21781831? ago

the 4chan shit? https://voat.co/v/4chan/3568590/21780579 some ca anon needs to go down there and put up flyers or something. We can't fail this quest....

Fruit fly microchimerism?

Personal account:


Yoga account:


Janessa Somera,


Found her LinkedIn kek


Camp Pendleton, CA 92055

boyfriends name is .... they like to cheat, she wants to collect government state benefits? possible preg with mutants ... would she fuck some jihad blackpanther taliban?The Reddit name is the exact same as her yoga Instagram account, which she now deleted, although she left it up in the bio of her personal account. She’s obviously trying to delete everything that connects her to her Reddit account.

Notice how she also has camping, hiking, and yoga in her bio, which is something she talks about on her Reddit account, which is more evidence they’re the same person

21530548? ago

Nobody wanted her anyway, elbows too pointy for typical white voat coper stud. /s

21774189? ago

What's up with these coal burning nutty insane whores, the disease rots their brains? @Xantha @Hyst ? @UrCoolerOlderBrother @CrudOMatic

21803148? ago

Some have been brainwashed by society and media, some were raised wrong, and there is always an amount of them that will just naturally gravitate towards degeneracy (whatever that may be). Regardless they will inevitably pay the toll sooner or later. Some will never learn, some will pay with their life, others will learn their lesson and live the rest of their life in shame while being shunned from all self respecting men. Hard question to answer though. It's difficult to pathologize such depravities.

22170971? ago

Not sure why my comment was linked to.

22172066? ago

Me neither

21343688? ago

daddy issues? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3516717/21338661 Diversity is giving us this amazing, vibrant and wholesome culture. I swear there has to be bot armys that make all the blacked videos get so many views and puts them at the top of the listings on porn sites.