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Thisismyvoatusername ago

I'm surprised this post has been up for 20 minutes and they haven't attacked you yet. Miracles never cease. But I do agree with you.

I'd note that hile I think itnis included in your assumptions, for a group to control a platform (or anything really) requires not only that they be well organized but that they be well disciplined. Without that all they can do is keep anyone else from freely using the platform but they simply cause a mob clusterfuck rather than a focused, determined outcome. I see a lot of troll like behavior which have made this site a lot less fun and useful, but I'm not really sure if the goal is simply negative to sow chaos or if there is an actual affirmative goal being striven for. I mean people often like echo chambers and will act to institute, and then protect, one, but the behavior on this site seems like more than that.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I've noticed when I make a particularly cutting point here the downvotes can stop. It's as if they don't want to lend credibility to my angle.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I'll downvote you for simple sticky agenda pushing of Kike propaganda. You clearly admit to doing it.