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acheron2012 ago

The Greeks proved democracy was the most brutal form of mob rule imaginable 500 years before the founding of Rome.

That’s why they had to destroy the school system. Every bad idea floating around the left today has individually and in groups caused virtually all human suffering in recorded history.

Socialism destroyed western civilization, caused at least one global war, and is DIRECTLY responsible for 200 million deaths in the 20th century alone.

caesah ago

I think the biggest problem with capitalism is a lack of value and the rise of the service industry. The goal of either reducing the workday or creating something new and beneficial would fix most of the issues.

tastelessinvective ago

Some firms get so large that they try to start crushing the free market that they benefited from and locking out competition.

I haven't heard a good explanation of how to counter monopolies, oligopolies, and their barriers to entry, rent seeking, and regulatory capture.

PaddyMcInfidel ago

I don't understand. Do you have an example of a free market monopoly? Do you attribute regulatory capture to a free market?