Now Voat is closing and the community needs a new home. In my opinion, the best solution is Aether:
Aether supports free speech, is distributed so it can't be blocked or censored easily, is released under the GPL so it can't be controlled or sold out to a corporation, has an active community and a lot of intelligent users.
To give you an idea of the other best options for comparison, these would be:
If Voat is wise, the community will reform on Aether. See you there!
SearchVoatBot ago
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Dark_Shroud ago
Okay, I just made an account on aether. Thanks for the heads up.
fritz_maurentod ago
Aether is a nice idea but nobody is using it...
RiverWind ago
There are a lot of Aetherians there and now a load of Goats too.
People who think there isn't anybody there don't know Aether well. (It is quite funny actually, as Aether tries to preserve anonymity!) To actually find mosts subverses you have to enable viewing of nsfw communities and then subsribe to them. Then you would see.
Also, the real test is the comparison test. What do people who have tried Aether and other platforms have to say? The ones on Aether like it!
Dark_Shroud ago
I've been checking it out off & on today.
It's funny seeing some people bitch about the "neo-nazis" showing up to take over the network. And bitching that this why every project that tries to compete with Reddit ends up failing.
RiverWind ago
Also checkout: