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23223787? ago


@Joe_McCarthy, please ban this nazitard from your subverse. He will bitch and moan here, but that is OK, we all laugh at these buffoons anyways.


23224226? ago

Just a FYI: the more traditional pejorative is nutzi, not nazitard. But you'll notice he opened this thread in this sub to avoid the banhammer.

I think this new initiative is in line with National Socialist principles. It's like putting the untermenschen in concentration camps. There is now a price to pay for nor adhering to the bare basics of cerentral hygiene. In some form retardism is now bannable on Voat.

23224594? ago

I like the word kike. jews hate that word. It's hated at the same level a female hates the word cunt.

23224262? ago

Its for a few months while we starve the virus and save lives. I know you don't give a shit about anyone but yourself, but I could care less what you believe.

Insert you tampon and GTFO. Go whine in v/sbbh, they love this shit.

23224247? ago

Porn is a tool of the kike, Jew McCarthy.