24787857? ago

4Chan - Nobody likes niggers. Nobody, not a single culture or race likes niggers. Not even African niggers. The Japs hate them, the Spics hate them, the Whites hate them, they hate themselves, fuck them. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/268464011/

24774489? ago

Stop the fucking universe someone said negro in Ireland? https://voat.co/v/Boards/3929276

24774495? ago

That user /u/TheModsAreJews @TheModsAreJews has an afro obsession

24774637? ago


24494320? ago

Pushing forward medical techniques every day. If he hadn't had his chimpout and scalded off his woman's face, doctors would have no one to practice face transplants on. Black Lives Matter.

24485138? ago

Most will go to ruqqus, some to poal and saidit, some to voat, they alternatives are pretty much spread out now https://voat.co/v/whatever/3897221/24484330

23785247? ago

I have no idea what she looks like now but I have a feeling it is ugly enough that only a nigger would fuck her. Which means.....

23915126? ago

always remember .... wuz gud boi, he dindoo nuffinz !! https://voat.co/v/whatever/3831202/23913043

24400394? ago

crazy times !

24400411? ago

24358725? ago

How do we know it was a rapper? https://voat.co/v/news/3882688/24358312