Joe_McCarthy ago

Doubly transgressive here. A 15-16 year old half-Jew.

cancer_man ago

Lol, go on reddit and say you find a teenage actress attractive and they'll rip you to shreds. They are hysterical about it over there.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yeah, all while the guys are watching those videos and thinking how hot she is. Or at least they'll find her fuckable at the very least. Personally I believe in authenticity and being transgressive where necessary. Certainly on the net. Reddit used to base itself on 'authentic' conversations.

cancer_man ago

The science of attraction is strange and mysterious but attraction to pubescents is within the normal range of human sexuality and there's plenty of studies on this. I like to be transgressive sometimes too. Ethically though, they're called jailbait for a reason and getting involved with them is playing with fire and most certainly inadvisable. Look but don't touch, y'know.

cancer_man ago

Clinically, paedophilia is the sexual attraction to prepubescents, 13 is usually regarded as the upper limit. Paedophilia is considered a psychiatric disorder. Hebephilia is the sexual preference for early adolescents and ephebophilia is preference for late adolescents, they are not considered disorders though there's some debate about the former. The keyword there being preference, since many men who are attracted to adults can be attracted to pubescents as well and this is in fact very common, it's when it becomes a fixation to the point of not experiencing sexual interest in adults at all it becomes pathological. For some hebephiles, even 17 year olds are "too old".

I've researched the topic in the past since human sexuality is interesting to me.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.

So no, you're not a 'pedo' if you want to fuck her:

Well, the older one at least.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Seems a useful discussion to have - particularly as some Voaters seem to have little restraint in calling each other pedos.