New bit added to the sub guidelines on the sidebar (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted 4.9 years ago by Joe_McCarthy
Not really interested in debating this heavily or otherwise explaining it thoroughly. If you know Voat and are not a moron you'll at least grasp why I'm doing it. But as of now if I observe you calling another poster Jewish anywhere on Voat I will ban you from this subverse.
Edit: something I just said in this cry thread someone opened in QRV:
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KosherHiveKicker 4.9 years ago
@Joe_McCarthy is "acting" exactly like a Jew.
The Jews Attacking Your Right To Free Speech Under The First Amendment.
U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Boycotts Of Israel, Israeli Goods.
45 Senators support bill that makes boycotting Israel a crime
Free Speech being intentionally violated in at least 24 States
ACLU sues over Kansas law that targets Israel boycotts
Texas - Elementary School Speech Pathologist Refused to Sign a Pro-Israel Oath, Now Mandatory in Many States... So She Lost Her Job.
ACLU sues Arizona over law barring boycotts of Israel
((( Sen. Ben Cardin ))) Proposes Changes To Controversial Bill On Israel Boycotts - Changes Are Still Unconstitutional
AIPAC Bars Press from Panel on Press Freedom
World Jewish Congress CEO Wants Internet Censorship - Jews Worldwide Conspiring To Shutdown Free Speech !!!
Youtube Calls on ((( ADL ))) to Censor Video Content
Youtube removes video tribute to Yaser Murtaja and other Gaza victims as ‘sensational’ incitement
((( Facebook ))) Takes Down Event Page for Anti-Caravan Protest
Philadelphia Jewish groups try to stop publication of article critical of Israel, insist on BDS training for Inquirer editors
South Carolina Senate Passes Bill That Makes Criticism Of Israel A Criminal Act.
‘Al Jazeera’ has ‘canned’ undercover investigation of Israel lobby — ((( leading pro-Israel operative )))
Supreme Court Justice ((( Elena Kagan ))) Accuses Supreme Court Majority Of "Weaponizing The First Amendment".
Trump administration adopts new definition of anti-Semitism in schools in attempt to stifle Free Speech on U.S. Campuses.
H.R.1911 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Act (passes House of Representatives)
((( Sheldon Adelson ))) Backed ((( College Activist Group ))) To Double Presence To 80 Campuses To Subvert Free Speech.
WikiLeaks - Global Jewish NKVD "Command Center" Monitors ALL Twitter-FaceBook Post For "Antisemitism", Then Orders European Police Departments To Censor-Silence Israel's Opposition.
((( Facebook ))) Silences Jair Bolsonaro’s ‘Main Network’ of Supporters Days Before Brazil Runoff Election
Europe's Jews Set "Red Lines" Ahead of 2019 Euro-Elections - Demand Exclusion Of Anyone Supporting BDS, And All Who Make "Antisemitic" Remarks
((( SPLC ))) Leads Soros-Funded Groups in 'Orwellian' Attempt to Ban 'Hate Speech' on Social Media
FCC Falsely Claims Community Broadband an 'Ominous Threat to The First Amendm
((( Breitbart Jerusalem ))) Report Exploits Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre To Attack Free Speech At Pro-BDS University of Michigan Event.
((( PayPal ))) Blacklists A Free Speech Focused Alternative To JewTube.
"((( Vimeo ))) Admits They Erased My Account Because Criticizing Israel Is Anti-Semitic" - Ryan Dawson
Gab's (((Andrew Torbastein))) Just Banned California Candidate Patrick Little.
Senator ((( Ben "Cardin" Kardonsky ))) Attempting To Slide "Israel Anti-Boycott Act" Into Lame Duck Session
Orbán sends letter to head of World Jewish Congress: "Orbán to ((( Lauder ))): "You’re Asking Me to Limit Press Freedom"
((( ADL ))) Leading The Way In Censorship
((( SPLC ))) Directly Conspired With Multiple U.S. Tech Companies To Suppress The Constitutional Rights Of U.S. Citizens.
"Change The Terms" - The ((( SPLC's ))) Combined Effort To Guilt-Trip, Defame, And Blackmail Internet Companies To Rob White Americans Of Free Speech.
U.S. Senate's First Bill, In Middle Of Shutdown, Is A Bipartisan, Unconstitutional Defense Of The Israeli Government From U.S. Citizen Boycotts.
U.S. Senate Could Debate If American's Get To Keep Right To Free Speech... To Protect Israel From Boycotts.
The ((( SPLC ))) Declares Real Free Speech "A Problem of Epik Proportions"
France's Jewish Elites Demand Yellow Vest Protests Be Shut Down
((( Zachary Greenberg ))) Arrested For Punching White Conservative Activist On Berkley Campus.
((( SPLC ))) Advises Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, and Google on Whom to Deplatform
((( YouTube ))) Freely Admits To Suppressing Conservatism.
Israel ((( Supporters ))) Try To Shut Down UMass Forum About Efforts By Israel ((( Supporters ))) To Shut Down Debate
Federal Court Rules In Favor Of Texas School Teacher's Refusal To Sign Agreement Not To Boycott Israel, Striking Down Anti-BDS Law "On The Grounds That It Was "Likely Unconstitutional."
Israeli envoy calls for criminalizing antisemitism after NYT cartoon
((( Facebook ))) Announces Development Of Features To Revoke Your Access to Banking, As Well As Stealing Your Right To Free Speech.
Congress, Laws Suppressing Boycotts of Israel Are Unconstitutional. Sincerely, Three Federal Courts.
((( Facebook ))) Censors Michelle Malkin For Opposing Censorship.
Facebook’s ((( Zuckerberg ))) Vows Facebook Will Work With Governments on "Hate Speech"
Florida Governor DeSantis Signed The "Antisemitism" Bill While On Israel Soil. - HB 471 Steals The First Amendment Right Of Florida College Students And Employees Statewide.
((( ADL ))) Admits Their Leading Role In Social Media Shutdown Of Free Speech.
Facebook Owned WhatsApp pledges to SUE users over off-platform misbehavior.
view the rest of the comments →
KosherHiveKicker ago
@Joe_McCarthy is "acting" exactly like a Jew.
KosherHiveKicker ago
The Jews Attacking Your Right To Free Speech Under The First Amendment.
U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Boycotts Of Israel, Israeli Goods.
45 Senators support bill that makes boycotting Israel a crime
Free Speech being intentionally violated in at least 24 States
ACLU sues over Kansas law that targets Israel boycotts
Texas - Elementary School Speech Pathologist Refused to Sign a Pro-Israel Oath, Now Mandatory in Many States... So She Lost Her Job.
ACLU sues Arizona over law barring boycotts of Israel
((( Sen. Ben Cardin ))) Proposes Changes To Controversial Bill On Israel Boycotts - Changes Are Still Unconstitutional
AIPAC Bars Press from Panel on Press Freedom
World Jewish Congress CEO Wants Internet Censorship - Jews Worldwide Conspiring To Shutdown Free Speech !!!
Youtube Calls on ((( ADL ))) to Censor Video Content
Youtube removes video tribute to Yaser Murtaja and other Gaza victims as ‘sensational’ incitement
((( Facebook ))) Takes Down Event Page for Anti-Caravan Protest
Philadelphia Jewish groups try to stop publication of article critical of Israel, insist on BDS training for Inquirer editors
South Carolina Senate Passes Bill That Makes Criticism Of Israel A Criminal Act.
‘Al Jazeera’ has ‘canned’ undercover investigation of Israel lobby — ((( leading pro-Israel operative )))
Supreme Court Justice ((( Elena Kagan ))) Accuses Supreme Court Majority Of "Weaponizing The First Amendment".
Trump administration adopts new definition of anti-Semitism in schools in attempt to stifle Free Speech on U.S. Campuses.
H.R.1911 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Act (passes House of Representatives)
((( Sheldon Adelson ))) Backed ((( College Activist Group ))) To Double Presence To 80 Campuses To Subvert Free Speech.
WikiLeaks - Global Jewish NKVD "Command Center" Monitors ALL Twitter-FaceBook Post For "Antisemitism", Then Orders European Police Departments To Censor-Silence Israel's Opposition.
((( Facebook ))) Silences Jair Bolsonaro’s ‘Main Network’ of Supporters Days Before Brazil Runoff Election
Europe's Jews Set "Red Lines" Ahead of 2019 Euro-Elections - Demand Exclusion Of Anyone Supporting BDS, And All Who Make "Antisemitic" Remarks
((( SPLC ))) Leads Soros-Funded Groups in 'Orwellian' Attempt to Ban 'Hate Speech' on Social Media
FCC Falsely Claims Community Broadband an 'Ominous Threat to The First Amendm
((( Breitbart Jerusalem ))) Report Exploits Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre To Attack Free Speech At Pro-BDS University of Michigan Event.
((( PayPal ))) Blacklists A Free Speech Focused Alternative To JewTube.
"((( Vimeo ))) Admits They Erased My Account Because Criticizing Israel Is Anti-Semitic" - Ryan Dawson
Gab's (((Andrew Torbastein))) Just Banned California Candidate Patrick Little.
Senator ((( Ben "Cardin" Kardonsky ))) Attempting To Slide "Israel Anti-Boycott Act" Into Lame Duck Session
Orbán sends letter to head of World Jewish Congress: "Orbán to ((( Lauder ))): "You’re Asking Me to Limit Press Freedom"
((( ADL ))) Leading The Way In Censorship
((( SPLC ))) Directly Conspired With Multiple U.S. Tech Companies To Suppress The Constitutional Rights Of U.S. Citizens.
"Change The Terms" - The ((( SPLC's ))) Combined Effort To Guilt-Trip, Defame, And Blackmail Internet Companies To Rob White Americans Of Free Speech.
U.S. Senate's First Bill, In Middle Of Shutdown, Is A Bipartisan, Unconstitutional Defense Of The Israeli Government From U.S. Citizen Boycotts.
U.S. Senate Could Debate If American's Get To Keep Right To Free Speech... To Protect Israel From Boycotts.
The ((( SPLC ))) Declares Real Free Speech "A Problem of Epik Proportions"
France's Jewish Elites Demand Yellow Vest Protests Be Shut Down
((( Zachary Greenberg ))) Arrested For Punching White Conservative Activist On Berkley Campus.
((( SPLC ))) Advises Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, and Google on Whom to Deplatform
((( YouTube ))) Freely Admits To Suppressing Conservatism.
Israel ((( Supporters ))) Try To Shut Down UMass Forum About Efforts By Israel ((( Supporters ))) To Shut Down Debate
Federal Court Rules In Favor Of Texas School Teacher's Refusal To Sign Agreement Not To Boycott Israel, Striking Down Anti-BDS Law "On The Grounds That It Was "Likely Unconstitutional."
Israeli envoy calls for criminalizing antisemitism after NYT cartoon
((( Facebook ))) Announces Development Of Features To Revoke Your Access to Banking, As Well As Stealing Your Right To Free Speech.
Congress, Laws Suppressing Boycotts of Israel Are Unconstitutional. Sincerely, Three Federal Courts.
((( Facebook ))) Censors Michelle Malkin For Opposing Censorship.
Facebook’s ((( Zuckerberg ))) Vows Facebook Will Work With Governments on "Hate Speech"
Florida Governor DeSantis Signed The "Antisemitism" Bill While On Israel Soil. - HB 471 Steals The First Amendment Right Of Florida College Students And Employees Statewide.
((( ADL ))) Admits Their Leading Role In Social Media Shutdown Of Free Speech.
Facebook Owned WhatsApp pledges to SUE users over off-platform misbehavior.