siberyak ago

Joe is a willing servant of Jews. Despite repeated evidence of organized Jewry and it's antagonist behavior towards white nationalist and preservations he still continues to hug their nuts. No point on calling him out on this anymore.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm anti-liberal. That's not going to make American Jews my favorite group. White trashionalists (most of them anyway) are full blown kooks on Jews though. And they can't stop talking about them. Mostly I'm interested in accuracy here. Few Jews are going to see me as a friendly. Most of them have an inherent fear of racialists.

CrudOMatic ago

Most of them have an inherent fear of racialists.

God's chosen, goyim are beasts and cattle, need to take a DNA test to even immigrate to Israel... can't be more racialist than that. If you're interested in accuracy, you wouldn't defend the kike.

CrudOMatic ago


Joe_McCarthy ago

I haven't brought myself to spend several days to respond to your nonsense as of yet. That you even made that necessary is even rather nonsensical

Crensch ago

I haven't brought myself to spend several days to respond to your nonsense as of yet. That you even made that necessary is even rather nonsensical

Above written by @Joe_McCarthy.

It would take you several days to respond to that? What, (even)exactly(even), did I make necessary?

Joe_McCarthy ago

As was just demonstrated Jews in the US are more supportive of free speech absolutism than white gentiles.

You cherry pick. Why not mention that the ACLU, which is heavily Jewish, provided legal help to ensure the alt-right could march in Charlottesville? You're only interested in info that confirms your flawed obsessivism.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Jews Nationwide Conspiring To Shutdown Free Speech in at least 24 States ..... They are actually bragging about it.

Please do keep trying to deny the truth. It exposes your bias far better than I could ever hope to do.

CrudOMatic ago unsourced chart that says what you want it to say? I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to Listen & Believe on this one. Ignore the fact that Jews are behind virtually ALL movements to strip you of your rights - this guy has a chart.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Here's the source for the chart:

You're free to think it is made up or whatever I guess.

CrudOMatic ago

We all know that blogspot is a reputable scientific journal, their data and methodology is without peer. We'll just ignore the fact that Jews are the ones pushing the hardest for hate speech laws and that everytime you turn around, they're having their shabbos goyim chip away at the 1A because muh anti-semitism.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yes, I'm sure you can produce a reputable journal as a source for your claim that Jews push the hardest for hate speech laws. As if anti-Semitism is a worldview based on a bunch of peer reviewed sources.

worldofmadness ago

oyyy veyyyyyy, we love free speech goys;

Joe_McCarthy ago

None of those bills restrict the First Amendment. All of the bill sponsors other than Lowey are also non-Jews.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Free Speech being intentionally violated in at least 24 States ....

Try again you fucking lying Kike.

worldofmadness ago

Oh so trying to pass bills that is aims to stop people from criticizing Jews under the guise of ''anti-semitism'' is not a restriction of the First Amendment, are you daft? Also the non-Jews(or most likely cryptos) who are introducing these bills are doing it under the behest of who exactly?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Al D'Amato is an Italian. Your talk of crypto-Jews makes you come off like a kook.

And a bill, say, to allocate funds to monitor and propagate against anti-Semitism has no effect on anyone's First Amendment rights. They are as free to voice their views by law as before.

CrudOMatic ago

Al D'Amato

Who is Al doing it for, Joe? Eskimos?

worldofmadness ago

Yeah because Jews would never pretend to be non-Jews and then advocate for jewish interests right? They never change their names, right? It's not like we have thousands of examples of that right?

Also that's a fancy way of saying silencing ''anti-semitism'' because that's the aim of all these bills, they want to eventually criminalize ''anti-semitism'' and they are doing it step by step. For example, you had ''Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2016 ''(which passed the Senate), this bill allows, that schools who are investigated for discrimination by the Department of Education under the Civil Rights Act, the Department of Education would have to consider Department of State’s definition of anti-Semitism, which includes criticism of Israel as anti-semitism. This means actions can be taken against a school if they have students, teachers and activist who criticise Israel which also heavily attacks Pro-Palestinian activism on campuses, this obviousy violates the First Amendment.

The bill was of course supported by AIPAC, the ADL, the Jewish Federations of North America and the Simon Wiesenthal Center, so just right there we see who was behind this sleazy bill behind the scenes.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Thousands of examples? Name them. And offer one iota of evidence that those non-Jewish bill sponsors are 'cryptos'.

The anti-Semitism Awareness Act is a different matter but rather amusingly a lot of Jews oppose it.

You didn't mention that. Indeed, you were probably unaware of it.

It doesn't criminalize speech though. What it might lead to is federal investigators coming to campus due to anti-Israel activity. The response could be revocation of federal funding not fines or jail terms for individuals.

worldofmadness ago

I never said they were cryptos but could very well be cryptos. Also even if they are non-Jews, it is not like these bills are introduced and pushed for under the behest of the Irish people now, are they?

Also even if there are Jews who are against these types of bills, the main ones behind these bills are also Jewish, and they are usually the ones with the most power anyway. And often low level Jews do not call out their fellow tribesmen for trying to censor the public. Some might, but only a few.

Also it does not matter if this bill does not fine or put anyone in jail, the point is, it still gives schools incentives to crack down on any criticism of Israel because they do not want be investigated for "anti-semitism", you must be a retard if you do not think this limit free speech on campuses. Also this is a slippery slope bill, obviously they are not going to start with outright criminalizing "anti-semitism", they are however step by step trying to reach that goal through bills like the anti-semitism awareness act.

CrudOMatic ago