Rellik88 ago

WOW just WOW

KosherHiveKicker ago

Here is the post where Puttitout explains it was the abuse of alts to upvoat themselves, and downvoat others.

Rellik88 ago

Oh I see...

Goys-R-Us ago

Reminds me of Dial_Indicator. Good riddance although I'm sure he's back under another name.

GoyimNose ago

He was definitely really dumb on the JQ probably a shill

spaceman84 ago

One of his primary intents was to be an anti-antisemite. Too big brained for us dumb goys.

shadow332 ago


Octocopter ago

Going for a victory lap I guess? Based on his move to poal it does not look like he plans on fighting it. Kattie got hit too but I don't see him mention that, hhhmmmmm.

derram ago