MagaTron ago

Thanks this is great. Maybe we can start archiving them elsewhere too.

MadWorld ago

Great work!! Since what you have could become very important, you might want to archive/mirror the content on multiple sites, in case it gets taken down.

MagaTron ago

Found an archive here Would be good if there was an archive of his alt account too though. Also anything that is not saved there.

rumathlete_1 ago

simple, they allow them to say Seth's name, but none of the facts. The information from 4chan and other sites proves what others are saying. By allow T_D to talk about Seth while not allowing proof of his murder, makes T_D look crazy. When we had proof, we were challenging the system.

CptMacaroni ago

What the fuck is going on!?

LadNoDad ago

I just deleted reddit off my phone today because of all this bullshit and I'm tired of the assenine (spelling?) crap that makes it to all recently. Did anyone see The_NewDonalds post today make it to all about how Putin was our president? Fucking garbage. Should've done it long ago, I get it, but I've only recently opened my eyes to the autism that is the MSM, Deep State, etc.

asdfasdafas ago

Well that's suspect as fuck.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

They changed it but it was happening earlier. Please see the links in the top post for proof.

frankenmine ago

Reddit is a bit player at best. This entire week's MSM coverage was high-outrage low-content bullshit meant to distract from the Seth Rich story. They're terrified.

MagaTron ago


0fsgivin ago

I asked a top commentor on one of the TD post on the front page to edit in

They did a great job so mad props to /u/Vintagedaisy over on reddit.

Edit: hey All - why did Reddit admins edit Seth Rich's post history??? Trying to hide something?? Covering for the Clinton Killing Machine??? HIS NAME WAS SETH RICH and HE WAS A PATRIOTIC AMERICAN!!! Edit: Boo Hoo! Had to reset the count to zero. Lol. Can't take the High Energy?!? Or maybe you just don't want All to know the TRUTH about their beloved DNC.

Another post at 6k+ right now in the donalds front page looks like it might hit /r/all.

9199719? ago

Honestly. I really think it was.

I have a left leaning site, that is not reddit, that I have an account on. And I have only made one comment there in the past month. But right now, I have a page open on how to brace for new users, as trouble is brewing on reddit. And guess what is covered in detail: TD vs reddit, the wave of users to voat, voat's eminent demise or its status as scum/villainy with "quality" discussion. Not one mention of Seth Rich. I keep on writing and rewriting an entire post on voat, on Seth Rich, on wikileaks, but the hugbox there makes reddit look diverse, and I just want to lurk there.

The story everywhere that is not reddit is gearing towards being about TD vs the admins. Not Seth Rich's social media accounts point to him being the leaker because of his support for Bernie, and beef with the DNC. Not Seth Rich's social media accounts being edited after the fact.

EDIT: And checked /v/all to see other shit, come across this image from this post. Voat has made me paranoid.

DasReich ago

Well, don't say we didn't warn you.

cthulian_axioms ago

I haven't the foggiest. If I knew, we would not be in this mess. If you know a demon's true name, you own him. You can make him do whatever you want, including self-sacrifice.

Even the Gods each have a True Name. There are stories of a God foolishly revealing his True Name to someone else; this typically does not end well for the God in question.

uv ago Only a couple random posts seem to be deleted as of right now.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

I have added proof to the top comment

vvf ago

What? I've been shitposting about him all day without issue. The SR narrative is still going strong.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Please see the edit in the top comment

kuchufli ago

Fuck-em, Fuck Spez, and his wife's boyfriend, both seem like cucks to me... ANYWAYS, we just need a place to centrally fact check, deseminate info, get direction for the investigation, and be an outlet to spread the info like the clap at Coachella! Voat seems like the place, heck if we can Meme a president into power I'm sure we can find the Democrats responsible for his death... Johnny Pod---a

cthulian_axioms ago

You don't have to --- out the name, you know. It's not his true name, and even if you somehow found out what that was, I doubt our human vocal apparatus can pronounce it.

kuchufli ago

Haha true... I still have reddit censorship syndrome... My super male vitality hasn't come in yet haha

cthulian_axioms ago

Give it time. This place has a way of making someone man the fuck up pretty quick.

Bigglesworth45 ago

I really think it was.

VoiceProposed ago

Coup confirmed. The fix is in, boys. Stay strong.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago


They changed it but it was happening earlier

Examples of blatant TD fuckery:

Original post:

Conde_Nast ago

Seth Rich is stickied there.