Lurkan ago

Too bad we don't have any admins anymore

fightknightHERO ago

Yeah... eventually every forum will succumb to (((decay))) or getting shoah'ed (oneangrygamer, &

the answer is obvious as hell, none of these (((problems))) will ever disappear until jews are physically removed

though i come and wonder, how can one overcome the censorship and redpill Normies?

i've thought about what Catboy Kami did on omegle and i thought

that's a great start, but most of the people on omegle are either degenerates, whores or (((pedos)))

got any other idea to drop some redpills unto unsuspecting folk? since steam gone full Stazi (you literally get canned for posting images of a swastika, context doesn't matter anymore)

forums? pfft, it's reddit on steriods, they even scan your post before it's even posted for "bad words" like jews

blacks and all that shit

you know, i actually had a method to redpill normies, mainly taxi drivers

mostly because most of them are greasy but manly and they don't believe the Coronahoax

though i wonder how far can i push them, i actually recommended one of them to come to if he wants to learn the truth about why is our current situation is so fucked

i really wonder if he did it in the end...

OmegaZord ago

Wow, that folkov dude sounds like a colossal faggot.

Even as a non-American I could see the disigeneous part of his post.

What does it matter if for what reasons USA and/or Israeli jews hate Trump when it is proven beyond a shadow of doubt that they hate the West and the White Man and both seek to destroy him?

Trump is a jewish shill and that is proven beyond a decree of doubt.

That folkov fag needs to ask himself this question; Who is more dangerous for Israel, and which for the West, Soleimani or Soros?

Which one Trump ordered executed? That clears any and all misconceptions who he is serving.

Having said that, is there any hope for America, is there not a true patriot among its congressemen to make America and the West great again?

Because to kill the ZOG that infests the West we must kill the root and said root is in USA now.

HDLunited ago

Can confirm: He's a kike.

fightknightHERO ago

Jesus Christ... seems like my greatest fear became a reality

the kikes didn't need to shut down voat, all they need to do is co-opt it and turn it into reddit...

Nukeisrael ago

The kikes won’t ever learn huh? Full extermination. Nothing less.

fightknightHERO ago

Oh they've got it coming

so many fucking civilizations they have taken, so many people died for their fucking greed and thirst for gentile blood

we will disarm them, and let the sand-niggers butcher them like dogs, after they've forced to watch their women raped in front of them

just like they did to them and to us

they have a lot to answer for, and this time there will be no expulsion only extermination

Nukeisrael ago

If god was real and just he would create hell just for jews. You’re evil at this point if you aren’t actively against kikes.

fightknightHERO ago

If hell was created originally for jews, does that mean that by killing kikes

we're actually sending them home?

folkov ago

Mossad :)

DanielR ago

Yo, you banned me cuz ur legit a bitch

You deserve all the fire you are getting you piece of shit

fightknightHERO ago

How much does mossad pay you per shitpost?

or is it a "Nepotistic" job where you do this out of the kikeness of your heart?

fightknightHERO ago

I know

i had a suspicion he and (((h3rts))) might be israeli kikes

as you remember just after the NZ attack the original Hiddenlol got taken over by israeli Shills who posted

crap like This on the site

then Voat happened, so everyone moved to voat and everything was peachy

until some user dropped the talmud and (((h3rts))) went nuts and banned some dude over a talmud post (that was quite detailed in it's verses)

i messaged the user and kept the evidence but i needed some concrete to prove my suspicions

and little did i know, that stupid fucking kike proved to me that israelis have fucking terrible composure and just instantly zucc'ed me after his jew jitsu failed

hard to believe after all this time HDLunited was kike'ed

imagine what kind of "sleeper mods" await on v/news

HDLunited ago

STFU kike.

BB-3 ago

What the fuck kind of faggot mod powertrip is making someone write an essay to be unbanned? That's so fucking gay.

DanielR ago

Look at this kike so full of himself, he thinks he can fuk us over and we cant do anything about it

fightknightHERO ago

You little Israeli subhuman, you played HDLunited really well

but i'm gonna do everything in my power to expose you

don't worry kike, you can enjoy your little power trip for as long as it last

soon it wouldn't be just me you have to ban, but everyone else who isn't a zionist piece of shit

fightknightHERO ago

I remember seeing another user who got zucc'ed from HDL but i couldn't confirm if it was real or forged

i guess now i now

if this kike things he got Monopoly on Free-speech he's dead wrong, this is voat

not fucking (((parler))) or (((reddit)))

typical fucking power-tripping kikes

DanielR ago

ya its me, I did get zucced by that fag