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Crensch ago

No, but this is and you can't even respond to it.

@Cheesebooger @Hey_Sunshine @heygeorge @gabara @Rotteuxx

We4pwnX ago


Punished_Jack_Tunney ago

Shut it down

Gowdy ago

I actually don't agree w/ Joe on any of that. Why did you have to ping 5 people and start a circlejerk though? When cringeworthy meets cringeworthy I'm torn.

Maybe the problem isn't Jewish nepotism but instead it's white guilt? Begrudging a jew for nepotism is like saying you hope your daughter marries a black guy. Of course you'd rather he was white... I would and any sane white person would. The problem isn't one of group preference but one of group action. Black and hispanic unemployment is at the lowest in US history but those sad fucking shadows of humanity will almost entirely vote for the next democrat that comes along.

If you watch Joe closely enough you'd realize he's more of a "devil's advocate" at times. I've watched him argue contradictory positions. While he's sharpening his persuasion and debate skills your pinging 5 people...

I'm sure I'll get accused of something or other for this post. It's just an observation. You don't begrudge a bluebird for flying w/ bluebirds.

Cheesebooger ago

I was pinged because @Crensch & I just had a discussion about Joe

Crensch ago

I actually don't agree w/ Joe on any of that.

No sane person would.

Why did you have to ping 5 people and start a circlejerk though? When cringeworthy meets cringeworthy I'm torn.

They enjoyed the last submission? Since when does pinging = circlejerk?

And honestly, if I'm right, then why label it as something with such a negative connotation?

Maybe the problem isn't Jewish nepotism but instead it's white guilt? Begrudging a jew for nepotism is like saying you hope your daughter marries a black guy. Of course you'd rather he was white... I would and any sane white person would. The problem isn't one of group preference but one of group action. Black and hispanic unemployment is at the lowest in US history but those sad fucking shadows of humanity will almost entirely vote for the next democrat that comes along.

There's exactly one type of person on this planet that caused Western civilization to exist, and technology to be so advanced. There is ONE type that wants that for all human-like creatures, but keeps getting stabbed in the back by the parasites.

Empathy and shame are both weaknesses and strengths. It won't be long before it won't matter if we're too empathetic, because there will be no subhumans to try and coddle.

If you watch Joe closely enough you'd realize he's more of a "devil's advocate" at times. I've watched him argue contradictory positions. While he's sharpening his persuasion and debate skills your pinging 5 people...

I'm not interested in whatever else he does. Wrong is wrong, and I simply do not give a shit. I'll ping whoever the fuck I want to ping, and there's not a fucking thing you, or anyone else can do, to shame me into not doing it.

The users I ping enjoy my content, and in many cases, ask to be pinged to threads like this.

I'm sure I'll get accused of something or other for this post. It's just an observation.

You're acting like a faggot. Is that enough of an accusation?

I'm not nice, and I'm not here to make friends. I don't know you, nor care what your brain does behind the words you type. I will respond to your words as I read them.

@Trigglypuff @Empress @heygeorge @jewshekelstein1488 @gabara

I bet you won't get downvoted without someone commenting and letting you know why you're being a faggot first, but you might get some upvotes, too. I don't care either way - I don't ping them to brigade, I ping them to let them know something noteworthy is happening, and they do the same for me.

gabara ago

@Joe_McCarthy aren't you SRS? We caught you once before being @Womb_raider (you responded to someone talking to Womb as if you thought you were still logged in as Womb).

Womb_Raider ago

Keep your fantasies to yourself little man

gabara ago

I didn't ping you. Curiuous.

Womb_Raider ago

"Edited 2 minutes ago" curious indeed

gabara ago

Just removed the swears, I know you don't like that, Rabbi.

Womb_Raider ago

Lies like a Jew and calls others Jews? You squeal in pain as you strike.

gabara ago

You seem to be the one that knows a lot about Jews

Joe_McCarthy ago

Leave me out of your catfighting bullshit.

gabara ago

Too late, we know you're SRS.

Gowdy ago

You be you. Don't you have legitimate pizzagate posts you should be deleting? I mean, while you let all the MK Ultra posts slide...

Some of us have been here for more than five minutes

Crensch ago

You be you. Don't you have legitimate pizzagate posts you should be deleting?

Not my job. It's my job to reign in the [M] mods if they start acting like @Kadynce.

I mean, while you let all the MK Ultra posts slide...

Feel free to report what you think shouldn't stay up.

If Joe is stage 3 Jewry then you're stage 4

/v/shekelverse yeah, try to make that one stick, faggot.

Go worry about pizzagate post formatting but only some of the time.

Present a valid argument against the mods or rules, but only never.

Gowdy ago

Not my job. It's my job to reign in the [M] mods if they start acting like @Kadynce.

You specifically deleted posts over nonsense. I've been here long enough to remember it was high drama at the time.

Voat only goes but so far back in the logs. Good for you.

I was here, older voaters were here, and we remember the shit you pulled. I'm not upset at all. I've wondered before if you're some FBI faggot that encourages violence then investigates those that respond to you posts. It's all speculation on my part but you reek of some controlled opposition to me and always have.

What I've always found most interesting about your account is your consistent calls to violence or calls for violence.

Didn't take me long to find one and the farther I scroll through the more I'll find.

You're b8 m8. Some of us see it. Others just circlejerk w/ you b/c they don't see it.

Go ahead... call me crazy.

Crensch ago

You specifically deleted posts over nonsense.

Prove it.

I've been here long enough to remember it was high drama at the time.

Once again, prove it.

Voat only goes but so far back in the logs. Good for you.

"Muh excuses because reasons"

I was here, older voaters were here, and we remember the shit you pulled.

But apparently can't put your money where your mouth is.

I'm not upset at all. I've wondered before if you're some FBI faggot that encourages violence then investigates those that respond to you posts. It's all speculation on my part but you reek of some controlled opposition to me and always have.

Then you're really quite stupid.

What I've always found most interesting about your account is your consistent calls to violence or calls for violence.

I've come to the conclusion that there is really no other way. Then again, anyone that studied almost literally anything in history would come to the same conclusion. I'd like to end the races that are sub-par so that humans can finally get off this rock before a mass-extinction event erases humans entirely.

I especially think that niggers should start getting hanged in public. What of it?

Didn't take me long to find one and the farther I scroll through the more I'll find.

Keep at it, then.

You're b8 m8. Some of us see it. Others just circlejerk w/ you b/c they don't see it.

That's a LOT of effort and, you know, facts/evidence/arguments/pushingforfreespeechehere for b8, but if that's your thing, go for it.

Go ahead... call me crazy.

Probably not. A little stupid, but I don't think the cheese slid off your cracker.

Gowdy ago

further response.

Quit now and you can call it a win

Crensch ago

further response.

Quit now and you can call it a win

I didn't say that. Try again.

Gowdy ago

Never said you did. I did. When I quote you I generally provide quotations. I'm not perfect though. Tell me more about your perceived rules for "green text".

Crensch ago

This isn't a chan. That is used for quoting here.

Notice how the text isn't green?

Gowdy ago


Crensch ago

I'm sure it helps you sleep at night to think how you "totally trolled that guy at the end with that low-effort response of TOTAL BOREDOM".

Man, you god me. What was I thinking? So boring. I should just an hero.

Kek. Low-effort faggot sleeps better at night after snarky comment.

Gowdy ago

Man, you god me.

cool story but the truth is if I gave a shit about you I'd be more consistently vocal. You're just some funny faggot I stumble across from time to time. I'll comment again in many months when you've managed to recruit a new crop of folks for the fbi to investigate. They won't listen to me mind you. They'll just circle jerk, ping each other as you've taught them, and work themselves into a frenzy and further into the system. You'll make them feel proud. You'll consistently post the violent shit they think but are too afraid to say. Those calls to violence you're fond of. So powerful. You'll be inspiring and give a voice to the angry folks you were hired to create. Then suddenly you've got some pipes, materials, and a free ride man. Granted, that person isn't you. The FBI has a budget for more than one employee per autist. Shouldn't you be shaking down forrest gump atm?

Crensch ago

I think this is the second time someone has written fanfiction about me, and both in the same week!

Gowdy ago

As you say. I'm the first to admit I have absolutely no evidence. I'm just watching a pattern unfold.

Crensch ago

Keep me posted on that, buddy. Honestly.

Gowdy ago

No thanks. Have a good one.

Crensch ago

Yeah, didn't think so. Got nothin', so don't commit to the narrative that you do.

Not a bad play, but shows the lack confidence in your position.

Gowdy ago


Crensch ago

More low-effort to hide your embarrassment?

Gowdy ago


It wouldn't let me post just one k. Apparently I had a similar comment recently. I'm sure together we can make this kkk.

Crensch ago

I'd be happy to make this kkk. Though I do think the current iteration of the KKK is a silly psyop. So are the alt-right faggots.

Whites don't set up organizations like that organically.

Gowdy ago

Fuck me. We actually agree on something.

Crensch ago

Let's see what else we agree on!

Niggers are subhuman.

Jews are subhuman.

Spics are subhuman.

Sandniggers are subhuman.

Subhumans should all die.

Pedos should be chemically and physically castrated, and made to wear iron collars for the rest of their lives, along with "pedo" being carved into their faces.

Whites are a superior race.

Whites are going to win.

Free speech on Voat is important.

Cancermods like @Kadynce need to be hung publicly.

"Be nice" rules are effectively no different than 'hate speech' laws.

Communists aren't human.

Non-communist whites can still win.

The holocaust was a hoax.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

The holodomor was hidden by the lie of the holocaust to protect the Jews that caused it.

Hmm... I can't really think of much else. What say you?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Your inability to stay on topic isn't an argument either. This thread is not about another thread where you made stupid posts.


Crensch ago

It's about arguments. And if you don't respond to the well-written, thorough arguments, then why are you complaining about the simple ones?

11672691? ago

ProtectSBBH in action.

"I've got no link to SBBH." - Crensch, 23 hours ago, while defending the SBBHer kevdude.

Pings 5 cancerous SBBHers.

ProtectSBBH's list of enemies:

Crensch ago

I can prove you're a liar right here. I can also prove that you'll label anyone that you don't like as SBBH.

Pings 5 cancerous SBBHers.

@Hey_Sunshine has never posted to SBBH.

Not once.

That makes you a liar.

11672811? ago

v/PaddysPub is one of your vote-farms. wrong again.

Gowdy ago

Fuck you. I've been here a fucking long time. First as @saverem and then as this alt after a laptop got swiped from my car. You post rap in my sub then I downvoat ya. Why? B/c I don't like that shit but you're free to post.

I could go on fucking /pol/ for 5 minutes and copy enough memes from a /ptg/ thread to equal hundreds of the fake internet points you're so worried about. I started a music sub b/c I missed /v/cheers . The difference is I don't give a shit what happens. I'm not even gonna ban some silly faggot like you that thinks we're out to take over voat 5 fake internet points at a time. Actually look at my posts...

Tell me what my supposed end game is.

Crensch ago

MFW when I'm even fucking disagreeing/arguing w/ Crensch in this same thread.

Fuck you. I'm buying the first round, faggot.

Gowdy ago

Whatever happened to discourse on voat? Faggots are so sensitive these days.

Crensch ago

This particular group is literally Reddit SRS faggots that want to either take over or destroy this place. They act like the the liberal/democratic "logic" that makes it to the front page here will somehow work despite us mocking the absurdity of it.

Crensch ago

v/PaddysPub is one of your vote-farms.

Prove that. @Womb_Raider did you know this about your subverse?

Womb_Raider ago

I have nothing to do with Paddys, Gowdy asked me to join the mod team. I've been rather skeptical of the prevalence of SBBH and brought it up to him. I've left the mod team in the past. @Gowdy

11672686? ago

That was awesome!

Cheesebooger ago

Crensch destroyed Jew McCarthy several times. I cant believe Joe even has the nerve to show his face around here. But then again, jews have no shame and the next day act as if nothing ever happened. That's another reason I know Joe is a jewish supremacist.

11674350? ago

Indeed- I've seen it happen a time or two's incredibly entertaining.

Cheesebooger ago

well speak of the devil here Joe is lol

Thanks for the ping