This is what happens when you live in a country controlled by Jews aka money / profit. It puts profit before people. Everyone made money off this faggot. The Private prison, surgeon, staff, judge, DA, etc... laws are made by the evil to protect the evil. It has nothing to do with "Thou shall not kill" and using God's word against you. "Only God can judge" "Let not be the first to cast a stone" Fuck that shit! It's what I call Christ cucks that are the reason for this. As soon as someone calls for a public execution "legally" everyone wants to virtue signal and be "that person to object". So in the end. You get what you deserve. We deserve this. This is what we deserve. The fact this fucking "thing" has been in the physical presence of so many and no one has done anything about "it" is exactly the reason this is what we deserve.
JESUS also said if you harm the little innocent children then you should be tossed into the depths of the ocean with a millstone tied to your neck . Oh and also the Jews are the very children of their father the devil and also whipped the shit out of the money changers who invaded a temple. What you are misinterpreting is the very above the hate nature of GOD that we are supposed to follow, many many characters were killed because of race-mixing and disrespecting the modern white European who were the original Hebrew Israelites that migrated north-west into Europe! Do your research!
Not to be a fucking asshole but what exactly about what I said are you agreeing with or disagreeing with?
Quote something and tear it apart so we can have a conversation because I'm interested in hearing different opinions even if they are the opposite of what I believe. Be specific on why you support it or disagree.
I'm not venturing off to go read some shit when you haven't even said anything specific about what I said. Those are nigger jew arguing tactics. So, yeah stand by your convictions or kindly stfu and get out of the way.
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ChimpEvader ago
This is what happens when you live in a country controlled by Jews aka money / profit. It puts profit before people. Everyone made money off this faggot. The Private prison, surgeon, staff, judge, DA, etc... laws are made by the evil to protect the evil. It has nothing to do with "Thou shall not kill" and using God's word against you. "Only God can judge" "Let not be the first to cast a stone" Fuck that shit! It's what I call Christ cucks that are the reason for this. As soon as someone calls for a public execution "legally" everyone wants to virtue signal and be "that person to object". So in the end. You get what you deserve. We deserve this. This is what we deserve. The fact this fucking "thing" has been in the physical presence of so many and no one has done anything about "it" is exactly the reason this is what we deserve.
biggreddy ago
JESUS also said if you harm the little innocent children then you should be tossed into the depths of the ocean with a millstone tied to your neck . Oh and also the Jews are the very children of their father the devil and also whipped the shit out of the money changers who invaded a temple. What you are misinterpreting is the very above the hate nature of GOD that we are supposed to follow, many many characters were killed because of race-mixing and disrespecting the modern white European who were the original Hebrew Israelites that migrated north-west into Europe! Do your research!
ChimpEvader ago
Not to be a fucking asshole but what exactly about what I said are you agreeing with or disagreeing with?
Quote something and tear it apart so we can have a conversation because I'm interested in hearing different opinions even if they are the opposite of what I believe. Be specific on why you support it or disagree.
I'm not venturing off to go read some shit when you haven't even said anything specific about what I said. Those are nigger jew arguing tactics. So, yeah stand by your convictions or kindly stfu and get out of the way.
biggreddy ago
TRUTHVIDS.NET is great place to start with this subject