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MercurysBall2 ago

Re Harvard Divinity School : About connections between the Military/Intelligence complex, Bain Capital, Toys R Us, eBay and pedophilia - oh, and James Alefantis too

December 11, 2012 2 p.m to 9 p.m. Jimmy Comet was invited with 757 other guests to First Lady Michelle Obama’s Toys for Tots collection.. Shimatsu's explanation will eventually lead back to the Harvard Divinity Group and the Baha'i, Lucis Trust and the UN

Baha’i Presence in Sandy Hook Event and How It May Influence Our Future -

I happened to come across an interview with Dr. John Woodall from the evening of the shootings. I didn’t recognize his name and didn’t understand what his significance was in all of this at first. He is a psychiatrist and former faculty member of Harvard Medical School.

MercurysBall2 ago

From its headquarters in Haifa Israel and under the authority of the Universal House of Justice, Bahá’í is overseen country-to-country by National and Local Spiritual Assemblies. The religion is an international phenomenon, with its spiritual founder prophesying a global socio-political transformation under the Bahá’í order’s aegis. “The Bahá’í Faith is the youngest of the world’s independent religions,” the International Bahá’í Community website notes.

ts founder, Bahá’u'lláh (1817-1892), is regarded by Bahá’ís as the most recent in the line of Messengers of God that stretches back beyond recorded time and that includes Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Christ and Muhammad. The central theme of Bahá’u'lláh’s message is that humanity is one single race and that the day has come for its unification in one global society.

In 1982 the Bahá’í faith unambiguously professed before the United Nations “the goal of a new World Order, Divine in origin, all-embracing in scope, equitable in principle, challenging in its features ~ that a harassed humanity must strive.”

Along with the institutionalized secular faith of carbon-centric environmentalism that figures centrally in the Bahá’ís’ undertakings, the Unity Project’s understated transnationalism is likewise making inroads at public schools and in communities throughout the world. As in his previous endeavours, the Sandy Hook tragedy has provided the backdrop for Woodall’s evangelizing that seeks to realign the traumatized individual and group toward certain ideals and norms.

What is arguably of concern is that Woodall proceeds under the cover of mental health professional while espousing an ardent globalist ideology that runs counter to the traditional political beliefs and religious faiths that, for better or worse, are espoused by a majority of the world’s population.