Krotik ago

We don't post links in this sub. I think you were temporary banned for trying to flood sub with youtube or other site links. Anyway if you have problem to extract video pm to any hdl poster for an advise.

I can submit hundreds youtube links everyday I don't this will improve anything. Also is not what we did at old hiddenlol. only vids and pics and no links.

fightknightHERO ago

Your (((Q))) badge is showing my fellow goat

Folkov didn't ban me for spam, he banned me for exposing Trumpstein as a zionist

he literally wanted me to write an essay about 10 reasons why "left wing jews hate trump" to be unbanned

obviously i didn't and he unbanned me anyway because i was drawing too much heat to this self-admitted Mossad agent

for the links, would it make a difference if i posted a catbox link or a WTV link?

if it's about longetivity, i can understand

if it's about you trying to assert rules that are not even written let alone enforced, you go fuck yourself.

Krotik ago

Calm down peasant. You're in wrong territory. I don't give fuck about your badges, but you still must obey our rules. Nobody gives fuck if you pro or anti Trump.

fightknightHERO ago

Alright jew boy, where exactly does it say only to post catbox links?

your rules sidebar stays nothing about links

but if you write it and make official, i will follow through and convert these links into catbox links

will that suffice for your ego mr jewniggerfaggot?

Krotik ago

This sub is for hiddenlol community. Community older than VOAT. You can have your own 109 VOAT communities and leave this alone if you don't like our rules and don't want to integrate.

fightknightHERO ago

Shut the fuck up kike, i was on Hiddenlol back at the days it was still a part of Hugelol

i was there since 2017 and myself witnessed its takeover after Saint Tarrant Videos got the site taken down and replaced pro israeli glowniggers who kept spamming with low quality garbage like this

now i wonder if you're one of them...

fightknightHERO ago

Zionist Mercenaries, Nothing more

the only thing lower than niggers and jews is the police that protects them