BillyLuath ago

c'mon guys, audit his posting timestamps, the poster "Joe_McCarthy, often times only has a 3 to 5 hour break in a 48 hour posting time frame. Is that normal for a single live human being?

Joe_McCarthy ago

The only way that may be accurate is if you think I'm using alts. Knowing your track record I believe you're paranoid enough to think that. Or maybe you think I'm a bot. I know you've promoted that idea as well.

dooob ago

I believe you're paranoid enough to think that.

Lmao, typical Jewish tricks. Whats next, gonna tell people to take off tinfoil hats or stop inventing conspiracy theories? Straight outta Clinton's playbook.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm a robot. Not a Jew. Get it straight. Dummkopf.

PrettyBigDouche ago

No, you're a jew. You're shit doesn't work here kike, oy vey.

dooob ago

I didnt call you a Jew nor a robot, I called your bullshit out.

BillyLuath ago

Well, Joe, I'm just going by the timestamp Voat put's on posts.

Joe_McCarthy ago

3-5 hours in a 48 hour span? I doubt the stamps are telling you that.

Cheesebooger ago

He cant respond after that beating you gave him, Crensch! Joe is so jewy that he has no shame

Crensch ago

Shame seems to be something Jews lack. That's why they all need to be exterminated.

Le_Squish ago

Though I do find you a bit of a zealot, I gotta admit I notice Joe defending the tribe an awful lot lately.

Crensch ago

Case in point.

And I'm perfectly fine with your perception of me. Hold my feet to the fire as often as you like. If my words and evidence don't cut the mustard, call me out on it. I admit that I can be wrong, and I'm quick to make my apologies and corrections - but I'm usually not far off the mark.

Crensch ago

shariablizzard ago

lol you and cheesebooger were definitely cucked by a jew with a bigger dick than you lol you just spew consipiracy bullshit with no actual evidence just stupid fucking jpegs hahahahahahahahahaha

Crensch ago

6 months -26scp -430ccp

shariablizzard ago

what an intelligent argument!

dooob ago

Kys inbreed jew