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Gothamgirl ago

You believe anything 🤣😂 glad I wasted your energy super cuck.

ESOTERICshade ago

Well i'll be damned. that account @clamhurtshosewater is the same account srayzie used to send nude pics of herself to @kevdude, @vindicator, and @crensch, and then blamed it on me. That shit was nine months ago and I never knew it until recently. She had them believing I did that in attempt to get her demodded, which is stupid as fuck because it wouldn't have been enough to get her demodded anyway and a retard knows that.

Gothamgirl ago

I keep trying to them she sent them to me, but they don't give a shit they protect her no matter what it is. At one point I was asking myself if she was a lesbian because she is so obsessed.

ESOTERICshade ago

Well, she just fucked them all over by sending them nude pics and telling them that I did it. Unless one or some of them were in on it too, which is possible.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Look at you playing along. You and @Gothamgirl have been working with each other all along. You aren’t fooling anyone.

@Crensch @Vindicator @HollaKost @IMCHAD

HollaKost ago

You and @Gothamgirl have been working with each other all along. You aren’t fooling anyone.

For sure! ES has demonstrated that he buddies up to and manipulates vulnerable women. With her low self esteem and equally low IQ I'd say @gothamgirl would be a prime target for him.

Gothamgirl ago

Prime target for what exactly? I don't send nude pics to anyone EVER.

ES is a good person and great researcher and was targeted by you, just like many others including my children.


HollaKost ago

Prime target for what exactly? I don't send nude pics to anyone EVER.

Yeah cause there ain't no other way to target a dumb woman.

and was targeted by you, just like many others including my children

I never targeted esotericshade! I spotted early on that he was a loon and after a brief spat I ignored him.

You want to talk about targeting your children? Ok. Check out this post:

It shows multiple examples of the targeting of your children coming directly from your online husband! You're so outraged over what strangers have been saying about you, yet you're oddly fine with what YOUR OWN HUSBAND has said about you and your kids? That doesn't make any sense! Unless you're all fake!

Post a picture of you and zyklon_b together to prove you're really a couple. Based on all your bullshit, it would make more sense that you are paid characters playing your parts!

Your CREEPY, PATHETIC, and IMMATURE! And honestly shouldn't be talking about people's bodies. You are atrocious.

Yet you post things like this and claim it's Srayzie butthole! What's worse botch? Talking about people's bodies or offending everyone with a disgusting picture you pulled out of your husbands porn stash?

I am the one who was able to retire at 32 though, and I have no debt

Going on disability at age 32 due to your obesity related health issues is not the same as retiring you fat sow!

By the way my 2 wheel drive vehicle you make fun of, had a 42k price tag on when purchased it brand new, and I paid cash

Oh so you proudly boast about making bad financial decisions all around! Good job! You got swizzed on that car and now you're stuck driving an old mom car while Shawn got to keep all the hummers you have him, including that road worthy one!