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So you think Michael Aquino is innocent...

And you attack me on Christmas....because I replied to @shewhomustbeobeyed and posted about Southpark?

Am I getting your "thesis" right?

I'm trying to be charitable here, and not denounce you and curse you out given the amazing gift God sent us in Jesus Christ.

But I fail to see what I've said that is "suspicious".

And you are being a very hateful and negative person on a joyous day.

We may disagree. But you are the one seeking division.

P.S. my Southpark post clearly is in context of MTV/Viacom, a company that employed PROLIFIC PEDO Dan Schneider, has repeatedly used Satanic imagery in their advertising, and is owned by a former US Military PsyOp officer (Sumner Redstone)

Were the Simpsons and Family Guy also blowing the whistle? Or normalizing? It's a fair question and worthy of discussion

argosciv ago

And you found this submission so quickly, how?

  • Did someone tell you about it?
  • Are you using searchvoat to stalk me despite us never conversing(to my recollection)?
  • Are you stalking my submission history?
  • Are you desperately monitoring @Crensch's thread about ES, on Christmas?

You can bet your arse I've kept an eye out for your fuckery. Attempting to use old talking points(and taking them out of context, as usual) which you're capitalizing on to groom/manipulate @shewhomustbeobeyed via selective replying, won't change a thing. Nevermind the "Oh how could you be so mean on Christmas" whining, if Christmas is so important to you, what are you even doing here, looking out for such a thread?

Your agenda is been clear to me. This is the only reply I need to give you, regardless of any answers you may give - readers can determine the rest for themselves.


Hey Retard.

You pinged me.

So I saw it immedately

MolochHunter ago

great work. you really got @argosciv on that one

Now, are you going to actually address the evidence of inexplicable activity like pinging in long dormant accounts like Davidrkelley ?

because an ignorant observer might postulate that you'd burnt some primary alts and needed to raise the CCP of other alts over the voat function unlocking thresholds


...Really MH?

You're asking why I pinged davidrkelley....the ORIGINAL AUTHOR of the Getty bunkers claim?

The dude whose statements were the basis of the aformentioned post?

I think that's self explanatory.

But just in case...

Though dormant, I'm hoping if the dude ever checks his account he might provide some evidence of being contracted by CIA and NSA, which he has never substantiated.

Ignorant observer

Lol. You just burned yourself

MolochHunter ago

how would you know he even had a voat account ?


  1. Because I searchvoated "getty museum"

  2. I found a relevant post:

  3. I read all the comments and saw that "stevendkelley" had commented on it

P.S. I also said I didn't know if the username was legit, and noted that he only had one comment.

Anymore questions?

think- ago

Yes - how did you learn that I resigned? I didn't ping you to my comment I left when I resigned.

@MolochHunter @EricKaliberhall @Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude


Because I keep up with the giant post that you Mods have kept stickied at the top of the forum. Are we peons not meant to read it?

I pay special attention to it since I have been wrongly lumped into the "ES brigade" and have been previously accused/pinged to it when @Crensch copy pasted:

More recently, I was informed I was tagged by TrustTheTruth beyond the ping limit, I continued to follow that thread which is where/how I discovered @think- resigned.

@shewhomustbeobeyed (tagging you since you wanted to know)

@kevdude (tagging you just FTR)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you for this explanation.


You're welcome.