Fabian Socialism is the means by which the West is enslaved. It is a much more subtle and incremental form of Marxism (landonmondragon.com)
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3637205?
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22343990? 4.9 years ago
No matter your opinion of Glenn Beck he introduced Fabian socialism to the American public via his television show years ago. There are even stained glass windows in churches that depict Fabian socialism.
22345612? 4.9 years ago
Even normies started noticing https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3581230/21893772
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22343990? ago
No matter your opinion of Glenn Beck he introduced Fabian socialism to the American public via his television show years ago. There are even stained glass windows in churches that depict Fabian socialism.
22345612? ago
Even normies started noticing https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3581230/21893772