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Gothamgirl ago

You believe anything 🤣😂 glad I wasted your energy super cuck.

ESOTERICshade ago

Well i'll be damned. that account @clamhurtshosewater is the same account srayzie used to send nude pics of herself to @kevdude, @vindicator, and @crensch, and then blamed it on me. That shit was nine months ago and I never knew it until recently. She had them believing I did that in attempt to get her demodded, which is stupid as fuck because it wouldn't have been enough to get her demodded anyway and a retard knows that.

followthemoney ago

@shewhomustbeobeyed notice that your main reason for hating ES was manufactured.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Dear webby,

My distrust of @ESOTERICshade has nothing to do with this current drama. I do not trust him because I have read his words, from the beginning and consider him to be a predator.

I value telling as much truth as humanly possible without putting others in jeopardy. He like to lie and self-aggrandize.

The only thing that ES has going for is I have mistrusted @srayzie for a longer period of time.

I do not hate him. I would never consent to be alone in a room with him. -

If you tell me that you do trust him. You and I are through.

followthemoney ago

Copy that. I don't trust anyone on the Internet and I'm definitely not asking you to. But, I also don't consider ES to be a shill or worthy of yet another sticky at /v/pizzagate and I am increasingly being made aware of a higher order of dishonesty on the part of certain moderators. That being said, reverse abuse is a thing and while I disagree with how ES chooses to handle it, domestic violence is not something most people react to appropriately without therapy, facing the legal system and or a lot of research. Leaving is almost always the answer to escalating conflict in the home, but, after years of working helping victims of domestic violence in the court system, I will say that virtually no one prepares themselves for the moment they realize they are in an abusive situation.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Everybody wants that fucking sticky gone. We have no voice in the decision, must learn to accept and move on.

ES is not a shill that I can tell, he is a liar, manipulator, predator and uses alts to try to form a false narrative instead of using logic and truth to win others to his position. I'm not interested in 'Blah, Blah, Blah' explanations that took him much to long to concoct to be believable. He lies.

You can take your domestic violence platitudes and stuff them. Some men raise their daughters to gut and filet any man who dares try and hit them. All girls should be given this training in grade school. Fathers that don't, are shameful.

And in case you haven't been paying attention, mental health professionals are chin deep in all the fuckery going on. wake up.

followthemoney ago

Ultimately, I am trying to highlight the concerted effort at manipulation. ES is being used as a pawn and it could have been any number of people they chose. For whatever reason, ES is an easy target, but it could have been anyone. It could have been me... or you. The billboard on the sub is to advertise fake credibility that they actually care about shills which would only be necessary for a shill to do. That is the purpose. It has nothing to do with ES, specifically.

As for domestic violence, I'm glad that you have been raised well, but the truth is domestic violence is an ugly thing to have to deal with. For someone to end up in a violent relationship, it means both partners have generally been subject to abuse by parents and have no conflict resolution skills. In fact, the smarter a person is, the less likely they are to resort to violence, but, even then, it still doesn't occur to most people to just walk away. Many people feel a need to be "right" over ending a conflict with no resolution by walking away.

Despite what is on the movies and television, the truth is most women do not stand a chance against a man determined to be violent. More often than people think, domestic violence is "mutual combat" and precisely because women do not stand a chance after instigating violence, they are widely considered the victims because, statistically, they are going to be harmed.

In my dealings with helping victims of domestic violence, I have had to learn to be discerning between cry bullies and genuine victims. Women are a lot more likely to initiate violence than society is generally led to believe, but because they are more likely to be injured, the arrests are very one sided. I assume when you mention mental health professionals, you are referring to something that you assume I encountered from them, but I'm not quite sure what you mean.

I perceive the sticky to be cry-bullying. I feel like it is important information for you to consider, given your involvement in the issue. I would hate to see your work disappear like when my subreddits have been taken over and deleted, or like when went down. I consider what is happening to be a "man in the middle" attack where people (who have zero qualifications) have appointed themselves in charge of a conversation that should be a national, bi-partisan conversation; not something relegated to a 500 view a day subverse where anything "off topic" is recommended to be posted to a completely unnoticed subverse, /v/pizzagatewhatever.

I'm not willing to accept that people who call me a shill get to be in charge of the conversation about Pizzagate. In fact, it is insane that anyone accepts fake shill hunters as moderators of any type of important conversation. So, I am not going to accept it an move on. Especially, when they maintain that my site is a "security risk" when it has less tracking than Voat.

As far as domestic violence goes and how to handle it, a lot of the solutions are the same exact solutions for the abuse and trafficking of children. When two adults are in an abusive relationship, the children are absorbed into that dynamic. It is, essentially, weaving black magic into the minds of children to repeatedly expose them to trauma from abuse.

While a very specific type of abuse is applied by the "MK Ultra' and cult crowd, the reason it works is because of defense mechanisms in the mind to protect one's sense of self. These psychological mechanisms are at the heart of Pizzagate. My main criticism of "mental health professionals" and the "system" is that they are not given to tools to actually help people, but reinforce the death march cycle in the lives of abuse victims.

Let me tell you why, because I think it is important. Imagine if you save a victim of child abuse. Then what? If you do nothing, then they will grow up to be an abuser. I have faced this many times, seeing victims of domestic violence simply return to another abusive relationship. Even worse, I have seen them go on to abuse people who had never been exposed to it. In one case, I saw a victim enter a new relationship, pick a fight with her new partner, then have him arrested. She falsely accused him of cheating, attacked him, then was injured when he fought her off. He went to jail. He got off, after he revealed he had a recording. Imagine if he did not have that recording.

That is one reason I am very cognizant of "reverse abuse" where people are relentlessly attacked, then get in trouble for defending themselves.

First, every victim is told that they have to control their own reaction and is force fed "acceptance" and "forgiveness." Given the co-morbidity of substance abuse issues, this will often be reinforced by a 12 step program that may even be mandated by the courts.

Every step of the way, victims are pushed into state assistance and rolled into victim-hood all over again. There is literally no incentive to get a job, because that would result in a pay cut between EBT and cash aid. The only job that will free the average poor victim of domestic violence is selling sex and drugs... usually at the same time. But, it's under the table, so they stay on welfare for forever.

Victims of abuse are told to control their reaction, "accept it and move on." Do you see what I am saying? I am not going to take that stance ever. I fight and I win. 100% of the time. I'm not a victim and I'm not going to play a victim. I'm a soldier.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I agree that reverse abuse is real. It's shameful for women to think that the are going to be able to match a man blow for blow in a fight. And unjust for them to receive special treatment after starting the fight. This is why forced sterilization is so attractive. Fix 'em right up.

You've used a bunch of words to say that these people need God and not Gov. If they don't want to check their behaviors, I'm OK with bullet therapy. It's cheaper, saves taxpayers money.

The PG sub is owned by @Crensch, it is a private sub. That means that he can sticky any damned thing he wants. If you don't like his rules, then go somewhere else. I am so fucking tired of all of your egos.

I am sorry you have been swept up in the drama, Crensch and @Vindicator have different perspectives than I do. They choose their own counsel. In the end what you all do or don't accomplish will have to be decided between you, my opinion isn't needed or wanted here.

You keep saying how insignificant this place is, and how you are much more important elsewhere. You should go, there is a whole world out there and nothing special here.

I wish you nothing but success, webby.

God bless you.

followthemoney ago

I am everywhere, but there are only a handful of Voat people interested in harassing me. Notice how upset they get when I fire back. I dont do it all day, like them, either, but I am much more effective.

Imagine if I actually did spend as much time on Voat as they did.

Either way, @srayzie's criminal record proves what losers these flocking together birds really are. If you want friends like that, it is your business, but I don't consider that team to have any credibility, at this point. I have a lot more information, but it looks like srayzie playing the victim finally took care of the wild West doxxing. Notice that it was okay for everyone else to get doxxed until @srayzie's record showed up. She's not the only one with a record.

I tried to explain to them that they shouldn't go around picking on people, and threatening lawsuits is a truly scm,bag crybully thing to do. Not9ce that when I offered to initiate the legal process against the bad behavior, it was more cry bullying. Another instance where it is okay for @crensch and friends, but not okay for everyone else.

Let's see whose criminal record hits the Internet next. Probably the next person who threatens me again.

ESOTERICshade ago

What would you do if an an enraged drunken ex wife, that you were in the process of leaving in a divorce, told you that if you leave she will call the cops and tell them that there had been a physical altercation and have you put in jail? And as proof of her intentions reach up and scratch the fuck out of her neck, and threaten to tell the cops you did it? I told her exactly this "Two can play that game." So I picked up a fork and scratched my arm with it and said "Call em, now we can both go to jail." I called her bluff. She didn't call the cops. The next day she apologized profusely and begged me not to leave. I told her, "after last night, you are out of your mind if you think I will stay with you." If you fault me for that, thats your call.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Yes you did. You just don't want it to be true.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Unlike you, I don't lie about things like that.

There is nothing you could write that would change my opinion of you.

I am being kind to you by not reading it, dumbass.

ESOTERICshade ago

You read it. You would be a dumbass for forming an opinion about without reading it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I read your last excuse for psychotically stabbing yourself in the arm and then threatening to lie to the police.

Why wouldn't you let the truth be your guide in the matter?

Why do you think that any moral human being would think that that is justified?

Why should any woman trust you?




ESOTERICshade ago

That bitch scratched her her neck and threatened to call the cops. Are you nuts? Stick, scratch, stab whatever. Exactly what I did was scratch my arm good and make it red. I did it two or three times to break the skin. Had I not save myself no telling what would have happened. You are just making up shit because you were not there. You don't know shit. Don't reply back because you are making stuff and being unreasonable. Have a good day.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

ES, I do not want to block you, but i will.

You cannot redeem yourself with me.

my opinion shouldn't matter to you

stay away from PG, go back to GA and lie to the Qtards and i will stop sharing my opinion of you with the world.

ESOTERICshade ago

You hollered at me first. Block my ass. I didn't ping you. You pinged me. Block me. I would if I was you. Have a good day.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I pinged you because the conversation was about you. I was minding my manners.

Stay off PG, ES.

and take you know who with you.