Rotteuxx ago

That makes no sense.

Besides, jews aren't white, they say so themselves.

Rotteuxx ago

killed millions of white people

Sources needed on this.

The British are responsible for far more deaths than Germans seeing as how they started WW2 by declaring war on Germany.

Mumbleberry ago

You are talking to one of these;

AnonymousJester12345 ago

Just came from Reddit, and you have the right of it. Anytime Voat was mentioned as a replacement there was a chorus of ‘but 4chan nazis and jailbait lmao’. It’s most ironic that a lot of the time these were the same people complaining about censorship and privacy. Honestly it’s probably for the betterment of Voat that these people can’t think past their nose.

Mumbleberry ago

KYS, pedo.

pearson92 ago

It will literally be REDdit.. with the wave of red warriors from the East.

Avow_Truth ago

slow clap now go back to your chair dad.

NotHereForPizza ago

An easy "It's the Russians!" angle.

reject_kikery ago

Just give them a few hundred upvotes and they'll change their minds....

aaronC ago

lmao at all the leftiest there that have been pushing for more tools to censor content, and now those tools fall into the hands of people they don't like. They sure loved all the "censorship" when it came to blocking "hate speech" and sticking to the Orange Man! Reddit was always such a bastion of freedom and diversity of opinion, but the Chinese are going to come and take that all away! lmao

Can't wait to see all the bans this results in. Of course it won't be instant, these users will all get put on a naughty list and as soon as they step out of line for something else, gone.

Wheelofdawn ago

Not all people on the left want censorship, Ideas should stand and fall only on their own merits, besides the obvious threats of violence and patently illegal shit.

hillaryisabitch ago

Leftists love censorship, where the fuck you been? I love how it's "not all leftists" whenever ALL FUCKING SOCIAL MEDIA IS RAN BY PRO CENSORSHIP LEFTISTS, but if one conservative does something it's immediately ALL CONSERVATIVES. Fuck off!

gazillions ago

They needn't be so upset. They're a perfect fit or the Company that came up with "Clap for Xi Jinping" Where the player have 19 seconds to create as many claps for Xi's speech as they can. TenCent understands the Reddit user's mind completely.

FuckRedditInTheAss ago

They don't mind censorship as long as it's their brand of censorship. Let's sit on the patio here at Voat and watch as Reddit catches fire and capsizes in the distance. Nothing of fucking value will be lost.

Enkae ago

I love how these people act like something horrible is about to happen to reddit. It’s already been censored to hell.

tobu ago

I wouldn't be surprised if China is already censoring- but no one has noticed.

Solstiare ago

Fuck. Incoming wave of Redditards.