AngelofDeath ago

Went a family get together for first time in a long while. There's one of my beauty contest winner blonde hair blue eyes nieces with her Chinese "husband" and two mongrel "children". Another niece with her mongrel Jew husband and mongrel daughter ... and since the food was free, the Jew brought him Jew mother. Another blonde hair blue eye niece with her Mexican "husband" (does not work) and two of her three mongrel children. A blonde hair blue eyed nephew with his, twice his age, black eye black hair something, don't know what she was. There was my brother with Italian wife, who looks like a swarthy skin Jew, and for some reason he invited one of his ingress employees ... Who had a medical degree revoked for some reason and now works in a retail store front for him. There was another sister telling me she was about to visit her military step-son that trains snipers who has recently divorced his Niggress "wife", she got custody of the three mongrel children, and 40% of his pay and will get 50% of his retirement. I could say more, but we are being destroyed. Those white gene mongrels will likely marry whites and destroy another generation. There was good news, a few in the family see the problems. Another of my sister's who had no children and worked for years very high in the banking field, tells me of some of the big wig parties she would go to for the companies she worked for and see all these Jew bankers with a blonde hair blue eye wife on their arm. At least she sees and acknowledges some of it.

Phantom42 ago

They're all going to be neutralized, Angel.

I wouldn't make you do it however. Your call.

AngelofDeath ago

My dad is 89, mother 84. Just waiting.

MilkSteakGuy ago

I enjoyed this story, but honestly it just makes me sad. Also have you met white women these days, they are cunts.

AngelofDeath ago

My oldest son ... he knows ... is knowledgeable of the problem ... understands the war we're in well. How do you think I feel for him. I wanted grand children.

AngelofDeath ago

Some claim the quote is fake. It doesn't really matter, as based upon what has occurred, IT WAS AND IS THE AGENDA FOR MANY YEARS.

andrew_white_forever ago

That normie is into something, using the ads to bring up the 30,000 annual black on white rape statistic and pinning the entire thing on Jewish advertising

telleveryoneyouknow ago

jews know exactly who to manipulate. dumb low iq nigger males. and dumber even lower iq white women...

somehow, somehow, we must end this jewish deception. we must dissolve these jews in acid. not innocent jews. just the disgusting parasitic, corrupt, faggot fucking baby dick sucking kikes. the innocent jews can just be placed in labor camps.

King_Freya ago

Got a buddy who’s uber liberal that I like to hang with to get a view of the other side and enjoy how nuts he is about stuff. He literally feels obligated to date a black chick. He’s a total virgin though and I have no doubt the black chick he does shack up with will be fat and ugly, get pregnant and sink her claws into him while she cheats with blacks or Mexicans.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Jews have ruined their future.


This is one of the most disgusting parts of the International Jewish Agenda.

slowcrash101 ago

I wanna see more jews fuck niggers. Jew on nigger porn, that's what I want to watch, why aren't you listening mind geek.

Wolfspider ago

It takes a lot of brainwashing to overcome people's genetically given instincts.

I think what started to red pill me when I was a kid was that Baby Got Back song. One of the lyrics in there when he was talking about that big black booty was "Even white boys got to shout." It got me to thinking "Hey, maybe there's a lot of other white males that don't like black females too!"

SearchVoatBot ago

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DeltaBravoTango ago

Awww, I was about to try me undies.

HatefulSaxon ago

Overpriced trash that push that kalergi bullshit. Try spandex/sports underwear, it's a god send if you frequent the temple of iron (which you should).

wrok-wrok ago

The real reason is women (and children) are more susceptible to advertising, regardless of race. In this case the advertising is

directed towards White women in attempts to arouse sexual fantasies about black guys (The buldge in the 2nd ad makes this obvious)

You won't be able to take money easily from a hard working man, so target his wife and kids instead.

Jungle_Jim ago

Yes it's well known in the advertising world that women drive consumerism

telleveryoneyouknow ago

women annoy the fuck out of me - they need to be reigned in and educated about these jews.

HelpAcct123 ago

It's for the kids. They grow up seeing these ads at mall and on tv. Their brains are molded to believe this is more prevalent than it actually is. They grow up unaware that it is propaganda.

"A study of over two million online dating interactions revealed distinct racial preferences between groups. White women responded most frequently to white men, and least frequently to black men.[3] "

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lipids ago

I've been seeing a bunch of interracial couples in person. Usually at restaurants. About half the time it's mutt kids and no father.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

I have too, it's either a blond girl mutt kids and no dad, or fat cunt mutt kids and a sad looking black.

Rockfish1000 ago

Or my favorite. The white fat cow, mutt kid, and old-before-her-time, regretting her own poor choices, white mother. No dad or grand dad.

CulturalImperialist ago

Or grandma with her niglet grandkids.

Which I can at least enjoy the karma of. Raise a daughter who doesn't have standards spend your retirement as a zookeeper.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

This I haven't witnessed in person, but I'm sure it's common for grandma and grandpa to try and pick up their daughter's mess.

MrDarkWater ago

The mess they created themselves

Mcoli ago

Maybe it is covert eugenics. Improve Black intellectual performance and strengthen white physicality.

Sunnybrooke ago

One drop rule. You can never breed the stupid out of negroes.

undertheshills ago

Running faster and being more agile is not a good trade off for any amount IQ especially in modern civilization. Pure African DNA is a dead end for those afflicted, and a drag on humanity as a whole. Ask anyone but a white person or nigger, they will agree.

TwoNiggersandaHonky ago

This creates a race of people who can't swim.