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Gothamgirl ago

You believe anything 🤣😂 glad I wasted your energy super cuck.

ESOTERICshade ago

Well i'll be damned. that account @clamhurtshosewater is the same account srayzie used to send nude pics of herself to @kevdude, @vindicator, and @crensch, and then blamed it on me. That shit was nine months ago and I never knew it until recently. She had them believing I did that in attempt to get her demodded, which is stupid as fuck because it wouldn't have been enough to get her demodded anyway and a retard knows that.

Gothamgirl ago

I keep trying to them she sent them to me, but they don't give a shit they protect her no matter what it is. At one point I was asking myself if she was a lesbian because she is so obsessed.

ESOTERICshade ago

Well, she just fucked them all over by sending them nude pics and telling them that I did it. Unless one or some of them were in on it too, which is possible.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Look at you playing along. You and @Gothamgirl have been working with each other all along. You aren’t fooling anyone.

@Crensch @Vindicator @HollaKost @IMCHAD

ESOTERICshade ago

I will say one last thing before I close this conversation. If you believe that bullshit zyklon is feeding you in what you just posted you are more gullible than you know. He is picking out people from the sub, using you as a toy, to pit everybody against each other. You know how he operates. If you believe a shred of what he is saying then I don't know what to tell ya. Carmencita? Are you kidding me? She wouldn't hurt a fly. That should be a clue for you right there. There are forces working inside Voat using sophisticated methods like that to tear this place apart. I swear on my father's grave I am not part of it. Now that @crensch has me stickied i'm sure every professional shill worth his weight in salt sits and ponders how to use my name as a wedge. Think about it.

HollaKost ago

You should read this post, including the comments and links to get a clearer understanding of this whole retarded saga.

ESOTERICshade ago

I read it like you asked. I agree its a retarded saga. I remain as confused as ever why you guys want to do it. It seems pointless, time wasting, and unimportant. Maybe there is more to it than I know though. I just know I wouldn't do it.

HollaKost ago

I remain as confused as ever why you guys want to do it

I would prefer for that faggot and his landwhale to just go away, but they won't. They insist on threatening to dox people and harm their children. They have run several of my friends off voat and they bully people just because they can. They are trash and I'm tired of them. Im only here now to be a pain in their asses!

ESOTERICshade ago

ok i will