26218002? ago

Because they are too stupid to see diversity is good for them?

26218299? ago

Already diversified for over one thousand years maybe 1500 + yrs and more. You had Turk invasions into the East of Europe, the Yellow Mongoloid horde is why East Europeans and Russians look more Asiatic, the Roma caste from India, also lots of Jewish blood across Eastenr Europe, the Muslim and North African invasions plus the Eastern Roman Empire invaded, bred and fucked with everyone.

26217893? ago

The map shows an increasing average IQ as you progress north across Europe.

The Pyrenees, the Alps and the Carpathian mountain systems presented natural boundaries throughout history.

You see primarily Aryan influence to the north and more admixture of Middle Eastern and North African, and likely sub-Saharan as well, south of the mountains.

One can confirm this by simply looking at the general population.
Seems logical to me.

26217817? ago

Jews have the lowest spatial intelligence in the world. Through centuries of lies they have developed verbal skills, but they cannot design or build anything functional or aesthetic. Take a look at the Libeskind's museum in Berlin. It is a brazen act of aggression in the urban fabric.

26217789? ago

According to one member of the 'Academic Advisory Council' of 'The Ulster Institute for Social Research', which was presided over by a "white supremacist" (according to the SPLC), and also labeled "hate speech"; and "unsupported by evidence" as well as ""generally receiving little to no attention from within the everyday scientific community"...one of the reasons for this could be "that the possible dysgenic effect in intelligence, due to a claimed negative relationship between fertility and intelligence, Meisenberg argues that in Western society, this trend was delayed by religious prohibitions against contraception, allowing positive selection for intelligence to continue up until the industrial revolution".

26217832? ago

You don't see that sort of effect in a handful of generations.

26217787? ago

Because they are Alpines not Nordics. Also probably immigrants.

26217756? ago

What are you getting at with this post?