RealBiggly ago

MGTOW works fine for those that follow it.

You're just pissy for being righteously banned.

Anarchy99 ago

Mgtow is an emotional tampon for men. You have to change it every few hours. It gets you nowhere.

RealBiggly ago

Walking away from a rigged game is just the natural, logical and rational choice.

Staying and putting yourself through divorce rape or worse is plain stupid. Are you stupid?

Anarchy99 ago

Really? Real men discuss things. Losers listen to Jews. What has mgtow done? Because what I'm reading is bullshit. How is your love life working ?

RealBiggly ago

My love life is great, because I fucked off from the West and married an Asian babe that likes men, not an Anglobitch that hates us.

What MGTOW has "done" is free countless men from the mental shackles of thinking they need someone shorter, weaker, dumber, less-educated and earning less than them in their lives, simply because that person has a wet hole and boobies. In reality the average Anglobitch is a HUGE liability and risk, bringing little to the relationship except demands and debt.

Bring back automatic father custody of children along with fault in divorce, then Western marriage becomes viable again. Better, remove women's vote to prevent this fuck-up recurring. As it stands, Western marriage is suicidal for the man and suitable only for mouth-breathing morons.

Anarchy99 ago

Only if you get a marriage license and you don't know how to choose the right woman it will be a problem. Most men can't control women. If the woman is uncontrollable get rid of her. The problem is most men get into relationships with the wrong women. They don't have game or charm maybe just a paycheck.

RealBiggly ago

Yeah, the hand grenades that look like apples. Some are duds, some are live, you just have to pick the right one, huh?

Except even the duds turn live as they get corrupted by the culture that tells them they're strong, independent and just need your allthemoney and "child" support.

Anarchy99 ago

Then stop being a slave to the culture. Men are supplicants. This is why women walk all over them. Women like me because I think out side of the box and I'm smarter than everybody else. I don't take shit from ANYBODY. I'm smarter than the culture that preaches to women. I told one 23 year old woman who was pregnant with twins, not to abort the twins, not to circumcise her boys, not to vaccinate her boys. She had a natural childbirth. Her parents kept pushing her at 3 months pregnant to get an abortion. I told her she would only regret it. She is the only woman who ever listen to me and took my advice. I told her I love her for it. I told her if she was my daughter I would be damn proud of her. Her idiot father wanted her to go out and get some stupid job at some store and pay taxes and blah blah blah. I told her go and walk dogs and make a lot more money tax free. Guess what? She's making a lot more money walking dogs than working at Walmart

RealBiggly ago

Are you having a breakdown or something?

Anarchy99 ago

Dude you are a weak man. You are justifying your weakness. I'm sorry you picked the wrong woman but tough shit. Roll with the punches.

RealBiggly ago

How about no? How about I walk away and YOU go get punched in the face, wallet and balls?

Knock yourself out.

Anarchy99 ago

In response to this stupid post ...