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DrunkViking ago

This is almost like my daughters upbringing in Sweden at the moment. She is white , but everyone else in her school is is black. I thank you for telling this story, but it is now new, and it is not foreign. She was once day being hunted by black niggers, because she had blue eyes and blond hair, because they had leearned in a mosque that she was the Devil and that rhey have to rape her . I pulled her out of the school at once. When we moved to a white safe place she got beter. Niggers is the curse, and the evil things.

AristotleCLONE ago

I don't think every White girl agrees with this stupid rant you made up.

DrunkViking ago

Well, if you believed everything you read, and heard, then I would have sold you some magic green beans.

AristotleCLONE ago

I don't believe everything I read, which is the exact reason I don't believe that horseshit you posted about your "daughters upbringing in Sweden at the moment. She is white, but everyone else in her school is is black."

Yes, I understand that you are just trying to get a rise out of this website's multitudes of deranged, delusional White Supremacists.

DrunkViking ago

FOAD, I dont give a fuck if you believe me or not, you can go fuck yourself, and then go back to Reddit with your stupid political correct opinions. If you dont live in Sweden, then you dont know. NOT ALL schools in Sweden are populated by almost only sandniggers, but some are. Why the hell do you think people vote with their feet, by MOVING out of the niggers area? FOAD.

AristotleCLONE ago

MOVING out of the niggers area

You won't be moving anywhere but to, the graveyard, once the Jews get done taking your country from you and genociding you White Supremacists 😎 and I'll be there heckling you while watching your wife take turns coddling negros' cocks.

DrunkViking ago

I will move to Finland, Polen or Norway, where there still are white people ruling their countries.

You must be a nigger, since you clealry are racist against white people. I am glad that I am not a nigger.

Eat a bag of dicks, and choke on them. .

AristotleCLONE ago

You must be a nigger, since you clealry are racist against white people

No, I'm not a negro. I am kind, loving Caucasoid.

And man0man do I hate you racist, White Supremacist, who fucked up this country and caused 85% of all humans to now hate our USA.

DrunkViking ago

I am not a white supremacist, and you are a carpenter.

Fragnostus ago

move her to another school

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I've heard about what's happening in Sweden. There are a couple of Swedish journalists that have been trying to raise awareness of the white genocide in South Africa. They have also raised funds for impoverished white people in SA thanks to generous Swedes. Yes this story happened about 40 years ago, nothing new under the sun. It's just one that I remember well. I will share some of my more hair-raising stories in due course. I hope your daughter will be safe. Xhosa and Zulu were the first black languages that named Whites in Southern Africa. One of the earliest names for whites translates as "they through whose eyes the wind blows" because of their blue eyes.

fr33europe ago

This Site

Started me on my journey to redpilling.

I really feel a lot of sadness when I think of SA

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Yes Adriana Stuijt put tons of work into that site. She's in her seventies, amazing woman.

DrunkViking ago

Sweden are fucked, and no white countries will take in White South Africans refugees Because that would be racism. White people in SA is fucked, and if they tries to leave, they are fucked, while black niggers hoards as spamming the white europe. Wait until the day of the rope. Some important people will hang.