Gorillion ago

There's a potential Ag-Gag dimension to this (cover for shitty ag industry practices by criminalizing videos of mistreatment), but holy shit is this gonna wreck furries and muds in equal fashion, if it's properly applied.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Cause Hitler was a hero. Calling someone Hitler is one of the greatest compliments a person can receive.

BlueDrache ago

Am I the only one that's upset over the fact that there's got to be a federal law for this? The federal government has no reason to enforce this. This should be taken care of on a local level, state at the most.

Federal overreach.

folkov ago

When Muslims are majority in some Minnesota small towns only Federal goverment can protect our goats because local Muslims will ignore animal abuse.

moarzor ago

Federal law to ban Muslims, then?

BlueDrache ago

Not a very good excuse to trample the liberties of others.

BearDolphin1488 ago


YoHomie ago

I'm going out on a limb here; but I'm guessing that Ghandi and the Dalai Lama were/are against animal cruelty too. Just sayin'.

folkov ago

Well... In honor of German animal rights activists they have swastikas all over in India.

zxcvzxcv ago

Isn't she complimenting him?

remainselusive ago

That's not a insult.

fightknightHERO ago

i can't decide if she is trolling or suffering from extreme retardation

LordWalMartOfAmerica ago

She's being serious but she loves Hitler. I follow her on twatter

Deceneu ago

Actually, she's right, Hitler did it 1st @ 54:12

cyber_dum_runner3 ago

Oh god what's the Z

folkov ago

People who loves pets?

Sitnikoff ago


DanielR ago

No it doesnt wtf is your logic ?

Whats animal rights have to do with muslims and fags ?

I think you are delusional since Kike-Trump sold you to israel and now you are grasping at straws

folkov ago

Is not OK to fuck goats/camels and kill dogs

DanielR ago

Thats a side effect dear cuckservative

Trump didnt do it because he is anti-muzzrat or anti-fag

He did it for very different reasons (since he is pro-fags and pro-muzzrat)

Again you cucks grasp at straws

Sam1976 ago

I think your mom sold your ass out on the corner and you are now suffering severe brain damage due all the times you were skull fucked you silly bitch....Take your "Kike Trump sold us out to Israel" bullshit back to the Faceballs universe orbiting Uranus from which you originate skid mark where you are likely to find dumb fuck POS stupid enough to believe the stupid shit falling from your mouth onto your keyboard...just bend over...and jam your head right back in there...

This is a no dumb fuck zone...

DanielR ago

cuckservatives......cant meme, cant joke, cant insult....

YoHomie ago

Found the SJW on this site.

DanielR ago

How is pointing out your retardation mean im "sjw"

You are the liberals calling people nazi

Jeeeez you cuckservatives never learn


It's racist because white people treat animals better than any other race does.