Slavosaurus ago

I have a special interest and sympathy for SA because you guys built that country up, developed it and a migrating horde took it over. The world betrayed you for political correctness and now refuses to look in the general direction of SA least their concience (if they have any) starts to trouble them.

I hope that you guys can win the control of the country back without a major war.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Thank you. It's never going to happen though.

Lynch_Tree ago

Hopefully you were able to get out of South Africa. All humans need to leave, cut off the gibs, and just let nature take its course.

Bullinamarket_ ago

How do they lack empathy like that? It's clearly not all blacks (See Thomas Sowell) but some are like terminators. Is their a certain ethnicity in the black diaspora or gene that causes niggers to be evil?

Blackisbeautiful ago

That's the man right there. All of your comments u make about black culture will never leave your lips to tell a black man BECAUSE YOU KNOW you will get fucked up. No one cares that u guys take to the internet for your hate only because it's THE ONLY ESCAPE you have. Black culture is all around you & will STAY. In another 10-20 years the white race will be extinct BECAUSE ALL OF YOUR DAUGHTERS want MIXED babies. Ultimately ruining the DNA of their white fathers because our genes destroys yours at RAPID rates. So be mad all u want, talk shit in your SECRET groups. It will ALWAYS be just that because in the REAL WORLD the white race is growing more and more extinct every year. :)

Aswimmingday ago

Whites are waking up. The last time that happened they said we killed 6 million Jews by using rollercoasters and electric dance floors. What do you think we will do this time?

carnold03 ago

Sounds like your father wasn't particularly quick with his wits.

FritzDrebbin ago

As a woman, why do you believe so many white women are naive about blacks? Why are white women so anti-racist?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Programming and social engineering via the jewish media. Also, in my experience, UK and European men are pansies in general, they are fat, soft and pudgy. On a subconscious level I think women radiate towards testosterone, which black men appear to have in abundance. Of course it's far more complex than just this.

monkeytennis ago

What ever happened with the king of the Khoisan and trying to secede from ANC controlled S Africa?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I personally haven't heard anything recently. There was a Khoi-Afrikaner alliance of sorts which at one point seemed to be gaining momentum, then it went quiet.

mralexson ago

I know crime is present through all of South Africa but why are the white farmers getting it the worse?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Because those are racially motivated hate crimes by blacks. The farms are huge and very remote so that makes them vulnerable.

EvilSeagull ago

Can they hire private security guards?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Some do, I just posted about that in a response to a comment from someone. For a long time we have been trying to encourage farmers to house impoverished white people on their farms, safety in numbers and all that. But white South Africans are so brainwashed, many would help niggers before helping their own.

mralexson ago

Did this shit happen during apartheid? This shit is crazy

Whitemail ago

There were plenty of snakes, large spiders, baboons and leopards around.

but the most dangerous creatures out there were NIGGERS

That's just what I wanted it to say.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

You are not wrong.

Redpilled_Canadian ago

Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to hearing more of your stories

Shiggz ago

First person account.

A white African says to us, " its not as bad as you think here. 4 times a car has been stolen out of my driveway but 2 of the times it wasn't even my car."

Cuck level over 9000

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Exactly! Recently a white couple was attacked on their farm by a regiment of niggers. The couple survived and were so traumatized, they left the area. I warned my nephew because he lives in a remote farm close by. He said " its ok, they weren't murdered, just robbed".

Derpfroot ago

Well, the farmer that had his eye pulled out with pliers wasn't murdered, either. I weep for those that ignore reality. It's going to bite them in the ass eventually.

Thanks for the story, too.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Do you know the story of 3 year old Wilhelmina Potgieter? There are so many....

Pubiclouse ago

Damn that's crazy... How many years ago was that? Also I've heard some dogs like Rhodesian Ridgebacks make excellent guard dogs.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

About 40 years ago but I remember it vividly. In those days all the cops were white and I don't think they even came out to investigate. I love Ridgebacks, we had 2 and later we had two Doberman-rottweiler crosses. Our dogs never lived long, they always died of snake bites.

Pubiclouse ago

Definitely an interesting well told story. I also know of the Dan Khoisan Bushman if my memory serves me in anthropology they're labeled as Capoids. I imagine them having a different demeanor and it doesn't surprise me that they were separated. Honestly people seemed more intelligent back then or at least more real. Very cool and interesting story, thanks for that.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Correct, they are totally different and have an interesting culture. For example, check out Riel dancing, the music that accompanies the dancing is not a million miles away from traditional "boeremusiek", Boer folk music. Glad you enjoyed my story, plenty more where that came from.

uptherepubic ago

A buddy of mine, a CPA from Capes Town, who I met while he was working in Philadelphia, had to leave suddenly. His sister and mother were gang raped, and decapitated. They were farm owners, and most of his accounting experience was related to farm accounting.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

That makes me sick. And it's happening on a daily basis. Often doesn't make the News. I get my info from neighbourhood watch groups, private security firms, farmers themselves, etc and when I post here, some people expect a Jew media link to somehow give the story credibility.

weWusKANGZ ago

Wow, I feel like such a wus now just growing up in the states. I feel like less of a man for having heard these tales and much more empathetic. Up until now, for me, different political parties were just a notion and I just ran my business and hoped the Republicans stayed in power. WHAT power? They're just as week as anyone else in this country. Damn.

speedisavirus ago

Feel terribly sorry for any non black anywhere in Africa. Even South Africa that has many whites.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

There are only around 3 million Whites left ...and over 50 million niggers.

weWusKANGZ ago

I'd bet the whites could still wipe out the niggers. Brain over brawn every time.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

yes but spiritually and psychologically they have been broken, so it's downhill from here.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

hey buddy been a longtime.

CognitiveDissident5 ago


lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

ima hire niggers to kidnap and put you on a boat to arkansas!!! ;)

CognitiveDissident5 ago

What happens in Arkansas?

weWusKANGZ ago

They kill blacks. Never been there but I hear it's a fun town!

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Thanks for educating me.

weWusKANGZ ago

I would never intentionally be that presumptuous. I've learned just how stupid I am listening to YOUR experiences. It really makes you think how easy we have it in the states. Big things don't seem so big anymore.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

we must breed....

DrunkViking ago

This is almost like my daughters upbringing in Sweden at the moment. She is white , but everyone else in her school is is black. I thank you for telling this story, but it is now new, and it is not foreign. She was once day being hunted by black niggers, because she had blue eyes and blond hair, because they had leearned in a mosque that she was the Devil and that rhey have to rape her . I pulled her out of the school at once. When we moved to a white safe place she got beter. Niggers is the curse, and the evil things.

AristotleCLONE ago

I don't think every White girl agrees with this stupid rant you made up.

DrunkViking ago

Well, if you believed everything you read, and heard, then I would have sold you some magic green beans.

AristotleCLONE ago

I don't believe everything I read, which is the exact reason I don't believe that horseshit you posted about your "daughters upbringing in Sweden at the moment. She is white, but everyone else in her school is is black."

Yes, I understand that you are just trying to get a rise out of this website's multitudes of deranged, delusional White Supremacists.

DrunkViking ago

FOAD, I dont give a fuck if you believe me or not, you can go fuck yourself, and then go back to Reddit with your stupid political correct opinions. If you dont live in Sweden, then you dont know. NOT ALL schools in Sweden are populated by almost only sandniggers, but some are. Why the hell do you think people vote with their feet, by MOVING out of the niggers area? FOAD.

AristotleCLONE ago

MOVING out of the niggers area

You won't be moving anywhere but to, the graveyard, once the Jews get done taking your country from you and genociding you White Supremacists 😎 and I'll be there heckling you while watching your wife take turns coddling negros' cocks.

DrunkViking ago

I will move to Finland, Polen or Norway, where there still are white people ruling their countries.

You must be a nigger, since you clealry are racist against white people. I am glad that I am not a nigger.

Eat a bag of dicks, and choke on them. .

AristotleCLONE ago

You must be a nigger, since you clealry are racist against white people

No, I'm not a negro. I am kind, loving Caucasoid.

And man0man do I hate you racist, White Supremacist, who fucked up this country and caused 85% of all humans to now hate our USA.

DrunkViking ago

I am not a white supremacist, and you are a carpenter.

Fragnostus ago

move her to another school

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I've heard about what's happening in Sweden. There are a couple of Swedish journalists that have been trying to raise awareness of the white genocide in South Africa. They have also raised funds for impoverished white people in SA thanks to generous Swedes. Yes this story happened about 40 years ago, nothing new under the sun. It's just one that I remember well. I will share some of my more hair-raising stories in due course. I hope your daughter will be safe. Xhosa and Zulu were the first black languages that named Whites in Southern Africa. One of the earliest names for whites translates as "they through whose eyes the wind blows" because of their blue eyes.

fr33europe ago

This Site

Started me on my journey to redpilling.

I really feel a lot of sadness when I think of SA

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Yes Adriana Stuijt put tons of work into that site. She's in her seventies, amazing woman.

DrunkViking ago

Sweden are fucked, and no white countries will take in White South Africans refugees Because that would be racism. White people in SA is fucked, and if they tries to leave, they are fucked, while black niggers hoards as spamming the white europe. Wait until the day of the rope. Some important people will hang.

green_man ago

farm labour is carried out by blacks and browns in SA

The US tried that once, it didn't turn out so well.

The two did not get on or mix whatsoever.

No shit, people hate people that don't look like themselves

My advice to you is get the fuck out of south africa. That place is fucked, grab all you can including every white person you see and get the fuck out. There is no redemption for that place unless they systemically exterminate every nigger there.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I'm already out. Others are not so lucky.

green_man ago

Glad to hear you GTFO, I hope your family did as well. You should seriously consider starting a gofundme or something similar to assist getting humans out of SA.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I do what I can like donating to impoverished white people in SA. Am self employed however, so if it's a lean month I can't help. I have close family there who will never leave so spend quite a bit of time there. About getting Humans out, as I keep saying, many could never get the airfare together and if they did, there is the risk of being denied asylum as happens frequently in US and Canada. Nobody wants White refugees who would be an asset to your country.

weWusKANGZ ago

I can tell you that for all the back and forth banter about willingly donating to fly all the US niggers back to Africa, I'd happily donate to helping bring white people out of there if it saves the lives of OUR race. Feel free to PM me if you want to tell me about and how to do that. Geesh!

green_man ago

This is a very unfortunate state. Keep posting stuff to Voat like above, you're always going to get attention on Voat about whites getting fucked over in SA. Be as loud as you can, the MSM will not run any stories about this willingly, however if there is enough attention brought to it they will be forced to. Most Americans are clueless as to what is happening in SA and the word needs to get out.

Obeastiality ago

Farm animals are better behaved...

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Yes well farm animals are intelligent

WD_Pelley ago

It sounds like the Browns are way, way better than the Blacks. From what I've heard the Khoi and Afrikaner - despite any past differences - get along well. Also there's a self-proclaimed Khoisan King named Cornelius III who wants to secede from South Africa and bring the Khoi, Afrikaner, White Africans, and Cape Coloureds together against the Bantus. Khoisan sound much better than crazy kafir bantus.

I hope you and your family, and your people stay safe and do what you can to survive. You're a unique nation and I don't want to hear about your destruction.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Yes the browns (they proudly refer to themselves as Cape Coloureds) share a common language with the Boers and many have Dutch sounding names. They have been marginalised almost as much as whites. Although they are not being slaughtered like whites. Thank you for your kind words.

WD_Pelley ago

You're welcome. Stay safe, because I have a feeling that South Africa will go through some radical changes in the next decade.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Oh yes, Zimbabwe style changes.

dias17se ago

It is unbelievable, my grandfather too fought in Angola, (portuguese) and even though we gave up the land, they didnt do anything with it. Angola is now a corrupt shithole, the marxist commies mpla really brainwashed the negroes.

I remember the vagina impalements after brutal rapes, dark times, the negroe has no empathy or self awareness.

mralexson ago

What happened in Angola?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

The south African army supported by some Angolan blacks (look up 32 battalion) fought against the Marxist regime in Angola. The SA army supported Jonas Savimbe's Unita. At the time we had conscription and all white boys (including my brother and cousins) had to do 2 years national service after finishing school. Look up the border/angolan bush war and operation Savannah. When it was over, the Angolan blacks that fought on the side of the (white) SA army had to leave Angola. The SA government gave them residence in South Africa. Many worked in the private security industry and at one stage, my brother and neighbouring land owners hired a few for security. They just lived in the bush on the private land and would shoot any trespassers. After theses blacks shot a few nigger trespassers, some of the bleeding heart white landowners claimed they were too trigger happy and got rid of them. Afterwards, as expected, the security situation deteriorated so badly my brother sold the land and moved into a town. But I digress.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Are you related to Bartholomew Dias? :-)

dias17se ago

Who knows, prob not, its a common name.

Even romans had that name.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

And they sent our white South African boys to fight in Angola, what a waste of white lives.

dias17se ago

Not 5 years ago in Angola during the boom, a 1$ chinese hammer was sold thete for 50$.

The country is all fucked up. Trump should nuke it.

Stay the fk away from SA, or hire a sucker to manage shit thete

MaxAncap ago

You should provide some evidence for the sake of truth.

GoBack2AfricaNiggers ago

Spend more time around this sub if you need more truth that niggers are violent animals.

MaxAncap ago

I don't. Doesn't mean you don't prefer documentation.

BurninEpix ago

Some truths are self evident.

MaxAncap ago

yeah and knowing how niggers are anyone could write up that post.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

What evidence do you reasonably expect me to provide for something that happened 4 decades ago? Move along if you don't like it, nigger.

MaxAncap ago

Documents. Same to you nigglet. It's a trade off and it's your decision.

Lazmat ago

Document this... ... ...will Taylor Swift disavow?

nigger_plz ago

Clever video. A bunch of Africans getting set of fire, arms chopped off, heads blown off, dozens machine gunned, brains getting eaten out of fresh kill, dead bodies all over, and one getting head cut off with...butterknife? juxtaposed to pretty Taylor Swift singing, "Say you'll remember me, standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset...babe. Red lips and rosy cheeks say you'll se me again even if it's just pretend."

This just in...niggers are animals. Go the fuck to Europe, America is full up.

weWusKANGZ ago

Why Europe? They don't need them either!

Lazmat ago

think about this is the Ultimate Conspiracy....did Soros never leave the Nazi death camps....ok he says he is a good global politica acitvist, Jewish banker, his charity is flooding Europe...but..maybe,,,maybe he wants is old friends to return " George Soros: Helping The Nazis Was The Happiest Time of my Life" the old guy just wants to be happy again?

BeefBourgignon ago

What a thing to have watched on a Sunday.

BitterBiped ago

I don't know her (op), but I know how blacks behave here in South, and this is run of the mill. You're talking about people who rape babies to death because they are told by their witch doctors it will cure them of aids.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Indeed, this story was just a personal anecdote, not particularly shocking. I will share more in due course.

voatuser1128 ago

Are you safe now? How hard is it to get guns for white South Africans? Do you plan on leaving? Not surprised about your story. Africans will kill each other like how normal humans kill flies. I think you will find an accepting audience here if you were to tell any other stories.Good luck.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Yes thank you I am elsewhere. Firearms legislation was changed in 2000. You now have to renew (read reapply) for your license every 5 years. This is so that a percentage can be rejected in every renewal round. There is an active civil disarmament campaign underway courtesy of Gun Free South Africa which is funded by Soros.

SayTan ago

Friend was a gunsmith in KZ-N. In NZ now. They destroyed his business by not renewing the licenses of his customers.

As to "gun free sa", he likes to point out that when gun restrictions came in, the nogs bought a massive amount of pangas and related tools.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

The Nog cops also supply nogs with guns.

PrettyBigDouche ago

Soros is one evil fucker. There is nothing too horrible to happen to him, nothing.

letsgoallthewhey ago

Yeah, and it needs to happen soon. To him and his son.

speedisavirus ago

Please get out of there. Move to America. We need already red pilled women.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I'm out. But USA and Canada regularly refuse asylum to white south African families fleeing racial persecution, wrong colour I guess.

SayTan ago

My gunsmith amigo is in NZ, as he was a reserve policeman in the Apartheid state, and was refused a US green card, in spite of speaking 5 european languages, 2 college degrees, and a trade.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Yes no country wants good hardworking white people that would be an asset.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

This hit me in the feels, Godspeed to you.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Don't see what is keeping you from telling the government that a feral nog stole your gun the next you need to reapply. Get a fucking gun and keep it, that is your individual right that is above any system of law. You need to retain the ability to protect yourself, I have seen the shit that has been going on in SA for 20+ years now, you need it.

Arcturian_Poontang ago

And if you use that gun to defend yourself, you get to be a white guy in a South African prison.

patriot_biz ago

Dude, relax.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Relax regarding what?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

The cops are nogs. They are the ones deciding whose license gets issued/ renewed. I think you see the problem? They are also known for confiscating white people's guns and selling them to their Nog friends.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Right, but if you already have a gun and if the license has already been issued, then when the government requires you to reapply, you just need to say that it was stolen.

BeefBourgignon ago

Aren't guns semi-easy to make? It doesn't need to be super powerful, it just needs to not blow up when you shoot it and it also needs to disbale whoever is trying to hurt you.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

you need quality steel and machining tools strong enough to machine steel

once you have that it's easy as fuck

Aswimmingday ago

I could show you how to make a shotgun out of pvc pipe, mr fbi man.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

ok, and how is your pvc pipe going to withstand tiny explosions inside it more than a few times?

BeefBourgignon ago

At least one person there has that kind of stuff. White people are not totally subjugated there yet, they could do it.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Doesn't work like that. You have to report it stolen within 48 hours (or 24 I can't remember). Depending on the circumstances you may then be declared unfit to possess. Also, in SA the chances you will actually use it are high. You would then be convicted of illegal possession. They even prosecute white people who use their firearms in self defense, to make an example of them. It's been very effective because many are now too scared to shoot in self defense so actually handed their weapons in.

Rellik88 ago

I know you dont want to hear this, but always keep the guns, when they come to take them, you give it to them one bullet at a time. My heart hurts for SA, its way passed time whites raise up. God speed, stay safe.

Native ago

What OP is saying basically is stop following the laws. If you have to report it stolen, say that you did report it and that the government must have misplaced the report. Keep the guns at all costs.

fr33europe ago

I'm not sure you're following along here.

You have zero power to say shit. It sounds tough on an internet forum but you're not looking at the reality of the situation.

If they decide to lock you up, they'll lock you up. Have you ever tried arguing with a border guard? It's the same thing but with niggers who want to take your stuff and rape your kids before lighting your house on fire.

There's no logical way out of a situation with SA police. You can't just stop following laws, you're going to get absolutely fucked up, as opposed to having a 90% chance of squeaking through 5 more years.

It's like when we were explaining communism to a girl co-worker. We explained how they'd come to your property, take your house, and if you peeped about it you'd die, or go to jail.

She looked at us and said 'Aren't there police you can go to?'


They ARE the police

weWusKANGZ ago

Damn, that does make you appreciate what you have.

derenotrat ago

say that you did report it and that the government must have misplaced the report.

South Africa has the reputation of apparently lacking the ability to keep decent records, so this might work.

Or do they "lose" records when it's convenient?

fr33europe ago

It doesn't matter, they'll just throw you in the slammer, what do they care for your excuses?

derenotrat ago

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Are you really trying to say that black officials in South Africa are corrupt and racist?!

Nah, you're right. Just like how they're allowed to have their 'black economic empowerment' programs that prevent white people from being able to prosper, or prosper without a black person having majority ownership in the organization. If this was done in a Western nation, it would be an international incident and in the media for months, with strong condemnation from virtually every world leader and special interest group. But black people can't be racist and it's "THEIR" land, so they have the right to do things with it we can't, (including doing what we want within our own borders, like empowering our own)

fr33europe ago

in the media for months Centuries

When is Day X again?

Lazmat ago

I'm trying to understand S.Africa, I spoke with some White South Africans and I guess it may be a window into what future lies ahead for Brazil, Europe, N.America etc I only understood it through a bunch of bullshit rainbow nation stuff seen on CNN, BBC, Sky France24 and other US News Media. I try to find other media on the subject as I can also from reading the history on the internet. You white folk are from the Dutch, Belgian, German sailor peoples with a unique language, I can tell maybe the Bantu/Congoid Negro types are actually invaders in the Lands of S.Africa and have pushed Khoi/Bushman people into near extinction? The country now has '11 Official' Languages and 3 major parties the ANC, the Democratic Alliance which seems to have support from brown Indian conservatives, Black and Whites and the EFF based on extreme leftism and Pan-African madness?

speedisavirus ago

I knew a white South African that moved to the US. Started a successful business. Some how his wife talked him into moving back. He absolutely did not want to. He was very successful here. I think he was weak and she wanted to be raped by niggers. She could have just gone to Chicongo for that.

fr33europe ago

Sometimes you need to smack some sense into them.

Shiggz ago

The white south african immigrant I knew was straight red pilled and owns more guns then I do.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Must have a fucking death wish.

dias17se ago

The brazilian is savage by nature.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Yes, not forgetting the French Hugenots, Portuguese, etc. It's an eclectic mix of European heritage. Fun fact: the Democratic Alliance is known locally as ANC Lite.