It’s sad how real the programming is to these cunts. Floyd was a fuckall, piece of shit. Yet when he’s brought up in any context outside “we gotta bend the knee bc of him” or some shit, they chimp out (unironically, lulz)
seems like its just sexual transference, they are turned on by deliberate social transgression but they have to express this in what they see as an acceptable fashion
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4FoxSake ago
It’s sad how real the programming is to these cunts. Floyd was a fuckall, piece of shit. Yet when he’s brought up in any context outside “we gotta bend the knee bc of him” or some shit, they chimp out (unironically, lulz)
Rizzo9000 ago
seems like its just sexual transference, they are turned on by deliberate social transgression but they have to express this in what they see as an acceptable fashion
HighEnergyLife ago
Hybristophilia. All women are on the spectrum.
Nukeisrael ago
Which is why the ancients knew better to let them have rights. They are anti civilization creatures.