CyborgCuttlefish ago

yeah i made /r/pure_trump back after the first revelations of cucking and kikery showed from kike mods like jcm

Xisiuizado ago

You can exist anywhere. MAGA! βœοΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈβœοΈ

Xisiuizado ago

That was getting ridiculous. 😑

Iamabioticgod ago

td mods have verified accounts on other social media they would say something if their accounts where just taken by the admins

I think the more likely thing is that OhSnap was bought out and has been aggiating the admins on purpose so they have reason to ban the sub

Tibbbyyy ago

That's definitely an interesting theory. I tend to have faith in people, so I'm leaning towards it just being terrible timing by the mods. However, I don't know those mods personally and there is obviously fuckery going on in this world.

PaulYall ago

I'm sure at some point /pol/ pointed out that the jews were involved somehow as well. I love how fun and cool /pol/ can be sometimes, but for now I can't put much stock in it. I guess we'll see what happens at 9pm tonight.

DabbaDan ago

Alright, I'd watch that movie. Or series or whatever it is. That's cool.

I can't say I'm sold on it, but it's a fun theory to think of.

5D__Chessmaster ago

Best timeline

Hunted_Patriot ago

Interesting. I opened an account- formatting is even worse than Reddit. Shit makes no sense.

TheGettysburgAddress ago

Holy fuck that's deep and plausible.


PhillyNekim ago

No they attacked the mods about the Seth Rich thing because it would kill the russian narrative. Without the russian narrative they wouldn't be able to force who Trump picks for FBI Director. That's why we saw Trey Gowdy drop even though he was lined up.

When they attacked the mods they freaked out and finally said fuck it officially move to voat. Shortly after moving to voat OhSnap was banned for 3 days. Shortly after that 3 mods including her were removed from the sub entirely.

The proper response of T_D would be to go private and tell people to move to voat in the meantime. This would attack the core issue reddit is freaking out about (T_D moving to voat would kill reddit). Then reddit would actually buckle almost INSTANTLY.

moxxv ago

It seemed like right from the start the intentions of the mods were to bring the t_d down. Everything they did in "protest" was just to string us along. They knew full well what the results of their actions would be and the timing is not a coincidence.

I've had a theory for a while that the creation and meteoric rise of t_d was not a natural occurrence and that a certain high up there group was behind it all. This was the reason that mentioning Israel or Jared Kushner in a negative light got you instantly banned. They gave the orders to shut it down when the Seth Rich story got as big as it did and the mods followed orders.

TerraHertz ago

We all wish it was true. But... Why hang around in a bar when you are supposed to be meeting with an agent to pass on crucial info? Why wait at all? Also, that was the FBI run by Comey. Who was a Hillary protector and would have been among those wishing Seth dead.

Sorry, I don't think so. I pray I'm wrong.

NotWearingPants ago

T_D isn't dark, it's gone. My profile page shows nothing from that sub, it has been deleted. That wouldn't happen if the sub was just private.

TerraHertz ago

Holy shit. Same here. Not a single post of mine to T_D showing up in my profile. Wow. A new face for historical revisionism.

I suppose this could be a side effect of whatever software switches they threw to blank the sub. Maybe total lockout to better see the effect on reddit overall traffic?

But I won't be surprised if it's all gone forever.

r/The_Donald page says "Check back at 9 PM EST on 5/20 for an announcement." 24 hours since they shut it down. says it's now 11:50am 5/20 on the US East coast. A while to go till their announcement. We'll see.

padishar2 ago

Shit. That would be something else.

throatbiscuit ago

Very interesting theory

usernameicanremember ago

They banned the real mods and one of theirs shut it down.

TheGettysburgAddress ago


greatGoD67 ago

Going to have to agree with this statement. Going private now of all times is by far the dumbest possible thing do have done. The only way any archiving of sensitive Seth Rich related info is going to be done, is if people can work together. Removing the_donald at this juncture is so unbelievably stupid and naive that I seriously cant help but think it was done against the best interests of the community

RatmanThomas ago

Yes I think the mods have been compromised as well now. Just took them awhile to get moles in.

greatGoD67 ago

Only need to ban the top few mods, then there will be the mole. The shoe fits anwyway.

Firinmahlazer ago

It's covert censorship. Really fucking scary if that indeed is the case. Reddit is literally just a propaganda machine

TurboSympatique ago

When I first saw the plea from Snapyougotserved I knew rigt aways something was up!

The only way to destroy the _Donald was from within.

And they succeeded.

Marksk8ter11 ago

I'm with this school of thought. Such dumbass timing from the mods at r/TD to "protest the admins". Wayyy too fishy.

Shekelstein6M ago

The T_D mod teams has been completely jewified. It started out as a /pol/ colony, but with each passing month it was made more and more kosher, until eventually you couldn't even mention the obvious.

dragonpenis ago

i felt something was fucking fishy the moment i saw the sub private. this is purge and takeover. reddit t_d is now compromised.

biznatch ago


Drop_Nukes_On_Israel ago

Mods at T_D have been cucking their own subscribers ever since CisWhiteMaelstrom stepped down from head mod position due to getting doxed. Shit has been downhill ever since.

T_D has had controlled opposition mods for A VERY LONG FUCKING TIME.

It's good and bad that the exodus happened today, 'pedes. Lesson is, you need to stay the fuck off Reddit and congregate in literally any other place that doesn't have compromised moderation. Those places are few. 4chan, 8chan, and Voat are a few of the last vestiges of free speech.

You aren't redpilling anyone by staying on Reddit. You're staying in a contained hugbox where T_D mods can feed you opinions for you to have. It's like the Matrix, where they don't want you waking up and seeing all the human pods for miles on end.

tr8t0r ago

This is the most important post I've seen on this board so far.

draegspir ago

Great work pedes. Let's keep the MAGA train rolling.

eyels ago

Infowars has not talked about T_D shutdown and was shilling for Gab earlier today, this looks fishy. I've heard through the grapevine that the Gab founder was coordinating with reddit admins to get us off the site. This is just a theory, but we need to be extremely careful who we trust. The chans were hit with a large amount of shilling while we were dealing with this.

vvf ago

Is nowhere safe? Seriously. Voat is supposed to be in the red. I just want to be left the fuck alone.

carlinco ago

And they needed to get rid of the other admins mods so td would be set to private at the right time...

edit: duh

DBCoopersMoney ago

Do you mean mods? Admins are reddit employees.

carlinco ago

Oh yeah - that was a stupid mistake...

wilw ago

Who was the 4th mod on T_D? they have the decision -

Now, because people add-remove and not reorder, I don't know without scanning more archives which mod has actually been around for more then a few days beyond the top 3

TerraHertz ago

They've left out some critical details. 4chan revealed Seth Rich was alive when brought to the hospital. Staffer reports he was operated on, stabilized, not considered in life-threatening condition. Then police swarmed the hospital, cordoned off Seth's room. Later he turns out to be dead. Also, they went to his home and took his laptop. Why take a 'robbery victim's' laptop? Plus close connections turning up between the police responders and the DNC. And the owner of the club where Seth was before leaving (to be killed) had recently had meetings in Obama's White House. And Seth never got drunk, but that night he left 'extremely intoxicated' - or drugged.

This is getting extremely close to proven political assassination, with the DNC, Hillary, and Obama administration all implicated.

Suddenly all the Reddit T_D threads on this are inaccessible. WHAT A COINCIDENCE.

tr8t0r ago

Pure coincidence, of course.

Iamabioticgod ago

What the fuck kind of evidence is that? That's some rp fag who wants attention. I thought you guys were the objective factual based people

and yes i do think hillary and her friends killed seth rich

javierNelson ago

reddit is a piece of shit

Smelly_pirate ago

No kidding. The only thing good there now is advice animals and it's mostly shitty ducks and confession bear last time i checked.

javierNelson ago

there's still cats but i think there's also still caturday threads if you check your local underwater basket weaving forums

Tzitzimitl ago

theres still /uncensored_news and /europeannationalism

dingomeat ago

what the fuck are you smoking grandma

anorganicbear ago

People will find voat. It's not like six million people are just going to suddenly drop barbells on themselves

iAintGotTime2Bleed ago

Why aren't I 6 million barbell drops ahead you might ask.

Nerf86 ago

There was some strange mod activity a while back on the T_D. I don't remember any update on what happened... I feel like it was just swept under the rug or people went on to focus on other things. It makes me wonder though... Were the mods compromised? If so, this would be a perfect time to strike (as illustrated in the /pol/ theory).

Tzitzimitl ago

the mods were always compromised. t_d started out as a leftist "attack the strawman" sub before /pol/ raided it, way back when everybody thought trump was a joke candidate

dingomeat ago

It's the biggest redpill operation in the history of /pol/

HuggableBear ago

It was, before Trump started winning for real and the admins purged the mods and installed their own psyop cancermods.

BlueDrache ago

And changed the algorithms to deter TD's posts from reaching /all


No one professional ever mentions td specifically, can you imagine they direct their readers to that sjw shitshow of ALL CAPS ANGER POSTS and karma whoring seth rich bullshit

Salbuchi_2019 ago

/pol/ is always right

Peglius ago

/pol/ should be the FBI director

dingomeat ago

don't insult their intelligence like that

lefthandpath ago

The 6 millions goys gone to reddit's ovens. Poof!

bciar ago

Agreed, makes the most sense based on what little we know. It's very transparent.

JJR ago

Hannity needs to keep talking about seth rich and about Donalds Internet army wherever we may me

RobotJINI ago

Could be, but if those are the cards the deep state is forced to use then they aren't doing well.

vvf ago

How could they realistically stop Trump at this point?

bciar ago

They're not sending their best (they are).

dingomeat ago
