fightknightHERO ago

it's always the ugly girls who go full Marxist

Nicoladepierola ago

Where can I find more of him?

Recyclops14 ago

The indoctrination is these social media consuming people, it's sad.

j3wish_fabl3s ago

WNwoman ago

Hmmm I see that homosexuality falls below racism on the SJW hierarchy. Ok to say faggot when a nigger is insulted.

Adminstrater ago

Oh man, when he turned that doll around to show the face. The comedic timing is brilliant.

robot7247 ago

What am I looking at and where can I get more of it?

MrVercetti ago

A fella called Catboykami triggering NPCs and occasionally redpilling the youth on jews and niggers

robot7247 ago

He's doing the Lord's work.

ColonizeOnSight ago

Cancel mudsharks for being homophobic.

Fight fire with fire.

ChosenUndead ago

Anyone have a link to the full source video?

AnotherGrayman ago

No luck there, Ashen One.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

They screech like monkeys hahaha

You guys notice the first thing they went to was:

fuck you you faggot bitch

HeavyBrain ago

Well thats good isn't it?! Bring out their true feelings.

Nukeisrael ago

Women are a legit joke and if you want them to have equal rights and work and shit you’re a moron, full stop. Literal children forever.

Helena73 ago

Is this true of all women? Do you just mean liberal women or do you mean all women. Do you mean maybe 95% of all women? Jus wondrin. Try to be honest.

drhitler ago

they should only hold office in proportion to their military participation

probably ensures you can at least get secretary jobs where you belong.

vaeax ago

assuming some random numbers:

  • 70% of women act like emotional retards
  • 60% of men act like emotional retards

it would still make sense to only allow men to vote.

Helena73 ago

Unless giving all the political power to men corrupts them. In Islamic countries males have more political power than women in this country did hundreds of years ago. They use that power to be polygamists, to justify old men fucking 9 year old boys. And to justify really savage penal code. They go to war with each other at the drop of a hat. Because they have been corrupted by too much power. Why do they want to fuck 9 year olds? Because they are emotional retards who want what they want when they want it. Im not digging the matriarchy. But you are over-romanticizing the pure patriarchy. It can be just as corrupt and far more savage.

vaeax ago

good points

Helena73 ago

Thank you

Faustian_Spirit ago

America - a nation where only landowning White men of good character can vote, until it was destroyed by international kikery.

Using 70iq pedophile sand niggers as an example of "men" is childlike stupidity on full display. Anyone who takes women seriously or considers their thoughts to be of value beyond the home is demoralized to the extreme.

Helena73 ago

Anyone who takes women seriously...

Do you mean all women or just liberal women? Do you mean maybe 60% of women or 90% of women or 100% of all women?

Faustian_Spirit ago

I was as simple and direct as possible, yet you whinge about, providing ever more evidence as to the multitudes of reasons why women cannot build civilization, let alone have a say in how they operate.

Helena73 ago

Its ok if you dont want to say.

QIsAFraud ago

I married the only woman I have ever met who isn’t run by her emotions. Actually, I’m probably more emotional than her - she’s a robot. She even handles pain very well. I’ve never seen a woman this tough.She’s very affectionate with the kids and an excellent mother, hyperintelligent, and probably more conservative than I am.

I would never have allowed anyone else to give me children. More than respect her, I admire her. I’ve never seen anybody with her integrity and luckily our kids are just like her. They can’t tell a lie to save their lives.

Could she run a company? Yes. She has.

She is the first one to tell you that women shouldn’t even have the right to vote.

ManchesterT ago

Where could one find such a woman as yours, friend?

AnotherGrayman ago

On the internet, being roleplayed by a man.

Helena73 ago

You sound like a lucky guy.

Nukeisrael ago

95%, women shouldn’t be leaders, sorry. Making exceptions discount the rule is how we got here in the first place.

Helena73 ago

Well it might not have worked at so great for everyone, but thank you for your honesty.

Dr5trangegov ago

i dont agree with him, but he has courage.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Why don't you agree with him, Shlomo?

Dr5trangegov ago

what does human flesh taste like? cant be all that good, what with peoples shitty diets. you know you are getting a concentrated dose of whats killing them? you are probably more than half crazy by now. poor critter.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

wtf does that even mean, Herr Shekelstein?

Dr5trangegov ago

i'm pretending like you are a cannibal. why? because i want to. I dont like your tone, so why dont you kiss my ass?

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Not only will I kiss your ass, I will dine on it, one sweet succulent bite at a time, while you scream for mercy (none will be given).

Dr5trangegov ago

still, i'd pack a lunch just in case

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Lunch will be your testes, and a side dish of jellied tongue

Stubbabubba ago

Women follow. Men lead. Start leading.

Helena73 ago

Maybe some women are better leaders and some men are better followers? Or do you think this is true 100% of the time?

Nukeisrael ago

This is literally the laziest argument ever. Averages. That’s all that matter in politics. Bigotry saves lives, literally.

Helena73 ago

I didn’t make an argument. I was interested in whether he believed as you do, that this is just most women, or whether he believes no women is every a better leader than any man.

I had a little disagreement with intrixina about whether some male goats literally despise all women— believe all women are inferior to all men— or whether its just blowing of steam and they really just mean liberal women— sjw women— are stupid whores i.e. not her.

So Im taking an informal poll to see how categorical some of these opinions are.

AnotherGrayman ago

It's a case of "the exception doesn't invalidate the rule, so the rule needs to ignore the exception."

We get it, there are women who aren't fucking inept children, but there aren't enough of them to justify allowing society to be corrupted and overtaken due to giving unexceptional women access to positions of authority under the guise of fairness and equality when we flat out are not equal.

Women should not be leaders, women should not be in positions of authority, regardless of whether you can find the needle in a haystack that is capable of doing so, because the vast majority of her peers are going to fall short of excellence and cause more harm than good.

No, it isn't fair, but very few things in life are, and I'd rather be unfair to some exceptional women than allow the majority of unexceptional women the means to fuck up everything they touch, all in the name of not discriminating.

Helena73 ago

We get it, there are women who aren't fucking inept children, but there aren't enough of them to justify allowing society to be corrupted and overtaken due to giving unexceptional women access to positions of authority under the guise of fairness and equality when we flat out are not equal.

I agree with that.

No, it isn’t fair, but very few things in life are, and I’d rather be unfair to some exceptional women than allow the majority of unexceptional women the means to fuck up everything they touch

I wonder if there aren’t any other choices besides those two.

Nukeisrael ago

Some niggers are net tax payers over a lifetime and are smarter than both of us. Wanna know what would happen if we allowed that as prescient to say “well look there’s a smart one, let’s let them all in!?” You get what we have today. The smart nigs will have dumb kids as nature ordains. Judging by groups is literally using reason. This individual worship (not saying you do) is why we are fucked. People believe exceptions destroy the rule so let’s just try to educate the 85 iq niggers and bus them into white schools!

Stubbabubba ago

Women should never lead.

Torqueness ago

A perfect example of female behaviour in social settings and peer groups. The girl on the left would've easily joined in with the hi-jinks if her friend hadn't taken the lead and signalled her outrage.

Sleuth222 ago

Men do the exact same thing. I would also point out that they are teenagers.

voatre ago

Yes but they will be adult dem voters soon.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

I'm glad he keeps doing videos..

krypt ago

I am so glad too! He has lots of bits using that new Floyd doll (kneeling on it, hanging it and saying "I cant breath", having the doll try to rape girls, all sorts of fun)

CatboyKami !

I love all CatboyKami video streams, some are edgier than the video clips floating around, but his bitchute is sparsely filled.

less shocking, but active , only 3 subscribers , over 10 videos :

(fan uploads: ) [recent Nov 2020]


Discord: https://disc<<REMOVE THIS>>

YT Main Channel (only old stuff):




official group chats are here:

His Discord and Telegram he uses daily coordinates stream links

He keeps getting banned by jew tech companies, but they cant stop him if an army of enablers keeps him up.

totopro96 ago

where is kami from?

krypt ago

australia, he claims, in every video

when asked WHERE he is at the exact moment, he never ever names a country

tanukihat ago

Catboykami, is this your Voat account?

AnotherGrayman ago

Fan clubs don't start themselves.

krypt ago


rndmvar ago

World class, honest comedy, and it's free.
The jews are in a furious debate over whether to be mad over the content, or the price.

Rockfish1000 ago

Never gets old

LarryWhiteContrary ago

Can you imagine White girls reacting like this to a moolie before the jew took control of this country

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Nope. White girls used to be scared of niggers back when the dad's were not removed by the Jewish state.

Ocelot ago

And most of the other dads are complete faggots who sit around watching niggerball and producing estrogen from their beer guts.

CaptainJake ago

This dude is hilarious

4FoxSake ago

It’s sad how real the programming is to these cunts. Floyd was a fuckall, piece of shit. Yet when he’s brought up in any context outside “we gotta bend the knee bc of him” or some shit, they chimp out (unironically, lulz)

Trope_ ago

I would take a knee for Fentanyl Floyd.

Right on his throat.

FreespeechOverReddit ago

I'm laughing at the whole thing but everytime I watch it to the end and see how "outraged" they get, my smile fades just a bit thinking about exactly what you just said. How sad indeed.

Azamuku ago

It's all good. They gave him the golden casket award for his sacrifice.

Rizzo9000 ago

seems like its just sexual transference, they are turned on by deliberate social transgression but they have to express this in what they see as an acceptable fashion

Helena73 ago

I know this sounds good to the goat audience and it will get you lots of bro upvotes. But you fundamentally misunderstand white women if you believe this. Young white men are usually complete horn dogs so they assume young white women are as well. They generally are not.

This is a virtue competition. They are competing with each other over who is the most compassionate. They care fuck all for George Floyd and they certainly aren’t beating off to him or people like him. They are status seeking. That is what young white females are doing when they publicly support BLM. They demonstrating that they are the most devout, pious, virtuous do-gooders for status among each other, plain and simple. Here they get to demonstrate their comitment with a dramatic emotional display, and when one starts the others all immediately try to outdo her example.

It’s status seeking, not horniness for GF

Rizzo9000 ago

you misunderstood my comment; i said, younger women are attracted to social degeneracy, this attraction is then * transferred * into a sexual response. yes, i entirely agree most women under the age of menopause are almost sexually frigid, assuming no other psychosocial factors. and i disagree that women are "compassionate", they simply have some instincts for maternity that get randomly activated

Helena73 ago

Sorry if I mischaracterized your thrust.

I think younger people are attracted to social degeneracy, ie “yay no rules!” I don’t think it’s particular to females. I guess it’s transferred into a sexual response, in the sense the basically everything is transferred into a sexual response in people 15 to 25.


I think females (white ones anyway) have lower sex drives than men because that makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. The “egg layer” has a larger investment of resources per each reproductive act, in almost every species—promiscuity is not a good strategy for egg-layers.

Compassion != Moral superiority

Women are clearly more compassionate, as a group. It’s an asset in child rearing.That does not mean wiser or more capable of making all moral judgements.

Rizzo9000 ago

yeah that makes sense

Helena73 ago

I used to be back in the day. Old habits die hard.

Rizzo9000 ago


Phantom42 ago

It’s status seeking

That's all it is? Lol. Okay.

Then all women can start at the status of whores and prove themselves to be decent. If they're so determined to seek status, they can do it to prove themselves innocent of degeneracy.

Helena73 ago

Men are far more promiscuous than women on average. Men have not proven themselves to be in control of their sexual behavior in anyway to be fit to give lectures on whoring. The most prolific whores are generally men. Do you reach out to men that you know to discourage them from whoring?

Phantom42 ago

Typical woman. Arguing just like a jew.

All of you need a radical readjustment.

Do you reach out to men that you know to discourage them from whoring?

Oh, and for the record, I do.

Helena73 ago

Can you tell me seriously, and try to be brief, how do you feel about women? Do you think we are all morally inferior, inherently? Or do you believe there are a few decent, morally upstanding women. Do you think any woman on her own could be a decent human being without a man leading her?

Nukeisrael ago

Can you tell me seriously, and try to be brief, how do you feel about children? Do you think they are all morally inferior, inherently? Or do you believe there are a few decent, morally upstanding children. Do you think any child on their own could be a decent human being without an adult leading her?

I think both of our answers would be the same to each question.

Helena73 ago

Yes I do think they are morally inferior. They need time to develop neurologically and learn the moral codes of a culture. Women are fully formed neurologically and have learned as muh about the moral codes of a culture as male counterparts.

You don’t like that they are adopting the morals of another less monogamous, more matrilineal culture, which I believe is increasingly polygamous and non-white and depends on white male slavery when it isn’t outsourcing to chink slavery. This culture/economy is more advantageous to females in some respects, mostly on an individual economic basis and not necessarily on a genetic basis. But south america is full of descendents of native women who chose to breed with europeans to acheive genetic success so its debatable.

“La donna e mobile” you will say. But they are behaving in a way that gives them an advantage, or so they believe. This is what males do as well. All creatures do this, they are driven by evolution to do this.

Of course they don’t see any of it from an evolutionary POV. They just seek the prestige of an “anti-racist” or “feminist” belief system which just happens to benefit them individually economically. Men don’t understand whats going on any better than women. They just know they are getting fucked, and so begins the “women are evil whores” narrative.

In a sense we are two separate symbiotic species with some common and some opposing interests. You could look at it like that. Males can and do press their economic or other advantages over women when they have them, in ways that we might consider tyrranical or corrupt. This is the flip side of the coin.

If you can teach all of this to females (and males) and point out that transitioning from a monogamous to a polygamous society, or from a K to an r strategy society, is not in their interest, you can solve much of the problem.

But advertising the most tyrannical aspects of monogamous patriachy is not going to woo a lot of females back to team K.

Oops sorry that went on so long.

Phantom42 ago

and try to be brief

I'll take as long as I damn well please.

how do you feel about women?

It's less of a "how" and more of a "what", and the answer is disdain until given a reason to give a damn. So far, I've got less than zero reasons.

Do you think we are all morally inferior, inherently


Or do you believe there are a few decent, morally upstanding women

It's not an "either or". Women are inherently morally inferior, but they have just as much opportunity to not be. Yet they fail time and again. Perhaps in another time, before 1960 to now, I'd see things differently. But looking at Millenials and Generation Z, my age group, women are nothing more than unnecessary distractions and a terrible drain on resources for no gain whatsoever. There is no great insight to be acquired, no revelation, no miracle to see. There is nothing but a reflection of modern society, and I hate that. That's all women these days are. They're conformist, weak, aimless creatures that can't muster the willpower to have a thought that didn't come from another source and explore it.

There is no reason to bother with them. Used to be the man, when courting, would have to essentially prove himself to a woman. Today, I ask why I should ever have to prove myself to such an overvalued and underdeveloped thing. If anything, it is the opposite. Thanks to feminism, regardless of if the jews or women or the devil himself brought it forward, women have shown their true colors and have clearly outlined for all to see their traitorous, manipulative, conniving, uncontrolled, greedy, and arrogant nature.

The smart ones will keep quiet and make some attempt to seem like a decent human being, but, as I've found, there's always a skeleton hiding in the closet. I recall one telling me she was a virgin because she only did blowjobs. And this was completely casual as if that was okay to talk about. That behavior can't be corrected, only snuffed out.

And the sad part? I had assumed she was one of "the good ones". That was one of the first of many lessons.

There is nothing I need to see in relation to "women", "relationships", God help me if I were to ever call it "love". There is no love in this world, not in that manner.

Again, perhaps in another time I'd see things differently. I likely would. However, I am not in another time. I am here. I make judgements based off of what is happening here, and I've found this period guilty of every crime imagineable.

We live in New Sodom and Gomorrah. I hope to see it burn. It will be a small taste of what awaits in Hell. And "women"? They are part of the problem. A cause and a symptom. The disease we're fighting, the symptoms are causes and the causes are symptoms. All of it must go if there is to ever be a day where "good" can ever be claimed.

Maybe there are a few good women out in the world. If they truly are, then they've nothing to fear. They'll naturally find themselves in a good position in life.

But the whores? Liars? Cheaters? Porn "stars"? They can die for all I care. There's nothing to be gained from having them around.

Oh, and don't think the terms above apply only to one sex. The males can line up against the wall with their "friends with benefits".

And what is all this brutality for? I sound like an evil incel now, right?

Unlike the incels who are simply angry because they can't get any and hold it against all women all the time and see exactly 0% of them as decent, I know their outlook is logically false. Logically, there are decent women out there. There may even be some around my age. If I were running things, good behavior and self-control on the parts of both man and woman would be encouraged. Blatant disregard for higher moral standards will be met with blatant disregard for the deviant's life. It's a fair system, and infinitely easy to follow, especially once prostitution, pornography, and other subversive activities are culled from society.

That's not to say we ought to live as the Puritans, or as the muslim hordes, however. I've nothing against (well-fitted...) bikinis, yoga pants, skinny jeans, any of that. It's merely clothing. What I do have something against is a lack of self-control. Your average guy my age, influenced by this decrepit jewish society, observes a girl in a damn sports bra and his mind instantly jumps to all sorts of fantasies.

Incorrect behavior.

In a proper upbringing, in a good society, there's no debate that the same young man may have a thought or two, it's a natural reaction, but to acknowledge the reactions and continue on them? He would not. He'd merely laugh at himself, think "Well, she is pretty", and move along.... Or perhaps approach her if he is feeling gutsy.

It all lies in self-control and responsibility. Women have far less innately because of their nature as women, and in a time like ours it is magnified 100-fold.

GhostBustedLip ago

Do you think any woman on her own could be a decent human being without a man leading her?

No and it's settled science. For instance, compare outcomes of girls raised by single fathers vs single mothers.

Helena73 ago

That is fantastically creative, calling me a jew. How did you think of it galaxy brain? Ive never seen anybody around here do that before.

FacelessOne ago

How bout Niggerfaggetkike

Helena73 ago

Thats a little better.

UlyssesMcGill ago

You're uninteresting.

Nothing in this comment chain that you've added has contributed in any meaningful way.

I'll look for you in the future, hopefully saying something more worthwhile than:

"Men are horndogs, tell them to stop whoring"

Helena73 ago

“Men are whores, men are pigs” is not a message that I go around proclaiming, and I didn’t show up here to man-bash. These girls are idiots.

But I really need to inject a little skepticism into the theory that these and all social justice idiots want to ride black cock, it’s ridiculous.

Phantom is not a bad dude. But for various reasons he’s developed a deep hatred of women and frequently sermonizes on our inherently evil nature and how we are all secretly aspiring whores and jezebels who crave to ride the negro cock-go-round. I don’t apologize for up-ending that narrative by pointing out the reality: males are more promiscuous and more sexually adventurous and aggressive. In humans and basically all mammals.

If goats weren’t constantly telling each other the same bedtime story, that women are “the real whores” then I wouldn’t have to go around debunking that bulllshit. Don’t do it to be interesting.

UlyssesMcGill ago

Let's do an experiment then.

I've had sex with one woman, my entire life.

We've probably had sex 2000 times.

How many men have you had sex with, in your entire lifetime?

And just so you know, I've had to opportunity to have sex with at least, and these are only the guarantees I'm talking about, 6 other women. Yet I refused.

Helena73 ago

That’s great! I applaud you. I will not share that particular detail of my life on this particular forum. Im not saying all men are whores although that is what phantom42 asserted about women. But I can point to numerous studies that show median number of sex partners to be much higher for males than females. Males have a higher libido due to higher testosterone levels, they account for most consumption of pornography, most solicitation of prostitution and dozens of other measures that point toward the fact that men actively seek out more sex with more partners than women do. Which is consistent with almost all other mammals. Females are more selective about their mating. It makes sense from an evolutionary POV. There is basically no instance of a society that is polyandrous. Only polygamy and monogamy leaning toward polygamy. Because it makes no sense for women to be promiscuous unless they are working as a prostitute, and in that case, a society will only sustain a limited number of prostitutes and its not a desirable station in life.

Nukeisrael ago

I highly highly highly fucking doubt that is the case today. No fucking way the average male has more partners than the average female. No possible fucking way. Maybe the top 20% of men are comparable to the median female but there is absolutely 0 chance the average 2020 female is having less partners than the average male. When was this study of yours done? In the 50s?

Helena73 ago

There are plenty of studies on the subject. Find one that shows women have the same of more sexual partners.

Look, barring homo (and that’s a big exception) the mean number of sex partners has to be the same right? I mean we have to fuck each other. Lol.

But all studies show there are more females reporting 1 partner than males reporting 1 partner. There are more females reporting 2 partners than males reporting 2 partners. Somewhere between 3 and 6 partners, this trend flips and men are more likely to report 7 partners than women. At some point there is that one chick that will pick up the slack from all the other females by having a thousand partners. Shes a pro. She causes the mean to be equal (barring homo). But the median number of sex partners for women is lower.

If you include homo, men start to look much worse.

Blah blah hypergamy.

I assume you are talking about this analysis or something with results similar to it?

I think you mean male is a binomial distribution whereas the female is right skewed. But I think its a stretch do assume this is caused by “lookist” hypergamy. Women are hypergamous with respect to economic status. This makes sense since they require extra resources to raise a child. Men are hypergynous with respect to beauty. They aspire above their “station” of physical pulchritude. For obvious reasons. Donald and Melania. This is why (in the linked artical) males aspire to 20 year olds and females tend to desire men their own age. Are males bad or shallow because of this fact? Some women will say so but it is babyish.

But the fact that the female distro is more right skewed based on “attractiveness” does not imply Women only like super hot dudes any more than it implies Women are more picky because they don’t judge attractiveness by looks alone. or Women are less likely to find people attractive at first sight. Hell we don’t even know if they are making a judgement based on looks in this study. They are looking at other personal details, I assume.

It makes sense for females to be risk averse and K strategy. It makes less sense for males to be as K as females. They will tend toward the r. Both these trends (lower number sex partners, more pickiness by females) conforms with that fact

Nukeisrael ago

Lol studies where they ask women? Come on now...

Helena73 ago

I have no clue what you mean. You will have to ask women how many people they have slept with to find out how many people they have slept with.

UlyssesMcGill ago

You can't even say how many people you've had sex with to someone you don't care about, will never see, because you're ashamed.

That's too bad.

Helena73 ago

No I can’t say because if the answer is

0 someone will give me a hard time about it.

1 someone will give me a hard time about it.

2 someone will give me a hard time about it.

3 someone will give me a hard time about it. .....

They will.

Im not ashamed but if you want to pretend it makes me a dirty whore not to tell you how many people ive fucked on the internet fine. Carry on.

tury ago


HighEnergyLife ago

Hybristophilia. All women are on the spectrum.

Helena73 ago

We’re really not

4FoxSake ago

Well shiiiiiet. I learned a new word as well.

Nukeisrael ago

Which is why the ancients knew better to let them have rights. They are anti civilization creatures.

VoatsNewfag ago

I learned a new word. One that I think should become part of our vocabulary, so I'm glad you brought it up.

Rizzo9000 ago

yeah good way to put it

tjuesju ago

When I hung out with friends when I was a kid, my parents made sure I gave them attention. You don't invite friends over to watch you do something. You do something together. Now all they do when together is fuck with their sail foams. I blame the parents.

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