MrTotenkopf ago

I will miss this place. It was truly the best.

ginx2666 ago

Should voat be treated like private trackers? You need invite to sign in, and you have to be signed in to use the website. That has worked so far for several websites I'm member of. No kikes trying to take them down, no DMCA/C&D orders, no media witch hunt.

Tallest_Skil ago

Imagine thinking that Voat isn’t already destroyed.

Q_is_feg ago

Well, we had a good run anyways

RM-Goetbbels ago

Looks like someone wasn't around for the Bible Spam War of 2017............

this is amateur shit, they aren't even that dedicated.

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fightknightHERO ago

huh... didn't even notice cause NSFW post are disabled on default

what are the kikes trying to accomplish by spamming the site with porn? (even though most users have it disabled)

MAGAAyaBish ago

Real Goats have no use for porn.. ESPECIALLY HERE

hello_reddit ago

Don’t worry guys I’ve got this one covered.

I have some good arguments and ‘gotcha’ phrases that I’ve been saving. I’ll lay down a few of those in the comments section and that guy won’t know what hit him.

ChickenYiddle ago

Remember how this ended in Germany?


Tallest_Skil ago

Yeah, the complete genocide of the German people and their enslavement to jews.

totes_magotes ago

Stop looking at porn, you fucking degenerate Jew slave.

speedisavirus ago

What sort of faggot are you to even be seeing this. Never seen any of this.

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VoatContainmentGuard ago

Might've been.

h3rts ago

I like to make clear. This isn't fearmongering post.

This is warning or just reminder what happen to

Bots can make from few hundreds to 1000 accounts each day and small community like hiddenlol or even smaller like VOAT don't have a chance to fight back.

Today is wasteland. Bots are flooding site with reddit posts (users cannot post) bots flooding site with top comments from reddit and also posting porn ads.

Bots are upvoting comments and downvoting real user comments if user downvoated bot.

Talc ago

That's what happens to any site if you don't have someone looking after it. Back in the 90s (shit I sound old) there were lots of free speech sites called FFA sites, anyone could post anything, no rules at all. Fantastic idea, but unfortunately some people just used them as a place to post advertising, followed by more advertising, and as the marketroids all tooled up with "ffa blaster" programs and competed to post more of their ads than any other marketroid the conversation and content was lost, until in the end the users gave up trying, and all that remained was marketroids blasting away into a write-only medium. One of the last FFA to go down gave their database to an acquaintance of mine who did an analysis on it, the last 24,000,000 posts were 100% "buy my product", "visit my website" or "join my affiliate programe", not a user in sight.

963189_137 ago

I guess what they perfected on Reddit is coming here soon.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Yeah, dark 1.5 years then suddenly posting up a storm

downvoatmachine ago

my thoughts exactly did someone just add some 2 month old mods and they started pushing it with bots?

albatrosv15 ago

Atko proved that putt is basically off-the-shelf mia, so...

JJNova ago

Oops, I upvoted most of those posts.

Chempergrill ago

@antliberalsociety - What are you doing?

KLDB ago

Are they able to script down votes too?

Maevtr ago

I saw these filling up the front page from the same user. Fuck that niggerfaggot and the dildo he rode in on.

King_Leopold_II ago


hermes3xx ago

I just assumed it was jews and downvoated ...

Nosferatjew ago

For those of you too lazy to check, that's not actually @antiliberalsociety. It's an imposter, @antliberalsociety.

That's anti vs ant.

My guess is this is @Crackrocknigga, AKA @Nosfewratsjews, AKA, @virge.

Nosfewratsjews ago

We've been keeping count. So far, in places where you've pinged us, you've accused us of being a total of 37 accounts. Most of us like you, very few of us dislike you. Almost all of us find our jousting extremely enjoyable. You're one of us, after-all.

You've actually named a single alt correctly. Fortunately, it's not one of the names you've listed recently.

When you vanish, we'll begin to worry.

Nosferatjew ago

37? lol that's not true.

When you vanish, we'll begin to worry.

Gay larp bruh.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Oil or water based lube?

Nosferatjew ago

Water based of course. I'm not a savage.

Nosfewratsjews ago

We approve.

Tallest_Skil ago


Nosferatjew ago

Volume warning bro.

Tallest_Skil ago

Sometimes the internal screaming just isn’t enough these days.

realmonster ago

its also posted to a sub that hasn't been posted to in over a year.

hello_reddit ago

Ant liberals. So what you’re saying is we just need to take out the queen

NoTrueScotsman ago

Well, they do frequently go, "YAS QUEEN!"

antiliberalsociety ago

Imitation is the highest form of flattery

Evel Knievel

Ocelot ago

Imitation maybe. Not impersonation.

m_1 ago

Also, from time to time, some really drunk guy hacks my account and makes racist and anti-semetic posts.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Its that goddamned Cheesebooger!

RM-Goetbbels ago

Cheesebooger is pretty damn evil and shit.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I never seen any evil from him. I have seen Eskimo's get out of line a few times.

Nosfewratsjews ago

What about the Aliens?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Goddamned aliens.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I meant Alien Eskimo's.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I've been thinking... Eskimo's would probably appreciate a good, warm oven 'cause them mofuckn snow niggas be cold.

Nosfewratsjews ago

It's funny how some days we're on the same page.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

oh god I need to take a hard look at myself :p

Nosfewratsjews ago

I was thinking the same thing.. goddamnit.

And here I thought you were just another kevdude alt. Maybe you are, if you are you're good!

VoatContainmentGuard ago

We're all Kev, Gabara and Crensch

Nosfewratsjews ago

Probably true.

RM-Goetbbels ago

He farted once in a restaurant and then blamed me. EVIL.

Nosferatjew ago

OMG mine too! I wonder if it's the same guy...

virge ago

It still cracks me up you pretend I'm crackrock. You're probably @gabrara!

Nosferatjew ago

Shut up Wesley.

virge ago

I didn't take you for the kind of nerd to make what I can only assume is a Star Trek joke to nervously cover for his paranoid incompetence.

Nosferatjew ago

Are you even the @virge I used to know? How many bullets did you shoot today?

King_Leopold_II ago


virge ago


Nosferatjew ago

Obviously not you.

virge ago

And I was becoming concerned you were one of the slow ones!

virge ago

Does it move?

Nosferatjew ago

Is it a gif?

m_1 ago

It was funny and unexpectedly appropriate.

virge ago

He's always been predictable.

TheSmallPenisOfDial ago

@h3rts check out poal dot co

You might like it

(CCP too low for links)

Anti-Stupid ago

Just block it and prove it useless

Jiggggg ago

Yeah I just blocked the sub

963189_137 ago

This is a good idea! I am going to block it as well.

GoddammitMrNoodle ago

Ah, I was wondering what was up with all the porn all of a sudden. 'Course it's (((those guys)))

LionElTrump ago

Probably members of the US political faction showing their older tech-illiterates what a degenerate site this is

Lagmonster ago

You misspelled traitors. They all need the rope.

Thereunto ago

Or testing legal material before injecting illegal material

No6 ago

Almost every user that hits the front page frequently is up to something. Most of them are probably the same couple people.

Sorry if you took the bait and saw the posts here as anything other than an amusing change of pace in your propaganda intake. The old, free, internet's signal fades every day and it isn't coming back. There's your "redpill," and it won't bother me a bit if you don't take it.

albatrosv15 ago

You know why? People don't want to talk personally. Like pms, emails etc.

963189_137 ago

We will make something better. Something unbreakable.

shifty_pete ago

Forum sliding and demoralization. Get fucked, fed.

No6 ago

You got it wrong, I'm not in the forum sliding department. I'm in the federal crime entrapment department. Psst, hey kid, let's go for a walk in the woods and collect feathers off the ground.

SearchVoatBot ago

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folkov ago

Nobody gives fuck about users -karma whores. We're talking about bots not real users.

Tallest_Skil ago

They’re not real users. They’re paid to post here. We have dozens of them already and thousands of bot accounts.

No6 ago

Bots are ultimately run by someone. The "use a really close name to someone who posts a lot" strategy isn't a new one.

Talc ago

it would easily be fixed by putting everyone's scp/ccp beside their username, it's easy to swap an L for a 1 or miss out an i or similar, but not so easy to mistake antliberalsociety(-95/43) for antiliberalsociety(235k/22.9k)

No6 ago

Account names with very few posts or loads of downvotes should literally glow various colors.

folkov ago

Since you know so much can you fix and we all will go back. And you can spread your wisdom to your fellow whatever.

ghost7777 ago

This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, it should be expected. A large group of like minded people coming together to have discussions free from disruption is high up on their list of things to disrupt. One can only hope the admin/staff are implementing countermeasures against this. Otherwise, Voat will be nothing more than Reddit v2.0. If they don't step up, we'll make a site that does.

GreenSlug ago

Are you new? (Looks at account age) ah, there has been NO staff since before you got here. Its the dying days unless something drastic happens

ghost7777 ago

No, I've been here a few years (2015-2016?), I just cycle accounts often for security reasons. Whatever the politics are here, I don't know what they are. I'm a software dev by trade specializing in web applications. If we wanted to build something from the ground up with whatever features we want, it could definitely be done. Completely transparent mod/ban logs, anti spam/shill countermeasures, anything. Dramatically increasing uptime (compared to now) through architecture/technology decisions isn't an issue either.

GreenSlug ago

Ill just say, its not popular here (competition, oh no!) But Poal is a good alternative. Needs more activity though, only reason im here more than there

hollywood2020 ago

Mods were sleeping, and then watching the porn

PygmyGoat ago

I also noticed that there’s a couple spammers attack-posting certain individuals over and over again. What’s really going on?

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TheKingAndTheLandR1 ago

I dunno it was a kinda nice pussy.

ghost7777 ago

(hand rubbing intensifies)

goatsandbros ago

Can we stop it by using commas to separate our antecedents and consequents?

MisterScratch ago

Yr in the semantic stratosphere with that stuff .. what do you have on apodosis ??

goatsandbros ago

I try my best to keep my pods healthy, so no experience.

MisterScratch ago

Yeah right ..

tokui ago

Cool ur tits.

h3rts ago

You can check is 100% bots. Posting, upvoting, downvoting and commenting.

Today is some porn sub, soon all VOAT subs will be like

ImReallyHighBut ago

The internet died a long time ago. It's up to us to create a new one.