Blue333 ago

No - what failed was when we allowed Communists to infiltrate our government

PaddyMcInfidel ago

Howsabout, at the very least, if you have to depend on the rest of us paying for you to survive through ANY govt welfare (SS doesnt count since you paid into it) we don't give you an equal say on how the country should run? Why would you have insight on how to run 350M+ lives when you can't run the 1 that is your own?

i_scream_trucks ago

Person with family and two jobs does what the tv tells them to do.

Crackhead prostitute sold the tv months ago.

Who is better informed

HeavyBrain ago

Thats not so bad if you realise, he has about 1/10 of the voting power an illegal has.

Corn_Explode ago


ALIENS2222 ago

The US is a constitutional republic...

BjornIronside ago

Tell that to your government.

ALIENS2222 ago

Heh... That 'thing' is not a real government...

Jimmycog ago

Are are a republic

Vc83 ago

Honestly democracy would be perfect in non kiked non multiculti countries. But where are they right

DantesInf ago

I'm upvoting but I disagree. The prostitute and crackhead probably have felonies and can't vote.

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Obrez ago

It didn't used to be this way.

Samsquamch ago

People need to believe in democracy and be united as one group in order for it to work.

Once people devolve into groups and start voting only for their own self interests, it fails. That's why countries become great empires, only to collapse from within.

DontBeRacist ago

The failed assumption of democracy is that people actually know what they're voting for.

indoctrophobe ago

Democracy is the tyranny of the majority.

It only kind of works as long as that majority consists of White people, who, thanks to their high level of empathy, are willing to vote for the interests of the disenfranchised. With shitskins only voting for their own interests and more gibs, it quickly falls apart.

LanceUppercutt ago

We're a constitutional republic... But yea.

ScannerDarkly ago

Were, not we’re.
What we have now is an awful mix of pretend democracy, socialism, cronycapitalism, and totalitarianism.

Welcome to the revolution. What comes out the other side is anyones guess.

idk ago

For now.

123456788 ago

Thank you, we we're never meant to be a pure democracy.

fightknightHERO ago

Original democracy was limited only to land-owning, MARRIED male citizens above age 25 who did military service for their nation/city state

that's what was original greek democracy, not today's jew'ed feminist niggerfaggot kikecracy

where even sodomites ridden with STD and illiterate niggers can vote for their favorite jew-puppet

philomath ago

where even sodomites ridden with STD and illiterate niggers can vote for their favorite jew-puppet

and their dead parents, the illegals who mow their lawns, and the 5,000 "refugees" who showed up in the renovated apartments over on the east side of town.

philmchawk ago

If the banks aren't nationalized even then it doesn't matter. Jews subverted that same demographic just as easily as the rest once they owned the banks.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Credit where its due: a prostitute is an entrepreneur.

gazillions ago

Every system is a failed social experiment.

Every system that works degrades to the useless losers running things.

Obrez ago

Entropy is natural but lifespans of a lemming and an elephant are quite different because of efficiency at scale and metabolism.

Voting locally is great, representative republican government can work but it can't be a pure democracy with short election cycles and a culture that changes drastically every few years as a result of political outcomes and plots to take over via democratic manipulation.

We must return to only white males being allowed to vote, even then maybe a bit more specific is good or come up with vote weighing systems based on qualifications like military service, land ownership, fatherhood designed to impede drastic cultural change not prevent change but slow and temper it. 1 vote for being a white male adult of age 24, we put our faith in our sons, 1 for owning a home,you have a stake in our nation and her future, 1 vote for being a father of 2 or more, our future matters and you have made it possible, 1 vote for military service, you have laid your very life at the feet of your nation and for your trust in the nation the nation trusts you with our democracy.

This along side the end of first past the post and a move to distributed voting which helps defeat two party domination and give more balanced political outcomes representative of the voter's wants rather than the interests of a political class. A longer term with an intra-term confidence vote, this saves money, and gives fewer opportunities for politicians to be indebted to moneyed interests, and speed bumps social change so political phases don't leave deep scars, essentially in national elections, state elections have confidence votes, 76% or more confidence means they keep the seat until the next confidence vote at the state elections, 51-75%% means challengers are free to petition for a run for that seat, 26-50% means there will be an election for the seat at the next state election and all recognized parties can put forward their own candidate while non partisans can petition for independent ballot listing, 25% or fewer means they are barred from running for that office for the next election; the same in federal elections.

gazillions ago

Sorry, but a population that thinks it's only job is to vote and doesn't mind one little bit that their neighbors would never in a million years vote for them unless the media talks about them is pretty fucked up.

What may the biggest mind fuck is the fact that the population "registers" with a party and is then is affiliated right down to having ballots with their party affiliation attached right to it. That's fucking bizarre. The United States of America has become nothing but two cults constantly squaring off against each other and adjusting their beliefs, their emotions and even their reasoning to fit the party they registered with.

The people of the entire Western political system have sat back and allowed a corrupt cartel of elites to kick them out of it.

Obrez ago

You can say jews, the system I proposed solves most of the problems you mentioned, mitigation against two party rule would need a focus but representative republic via meritocratic patrician voting is probably the most stable government we can conceive of.

Here's and old couple of videos on alternative voting methodologies which undermine two party rule:

Voat hides jewtube links so viee the comment "source"

GumbyTM ago

That's why we aren't a democracy but a constitutional republic.

Calling us a democracy is falling for the jew trap.

remainselusive ago

"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others."

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."

-W. Churchill

Inaminit ago

OP's mothers' vagina prolapsed when it pushed OP out... She was never the same after.

acheron2012 ago

The Greeks proved democracy was the most brutal form of mob rule imaginable 500 years before the founding of Rome.

That’s why they had to destroy the school system. Every bad idea floating around the left today has individually and in groups caused virtually all human suffering in recorded history.

Socialism destroyed western civilization, caused at least one global war, and is DIRECTLY responsible for 200 million deaths in the 20th century alone.

caesah ago

I think the biggest problem with capitalism is a lack of value and the rise of the service industry. The goal of either reducing the workday or creating something new and beneficial would fix most of the issues.

acheron2012 ago

The conventional argument is that capitalism is an economic model while socialism is a government model.

I basically agree with that statement. But the perceived “glory” of capitalism is based on the free trade in goods and services moderated by the morals of the society.

Obviously any system that allows for a Google or a Verizon or in earlier times a Standard Oil and C&S railroad to achieve absolutely monopoly is a failed system for all the reasons we don’t need to recap here.

BUT crucially all these companies really grew from statism not capitalism. Specifically they take vast payments from governments and wield equally Vast influence on governments through the age old expedient of bribery. And likely extortion but the bribery is so pervasive the blackmail ALMOST doesn’t matter.

The question that has yet to be answered because it is literally the only form of government never attempted in the history of the world, is what would happen if you had a government that was forbidden to interact with the economy.

An obvious concern is funding such a government. But the actual valid functions of government are so limited that it could probably exist quite comfortably on donations from citizens.

It sounds like nirvana. The big unknown is would we end up in corporate hell? Or would mega corporations never choke out entire sections of the economy if they were deprived of the incalculable benefit of government financial AND REGULATORY support ensuring no other entity could ever compete.

We simply don’t know. But one thing is certain, we never will. Exactly NONE of the myriad groups trying to tear down the world has a goal of giving people more freedom. That ship sank in 1861.

HammerHeartHDL ago

I just had an epiphany. What if government wasn't allowed to work with companies over a certain size, just with small companies. That would help with the monopoly thing.

acheron2012 ago

Wouldn’t work out. You underestimate the corruption in government (and industry).

Unbeknownst to the average person there is already a similar law.

CMS at least, and probably all agencies except defense, are already required to give an overwhelmingly enormous portion of their contracts to “small minority owned businesses”.

Now you are probably saying the minority owned clause makes this different from your statement. And you are certainly not wrong.

In practice “only small minority owned businesses need apply” is of course nothing more than YET ANOTHER form of welfare - preemptively disqualifying anyone that could actually do the work in favor of people that are physically incapable.

But back to your idea, there is still too much wiggle room for incompetence or actual malice. Basically there is no fix for bad people dead set on fraud and graft.

The only reason America became America was MERITOCRACY!!!

Meritocracy means making the right decision with incomplete often conflicting information where the least results of being wrong is you don’t eat tonight. And the worst is your family dies. It is the antonym of socialism. As well as the antidote.

As long as the government is picking economic winners and losers based on wealth redistribution potential all hope is lost. You cannot legislate your way into having a more moral population. That can only come from the bad people starving while the good people are raised in a nuclear family.

If “white man’s burden” has taught us anything since the thrice damned English invented the term it is that there is no shortcut to civilization.

tastelessinvective ago

Some firms get so large that they try to start crushing the free market that they benefited from and locking out competition.

I haven't heard a good explanation of how to counter monopolies, oligopolies, and their barriers to entry, rent seeking, and regulatory capture.

PaddyMcInfidel ago

I don't understand. Do you have an example of a free market monopoly? Do you attribute regulatory capture to a free market?

Ken_bingo2 ago

I haven't either. Wants you point out those obvious failures of capitalism, the sheeple start shrieking about "not real capitalism" and "that's really just socialism" until none of it makes any fucking sense at all.

PaddyMcInfidel ago

What is it you are saying is an obvious failure of capitalism? Monopolies?

badruns ago

Not quite correct. "Socialism" was just the excuse to kill them.

fightknightHERO ago

afaik after Philip II of Macedon Greek democracy was forever shattered (since they were ruled by a king and a king of a foreign, barely greek nation)

jobber ago

Meritocratic aristocratic republics have been proven to work for more than 3 millenia.

We have the benefit of archaeology. It is possible to direct a people towards virtuous goals.

gazillions ago

At this point you have to slay the rebel angels first and force people inept morality for a while the they'll recall the benefits.

jobber ago

Roman and Spartan administrative punishment would heel the extreme cases immediately.

We need a Centuriate Committee on steroids.

gazillions ago

We need swords ropes and guns. Poison and bombs are good too.

jobber ago

Those things are ultimately produced by law.

The constitution is how we go for the jugular.

gazillions ago

Oh gee, they voted to take your constitution away. Too bad. Can't do anything about that - it was a legal vote afterall and God forbid you don't swallow that wholesale

jobber ago

The people are armed.

Good luck to that kind of wicked.

gazillions ago

We can't fight their depraved arrogance with pots of tea and sugar cookies, so wicked it is, and shall be.

jobber ago

It all starts with the law.

This second US constitution was simply an outgrowth of the first. These changes would be a third major revision.