Sergeant_Asperger ago

I'm not a jew.

Crensch ago

Did you beat your "wife" after she fucked up? That was a lot of scp and ccp to lose.

Did you kick her down the stairs?

Sergeant_Asperger ago

No. I would never beat my wife.

Crensch ago

I bet if you knew what she did to your kids while you weren't around, you would.

Well, if you were a man.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

She's not a pedo.

Crensch ago

Keep thinking that.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Just because she's a jew, doesn't mean she's a pedo.

Crensch ago

You can't even keep her from fucking up so bad you had to nuke an account; what the hell do you know about her? Top kek.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

I've known her for years.

Crensch ago

As if that means anything with Jews.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

15 years is a long time.

Crensch ago

Trying to convince yourself?

Sergeant_Asperger ago

I know her well,

Crensch ago

Keep trying to convince yourself of that. Everyone else knows that you'll be checking in on what she's doing a bit more now, just in case.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

I've seen her around the kids. Never seen her do anything bad.

Crensch ago

Everyone knows Jews are greedy, thieving, sneaky little rats.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

She's never stolen anything from me.

Crensch ago

Your superior genes. She took your genes and created 4 walking turds out of them.

Also, you're likely a walking wallet for her, so "stolen" is kinda silly, since you just hand it over like a cuck.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

  1. My kids aren't turds.


  1. She doesn't ask for much money.

Crensch ago

My kids aren't turds.

Yes they are. Giant genetic turd golems.

She doesn't ask for much money.

Pimping your kids out then, I bet.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

She doesn't pimp out our kids, weirdo.

Crensch ago

Most Jews are into butt stuff. Don't really know why, but have them checked out for rectal trauma.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

I have had butt sex with her, and she says she prefers vaginal.

Crensch ago

and she says she prefers vaginal.

Only with you.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

She ain't cheating.

Crensch ago

I'm sure you both don't think of your nigger bull as an outsider.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Nigger bull? What is that?

Crensch ago

Kek. Like you don't know.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

My wife isn't fucking niggers

Crensch ago

Whatever you want to call it, chief.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

My wife isn't burning coal

Crensch ago

Nobody believes you.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Fuck off. You are a degenerate.

Crensch ago

You married a Jew. You married a thing genetically disposed to raping children, incest, and having a shit fetish.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

My wife is not a rapist. She doesn't commit incest. She doesn't have a shit fetish.

Crensch ago

Keep trying to convince yourself of that.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Hey, Mr. MGTOW, I have sex at least once a day. Are you jealous?

Crensch ago

You commit bestiality once a day. I don't envy someone that shoves his dick into a pig.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

It's not bestiality.

Crensch ago

Wouldn't put it past a Jew.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

She looks far different from a pig.

Crensch ago

You misspelled "human".

Sergeant_Asperger ago

She has two legs, two arms, a head, human hair, 10 fingers , 10 toes, human genitalia and can use human communication. Seems pretty human to me

Crensch ago

Niggers have those same qualities. Are you saying that niggers look human?

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Niggers don't have human brains.

Crensch ago

Neither do Jews.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

My wife isn't mentally ill.

Crensch ago

As if anyone knows or cares what a healthy or mentally ill Jewish brain looks/works like. Fine, she's a perfectly healthy-brained JEW.

And like perfectly healthy-brained NIGGERS, she's not human.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Niggers can't have healthy brains.

Crensch ago

Neither can Jews.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

My wife did drop out of high school, but she's not retarded.

Crensch ago

I bet every day in your house is like this

Sergeant_Asperger ago

It's not.

Crensch ago

Well, you are autistic, you probably just don't know any better. Makes your kike wife look worse that she'd take advantage of a mentally ill white.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

She's not taking advantage of me.

Crensch ago

That's what groomed children say about their child-fuckers.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

I met her when I was 24. She was 23. There was never any child fucking in our relationship.

Crensch ago

Well, maybe not until you had kids.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

She never did anything to them. She breastfed them when they were little. Do you think that's bad?

Crensch ago

I think making them in the first place is a crime against humanity. It's OK though, they won't become old enough to harm whites before they're on the run from bounty hunters.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

LOL, I'm so scared.

Crensch ago

You keep saying that, but I keep telling you that I'm happy you're not. What point of that is so difficult for you to understand, cripple?

Sergeant_Asperger ago

My wife is with me right now. Wanna talk to her? She wants to.

Crensch ago

My wife is with me right now. Wanna talk to her? She wants to.

I bet she does. @ZardoZ2017

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Alright, here I am. AMA.

Crensch ago

How did it feel to ruin that mentally ill faggot's last username?

Sergeant_Asperger ago

I feel bad. He forgave me. Also, he isn't mentally ill.

Crensch ago

He married a Jew, and seems to enjoy announcing his autism.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

He's high functioning autistic. It's not that bad.

Crensch ago

So he's mentally ill.

What, exactly, makes either of you think that your words won't follow him no matter what username he creates here?

Sergeant_Asperger ago

We don't think that.

Crensch ago

It was written. I archived it, and even had a voat-wide celebration over gassing you.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

You didn't gas me. I'm still here, alive.

Crensch ago

Just like all the holocaust victims.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Hey, you'll like this: my maiden name is Silverstein.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Eh, you're not offending me. I knew you would say that.

Crensch ago

And I'm right. You and your mentally ill husband won't even consider that you might be wrong, or that your subhuman species might have been lying about all of it.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Want to hear my maiden name?

Crensch ago

I'll ruin the surprise, it doesn't sound Jewish, according to your mentally ill husband.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

My original last name was Silverstein. It's no longer my last name, though.

Crensch ago

So your autistic beta husband lied. Kek.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

What did he say?

Crensch ago

He said your name didn't sound Jewish. He lied.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

I think he meant it doesn't now. I had a jewish sounding name, but not anymore.

Crensch ago

Then what was the point of him saying that? He already said he wasn't Jewish.

Any normal human wouldn't have even brought up such an irrelevant point, but he did. I always suspected you Jews of being contagious.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Yep, I had a jewish last name, but I don't anymore.

Crensch ago

Then him bringing it up was a Jewism. He caught the Jewpox.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Did my jewess vagina give it to him?

Crensch ago

Like I know how you kikes spread your filth to others. You tell me.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

I don't spread filth.

Crensch ago

You are filth. All living things are driven to spread their genes.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Yep, I've spread my genes. 4 times.

Crensch ago

And they'll all amount to nothing but parasites for their short lives.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Jesus, you and your inbred nazi friends really think you can start a race war.

Crensch ago

You and your kike brethren think you can parasite off of whites indefinitely.

You also think the lie of the holocaust will continue to protect you.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

I'm not a fucking parasite. I'm not parasiting off whites.

Crensch ago

You are. You all are. You won't even take the time to figure out why your race is so hated by everyone that takes the time to read and learn about Jews. No, you think the shit taught to us before we can reason is the absolute truth, and nothing will change your mind.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

You really think i'm some kind of demon. just cause my parents were jews.

Crensch ago

You're a subhuman. You're a parasite. Your kind need to be culled for the good of humanity.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Jesus fucking christ, say one evil thing I have done.

Crensch ago

You made 4 kikes. That's 4 things including your continued breathing. Add those 5 to your admitting that you are glad the Bolshevik genocide happened, and it's very obvious you're an enemy to humans.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Those 4 "kikes" haven't done anything evil.

Crensch ago

By that logic, niglets should be spared because they haven't yet committed a violent crime.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Why not? Blacks aren't inheriently evil, and neither are jews.

Crensch ago

Blacks are inherently violent, and subhuman. Jews are the same.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

I've known black people that aren't violent.

Crensch ago

You've known subhumans that tried to act human.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Wow, anyone that isn't white is a subhuman to you. i don't think whites are subhumans.

Crensch ago

Jews are allowed to lie to goyim, just like the sandniggers are.

And even if you weren't doing that, of course whites aren't subhuman. We're the best race on the planet. We created virtually every ounce of technology used in civilzation - hell, we created civilization.

If there was ever a race that would take us to Type I or above, it's whites. Any other race is subhuman, and I'd say that even if I WAS a subhuman.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

I'm not lying. I don't hate whites. If i did, I wouldn't be married to one. I wouldn't have taken his white last name.And I woulldn't create 4 half white kids.

Crensch ago

Then you admit whites are the superior race, and that your race needs to die so we can stop being held back and subverted by Jews?

Sergeant_Asperger ago

No. There is no superior race.

Crensch ago

Yes, there is. Whites are superior. If they were not, 3rd-world shitstains wouldn't be doing everything they could to invade our countries.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Whites aren't superior. Jews aren't superior, either.

Crensch ago

Whites are superior. We invent, we excel, we build, we create. Jews parasite off of whites. Niggers never created anything. Neither did spics. Sandniggers haven't given something to humanity in nearly a thousand years.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

I don't parasite off whites.

Crensch ago

You do. Your autistic beta husband gives you money. You refuse to educate yourself on the holocaust, or your own people. Your kids probably go to public school, paid for by the taxes of predominantly white males. You use our roads, our electricity, our technology, our court systems. I could go on.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

My husband is not a beta.

Crensch ago

Oh, yes he is. He can't even keep you in line well enough to prevent you destroying a username.

And I bet you still think there's nothing wrong with the Bolshevik genocide. The holocaust was a hoax to hide the fact that Jews were doing what they claimed Germans were doing. It's pretty easily proven

Sergeant_Asperger ago

I apologized for that whole username thing, and he forgave me.

Crensch ago

Nobody else does.

Do you think multiculturalism is a good thing?

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Depends on the cultures.

Crensch ago

Depends on the cultures.

Give some examples.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Muslims shouldn't be allowed in.

Crensch ago

Allowed in where?

Sergeant_Asperger ago


Crensch ago

You're going to have to be very specific here. Type it out as a full sentence, and U.S. is very different from "us".

Who shouldn't be allowed in where?

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Muslims shouldn't be fucking up the U.S.

Crensch ago

Muslims shouldn't be fucking up the U.S.

That's a very Jewish answer.

Your words aren't saying "Muslims shouldn't be allowed in to the U.S." it's an opinion on what Muslims should or should not be doing.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

They shouldn't be allowed in the U.S.

Crensch ago

Anywhere else they shouldn't be allowed?

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Europe could go without them. Isn't there a rape crisis there due to them?

Crensch ago



You don't know what's going on over there?

Rape crisis. CHILD grooming and rape. Terrorist attacks constantly. No-go zones where whites get raped and die. Attempting to have sharia courts supersede the host nation's courts. Forced settling of hundreds of thousands across Europe. The once beautiful cities look like shitholes.

What, are you not allowed on this site unless your beta is there, or something?

Sergeant_Asperger ago

I don't really come on this site often.

Crensch ago

Afraid you'll find information that you won't like?

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Nah, I just don't really come on here that much.

Crensch ago

Muslims and the multicultural shit. Do you happen to know who pushes for this in civilized countries?

Sergeant_Asperger ago

A small minority of jews. I know. Most of us ain't doing this shit.

Crensch ago

Do you know who pushes the holocaust onto children before the age of reason?

What about transgenderism?

What about the main pushers of Communism.

Or miscegenation.


Or telling whites they have no culture.

Who runs the now-in-the-open pedophile Hollywood?

The banks?

Why are so many nations using fiat currency linked to the world banks, and who owns them?

Why are those in the upper echelons of the MSM news networks almost exclusively Jewish? What about those enrolled in Harvard?

Who mostly staffs the schools in the US?

What country consistently breaks its peace treaties in order to gain more land? What peoples treat others on their land as second-class citizens?

You try to separate yourself from them, but you refuse to find out that your holocaust was a lie. You won't even read anything on it.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Miscgenation isn't bad (I engage in it), transgenders are a small part of the population, and the main pushers of communism is retarded white kids.

Crensch ago

Yes it is, you're a prime example. Trans are mentally ill, and the inventor, perpetrators, and pushers of communism are, almost invariably, Jewish.

Retarded whites are useful idiots. They can't push anything, they just consume what is pushed into their psyche from grade school.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

My 4 kids seem to not be harmed by the fact they are racially mixed.

Crensch ago

Just in case you were wondering how this all would turn out.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

That guy is a retard

Crensch ago

You've not shown yourself to be better.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Eh, dumb maybe, but I wouldn't say retarded.

Crensch ago

I got you to gas yourself, and you come back with a similar name and think somehow that what was written from your username won't follow you.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

I didn't delete the last account, you know who did.

Crensch ago

I don't even know which of your split personalities is responding here.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Split personalities?

Crensch ago

Despite humouring you and acting as if I believe there are two different users on this account, I don't actually believe you.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Lol, believe what you want to believe, doesn't change the fact I exist.

Crensch ago

Still have no idea which personality is present in this dialogue.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

So you not believing I exist means I don't exist? Lol, you're like a child.

Crensch ago

I know both personalities are stupid, but are you really illiterate?

If you were to turn my previous comment into a question, what question would I be asking?

Sergeant_Asperger ago

It's not a fucking personality, you fucking retard.

Crensch ago

Keep trying, you illiterate kike. What. Question. Would. I. Be. Asking.

Or is it that you're offended that I don't believe you?

It's one or the other, your choice.

Sergeant_Asperger ago

You know what? Fuck this, this website fucking sucks. I'm going to stop coming here. You anti semites are fucking retarded, and are worthless.

Crensch ago

I think you're lying, kike.

Did I finally unravel your JIDF secret? You're just a lonely Incel wanting to earn shekels by posting here?

Crensch ago

Jews tend to be self-hating degenerates. It may take a while, but they'll get there.

Crensch ago

Do you think the invasion of Europe is a good thing?

Sergeant_Asperger ago

Whatever. I don't care. As long as he doesn't lie to me, I don't care.