on.

YOU chose to get with HIM making HIS actions SANCTIONED by YOU. And when HE started THREATENING to RAPE AND MURDER their children, SOME PEOPLE got a little UPSET.

Who wanted to be the victim?

He is not a pedo, he has Asperger's.

Defending him some more. He's a pedophile. So are you, since your explanation of the CP on your phone is godawful.

You don't know what happened to me in my past at all, so you can fuck right off. All you know how to do is slander and go after peoples kids with disgusting insults.

I know that you were never cute, or adorable, or anything. I bet you looked like a fucking troll out of the womb. Ugly like that doesn't wait until puberty to manifest. You're inhumanly hideous.

Gothamgirl ago

Someone should sign you into mental ward asap.

Crensch ago

Why, because you don't like it when someone types out the truth, and your cataracts have to work overtime to try to keep you from seeing it?

ESOTERICshade ago

He don't understand how dumb he is. The pics srayzie sent me have NEVER shown up on Voat. Ever. So what is his point? I think he is non a meth binge, or something.

ESOTERICshade ago

And if ES supposedly leaked the picture, wouldn't srayzie be upset over them leaking, instead of wanting to be sure who ever received the picture actually looked?

You just cut a diamond. Not only was she NOT upset, she was determined to send it to Kevdude again, because she wanted to play internet sex games with Kev.

Kevdude said "NOPE, DENIED" because Kevdude is a standup dude and he has a girlfriend and Kev was not interested in playing sex games with srayzie.

twistedmac11 ago

The typical response to someone leaking your nude pics is to be pissed, not resend them in order to make sure everyone saw them. That makes it more likely to me that srayzie either leaked them herself or was involved in the plan to leak them. Notice how crensch doesn't respond to what I said, just spins the narrative in another direction. Caught outright in a lie, tsk tsk. @Rotteuxx another one for the books

heygeorge ago

[Redacted sensitive info]

twistedmac11 ago

As interesting as that would be, that was @esotericshade, who deleted his account a few days ago.

Oooooh goodie, what lie did he tell this time? I see you redacted...pm if that's better.

heygeorge ago

Iā€™m saving all of the information for multiple takedown subverses and a MEGATHREAD!


Just kidding, Iā€™m not an incel

Rotteuxx ago

[Still caught it]

ESOTERICshade ago

crensch is on a scorched earth mission. He wants to destroy everyting he cannot control. He used to think he had some influence and control around here. He has suddenly come to the conclusion that he has control of nothing. He is pissed, and he wants to destroy shit. How this will end I have no idea. He needs to be site wide banned by @atko or @puttitiout or somebody that can knock him off the list.

Crensch ago


Watch that not happen.

Rotteuxx ago

Crenschy is sure to sleep well tonight, all that energy spent fighting windmills & trolls today should've tired her out.

ESOTERICshade ago

Crenschy is sure to sleep well tonight, all that energy spent fighting windmills & trolls today should've tired her out.

Depends on how much money he suckered his mamma out of for meth. How much meth does he have left? I dunno. Who knows?

Rotteuxx ago

Nah, just that she loves drama & argues like one.

Crensch ago

Oh yeah, from "stoic" kevdude who both deleted them without looking, and deleted them because he believes it to be cheating on his IRL girlfriend.

Thanks for piping up, ESOTERIC. I'm sure begging for "more than" tit pics from a married woman was just SO awesome of you that nobody on this site would ever attack you for it!

Nah, they'll attack me for it despite never having any reason to believe I did such a thing.

Many keks.

twistedmac11 ago

Again, not ES. And way to dance your way around what I said without actually responding to it. You're losing your touch.

Crensch ago

Yet you always show up to defend him. Every time.

Every. Single. Time.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yet you always show up to defend him. Every time.

Every. Single. Time.

Twistedmac and dozens of other people, because they are smart enough to see through your bullshit. This shit ain't complicated. You Alinsky fucker you, you have met your match with these Goats. They see your nose. They know.

Crensch ago

Twistedmac and dozens of other people

Nope. Just him, the occasional cunt, @carmencita, your own alts, and SBBH until just very recently now that you've taken their favourite attack on me and ruined it.

ESOTERICshade ago

fuck off nigger. I won't waste my time on you.

Crensch ago

Already have. And you will again, especially since I call @carmencita a fucking shill-validating cunt.

ESOTERICshade ago

Already have. And you will again, especially since I call @carmencita a fucking shill-validating cunt.

So now you want to drag her into this? You need to be banned. Site wide banned.

Crensch ago

Told you. You're a liar. You've done this before, and you can't stand that I know that @carmencita is a cunt that will validate any horseshit you and your alts happen to present to PG. It can be the most nigger-tier shit and she'll heap praises on you like there's no tomorrow.

twistedmac11 ago

Every time, huh? @esotericshade apparently I show up to defend you. Every. Single. Time. Did you know?

ESOTERICshade ago

Every time, huh? @esotericshade apparently I show up to defend you. Every. Single. Time. Did you know?

What you are watching are known as "Alinsky" tactics. Crensch has always done this. What he don't realize is that he is in a haven of folks that recognize these tactics. That is why he is drowning. Don't let it get you down. Just keep calling him out on it. He has NO power.

twistedmac11 ago

He's spinning out, that's for sure. It's like one of those disasters you can't look away from. I'm partly intrigued, partly annoyed.

ESOTERICshade ago

He's spinning out, that's for sure. It's like one of those disasters you can't look away from. I'm partly intrigued, partly annoyed.

No joke. The more I watch this, the more I think he probably talked srayzie into every bad decision she made. He is an evil fucker. I only have two ideas about this:

  1. Its a meth binge
  2. After Putt stepped out, and somebody bought this site, crensch is getting paid to tear this whole place down. One thing is for sure. crensch is using the Alinsky playbook and he does not care who he has to drag into his web. He is an evil fuck.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator just FYI, if either one of these usernames gets banned, another proof that they're the same user.

ESOTERICshade ago

@Vindicator just FYI, if either one of these usernames gets banned, another proof that they're the same user.

Vindicator is a lot smarter than you. I bet he is cringing in his boots that you even invoke his name. I disagree with Vindicator on the Q thing but he is head and shoulders above your ass.

Vindicator ago

ES, you must go through a lot of pairs of pants, with all the time you spend on your knees with your mouth full.

For the record, there is zero bad blood between @Crensch and me. He stepped down from v/pizzagate in a very generous act because he was concerned users were scared of posting -- thanks to his disciplinary measures against YOU. You are scum.

Unlike you, a proven liar and manipulator, Crensch is up front, tells it straight and stands by those he believes deserve it and is unrelenting with those who have proven themselves to be human excrement.

I notice Kevdude could not withstand close scrutiny. And he was actually respected by many. Why are you still here?

Crensch ago

Vindicator is a lot smarter than you.

You say this about whichever mod you feel like buttering up to at the time. YOu've said that about think, about srayzie, and you've disparaged the others as you did that.

Nobody believes your game, and your masters are paying you WAY too much to do what little you do.

ESOTERICshade ago

AND, why do you want to drag @think- and @vindicator into this crazy nonstop rant of yours? Are you now trying to destroy PG?

I wil ask you again>>> What do you want? What do you need for you to stop this craziness? What will it take for you to feel like you won? What are you expecting to come from all this?

You refuse to answer that question. Because you can't, because the devil never wants a good outcome. You are the fucking devil

Crensch ago

Think- doesn't want any part of this. The last time she pinged me somewhere I finally banned that wannabe-ESTOERICshade faggot NOMOCHOMO. Then I waited a while and pushed kevdude over the edge, with some help from a couple other users.

You know what's coming, don't you?


@Vindicator sanctions estro-mods

ESOTERICshade ago

Think- doesn't want any part of this.

No shit and I don't blame her. Nobody wants to be part of your bullshit. But if you are gonna keep using her name you should ping her like @think-

The last time she pinged me somewhere I finally banned that wannabe-ESTOERICshade faggot NOMOCHOMO.

Coward. If you wanna accuse @nomochomo of being me, you should ping him just like I did.

Then I waited a while and pushed kevdude over the edge

Kevdude is a real man. He is laughing at your ass. I can guarantee you that.

You know what's coming, don't you?

Its already here. Your brain imploded upon itself. When you start publishing people's private messages, like I know you will, you will then have gone into never never land and you will be completely busted out of anything you thought was of value. Fire away mother fucker, shoot yourself in the face. I can't wait.

Crensch ago

I'm not pinging her because I know she doesn't want pinged, moron.

I'm not pinging nomochomo because he never says anything of substance. The character you wrote for him is 2-D and boring.

Kevdude is a real man. He is laughing at your ass. I can guarantee you that.

He's just your style, vote manipulation, brigading, working with Reddit shadow cabal, backstabbing friends, and absolutely morally bankrupt.

Its already here. Your brain imploded upon itself. When you start publishing people's private messages, like I know you will, you will then have gone into never never land and you will be completely busted out of anything you thought was of value. Fire away mother fucker, shoot yourself in the face. I can't wait.

I don't even have to. You're too stupid to see that I'm wrecking everyone here without needing any crutch you seem to think I need.

The lot of you can't even hold a conversation without letting slip something you'd rather didn't. Something incriminating. Something that shows you to be an absolute piece of shit.

Entertaining, really.


I'm not pinging nomochomo because he never says anything of substance. The character you wrote for him is 2-D and boring.


I finally banned that wannabe-ESTOERICshade faggot NOMOCHOMO.

<;] Entertaining, really.

Crensch ago

You're in great company.


you lead the eleqhant train

Crensch ago

Thanks, Mr.Miyagi.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't even have to. You're too stupid to see that I'm wrecking everyone here without needing any crutch you seem to think I need.

The lot of you can't even hold a conversation without letting slip something you'd rather didn't. Something incriminating. Something that shows you to be an absolute piece of shit.

Entertaining, really.

Wow. I just got redpilled as fuck. I had no idea you were that far above us peasants. I guess I know my place now. Let me scamper back under my bed because i'm fraid as fuck of you now.

Crensch ago

Wow. I just got redpilled as fuck. I had no idea you were that far above us peasants.

Dunning-Kruger in full effect. Sarcasm noted, humor lacking.

I guess I know my place now. Let me scamper back under my bed because i'm fraid as fuck of you now.

Well, it's happened to you a few times now, and you've not learned from it at all. I'd call that nigger-tier, myself. Humans learn from their mistakes.

ESOTERICshade ago

Ok master. Teach me more. I'm on my knees begging for your imperial knowledge.

Crensch ago

Nah, you were on your knees for @Vindicator.

IQ is genetic. There's no helping you. You know how to remedy it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Nah, you were on your knees for @Vindicator.

IQ is genetic. There's no helping you. You know how to remedy it.

I communicate with @vindicator differently than I do with you because I still have a certain amount of respect for Vindicator because Vindicator has a soul and he means well.

You though, crench, shoud have been aborted at birth. Every now and then a piece of flesh slips into this world without a soul and you are it. In the old days your parents would have drowned you at about four years old.

ESOTERICshade ago

You say this about whichever mod you feel like buttering up to at the time.

Nope. I think @vindicator might actually have a soul. You, crensch, have no fucking soul. You are the devil.

YOu've said that about think

Yes I have. I will say it again. In my opinon @think- is a very smart peson and a good soul. I have TONS of respect for think

Nobody believes your game, and your masters are paying you WAY too much to do what little you do.

I would say that is probably projection on your part. I don't sit on the internet all day making threads about other Voat users and creating havoc. But YOU do. I suspect you are either getting paid or doing meth. The fact that you are throwing srayzie under the bus leads me to believe you might be getting paid.

twistedmac11 ago

Lol "proof". Okay. Banned from where? For what?

Diggernicks ago

Post dem tits or fuck the fuck off with your e drama.