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SearchVoatBot ago

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ScionOfZion ago

Seems like socialist don't like trade and personal property. They can't believe someone would exchange valuable food for money. They don't like someone trying to keep their own money instead of giving it to the tax man.

SearchVoatBot ago

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weak dna, jews, and their subservients are running the earth for a long time now, some people obviously got through and fought, some didn't that's all this is about, some, are threatened by that, a look a word, an action, they don't like it and that is how they get in and bastardise society by destroying the good people of the earth, they want to inherit a world they are not fit to live in, there is no simplicity anymore...Its all nonsense and nobody wants to face up to it....

BrokenVoat ago

It is not a very good movie. The national socialists themselves didn't like it. It is boring and badly done.

metricisokay ago

Please post more, and better ones.

Deezedlat ago

Rothschild was already known back then in 1939. How the fuck were they just swept under the rug in every history text book i have had to read. Some fucking jewry right there.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

The same reason you never heard about the incredible influence of the Rockefeller, Carnagie, and Ford Foundations. Carnagie drove the US into WW1 for social engineering purposes and then the other two went into American education and policy to effectively run the country.

The modern world is run from the shadows by people rich enough to live in them, and they're not all Jews. Sure, lots are, but lots aren't too.

LaRiver ago

Yep. Generalization (of Jews only) is not objective.

alele-opathic ago

Because, unfortunately, when jews infiltrate a society, they always play the role of recordkeeper. This means historians, accountants, and even goes into fringe territories (e.g. linguistics, where (((Weber))) created the first dictionary to keep a record of word's meanings with the intent of later controlling them - ask for more on this if curious)

They are why we have no idea what year this is - likely sometime in the 1600s, instead of the 2020s we believe it to be. Turns out there was a roaming band of nomads who would sell fake histories to kings who had freshly overthrown their predecessors - this history would remove all references to the old king and create a fake lineage, creating the image that the new king's family had been ruling for generations. They only reason they got caught was because they didn't bother to change the fake predecessor names or stories, much like they've done with 9-11 list of names. Also, get a load of who was running damage control in the late 1970s in that link - none other than (((Communist Magazine))).

They are why the only backup of the internet, the Internet Archive Project (which runs the wayback machine), is run by (((Brewster Kahle))). Check out his official headshot - there is a reason the memes always show the rubbing of hands.

I suspect, and just recently started investigating, that they are the reason we no longer keep our own records. From what I've learned, american families used to have a 'family book', considered of the same importance as the bible, where all births, deaths, and marriages were recorded. At some point, this was replaced with the system we have now (where the state records all family events) and there are no records of when or how this happened.

If you want more examples of lost history, I am fully loaded - just ask.

d3r ago

Hit me. What books to read?

alele-opathic ago

Hit me. What books to read?

I assume you are referring to examples of lost history. Many of what I've found is original research and is so broad in scope that Voat isn't the best medium for it (I noticed a long time ago that my wordier posts get far less attention), but I'll summarize that, in addition to pointing you towards others who have made strides.

  • Dave McGowan: This man is in a class of his own. Aside from his excellent investigation into the Boston Marathon 'bombings', amongst others, he has two works completely of his own discoveries. The first, Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon, pertains to the military takeover of all music, the fabrication of 'the hippies', the creation of Hollywood, and the creation of our 'drug culture'. I've extended this work into their covert societal experiments in the Australian bush, the motivation for these experiments, and traced both further forward (to include the creation of our modern 'festival culture') and further backward (to include their tests on a cultural takeover of the American Blacks, beginning first with their music).
  • Dave McGowan, again: his other major original work pertains to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, another president whose history seems to have been so warped that it is impossible to know what is true anymore. He planned to extend this work but was accidented - he died of, shit you not, undiagnosed late stage lung cancer. His daughters toned it down, but when he got the diagnosis, he was absolutely sure he was hit.
  • Immanuel Velikovsky: This guy hadn't written anything comprehensive before he died, but his work ignited a massive new research field (called 'comparative mythology'). Worlds in Collision is comprehensive in terms of his evidence, but his theory has been refined since his death (for example, we now know that red clay, found only on the US east coast and Australia, came from Mars, which corroborates an aboriginal legend that the red soil 'fell from the sky'). This is way too big to digest into a summary here.
  • Donnely Ignatious (History of the Great Conflagration) and Father Perrin (The Great Peshtigo Fire): These are two accounts of the Peshtigo-Chicago fire, which burned a combined 270+ square miles, and demonstrated a number of strange physical phenomenon (along with the fact that it started everywhere at once, and was described by these survivors as 'the sky itself' igniting everything nearby). This ties into the previous book, as, it turns out, these fires coincided with the close passing of a comet, and some now suspect that a fragment of the comet broke off.
  • Speaking of, 'the weather' is known to be incredibly strange. For example, a hailstone the size of a golfball would require vertical winds of nearly 300 mph to suspend it, and the largest hailstones on record would require the air itself be updrafting at supersonic speeds, which is impossible from fluid dynamics principles. I was writing up a massive post on this years ago when I lost interest as it didn't seem like many here would be interested. There is much more strange with weather: check out James Donahue: he doesn't write comprehensively either, but he makes enough notes of the strange that we can easily investigate further. Link on falling frogs, falling misc things, and a link on some interesting falls, including a rain of hay on a clear day.

There is so much more but I'm out of time. I've done some work tracing the origins of feminism, which surprisingly tied to the civil war, which had all kinds of even more surprising finds. I didn't even have space to mention that the Chicago-Peshtigo fire is the origin of the 'Acts of God' clause and the origin of 'fire codes' (and thus the building code), which is also extremely well hidden. The origin of the traffic infraction is also incredibly well hidden, but appears to have been invented in California sometime mid-last century. Also, legends tell of a man who brought a lawsuit that ultimately invalidated California's ENTIRE Inferior Court (now called District Court in most places), which is why California doesn't have an Inferior/District Court at all (this one was pre-internet, sometime in the mid-70s, so much easier to coverup). I suspect this was covered up to avoid knowledge of the vulnerability spreading to other states.

If you ever manage to make it through everything I've linked here, call me out in a public post and I promise I'll have more for you.

negrojohnny ago

dude you are the man. this is insanely good info.

alele-opathic ago

Glad you like! I'm honestly impressed you found your way to a post this old on a platform whose algorithms are based on 'freshness' + popularity.

What bits are most interesting to you?

negrojohnny ago

history not being accurate is most intriguing... i've stumbled on some of this info before... but am curious to more details if you have any... also the use of language as means of imprisonment... anything on that as well

alele-opathic ago

Please pardon the extremely late reply, but have you read 'The Anatomy of Slavespeak', by Friedrick Mann? His website has been offline for a while, but I upload a copy from my archive every now and again for the guys here, so just want to be sure you haven't seen it before I reupload it.

d3r ago

Love your long posts. Thanks for the info.

alele-opathic ago

Love your long posts. Thanks for the info.

Glad you like! I'm always happy when I run into people who appreciate my posts. If you've seen me around before, please don't be a stranger! Feels lonely here sometimes.

LordWalMartOfAmerica ago

The holocaust on trial: The case of Ernst Zundel. If you can find it. I think I have it on an external drive somewhere if you can't

Deezedlat ago

Ive been really into last name etymology these days. Im trying to find my roots so to speak. Interesting that weber had a hold over the dictionary to control words and meaning of them. Ill be diving into that one next. Last name etymology is that something subverted as well.

alele-opathic ago

The guy was a real piece of work. He made his own edit of the bible, complete with euphemistic censorship, and was very intimately woven amongst other (((freemasons))) at the time (e.g. Alexander Hamilton). He directly caused the degeneracy of our language (of which always precedes the degeneracy of our thought).

From wikipedia:

Webster rejected the notion that the study of Greek and Latin must precede the study of English grammar. The appropriate standard for the American language, argued Webster, was "the same republican principles as American civil and ecclesiastical constitutions." This meant that the people-at-large must control the language; popular sovereignty in government must be accompanied by popular usage in language.

Or get this one:

"everyman of common reading knows that a living language must necessarily suffer gradual changes in its current words, in the significations of many words, and in pronunciation". -- Noah Webster

Deezedlat ago

The loss of your own history and meaning to your name takes away purpose. These bastards cant leave anything alone it seems.

thirdright ago

The jew controls the media. This media includes your textbooks of public education.

Rizzo9000 ago

More like 1812...

Deezedlat ago

Fair enough just how the hell were they swept under the rug so easily. I never heard about this shit till 2015. And at that point i dived down the rabbit hole. Too late to go back now.

alele-opathic ago

Because, unfortunately, when jews infiltrate a society, they always play the role of recordkeeper. This means historians, accountants, and even goes into fringe territories (e.g. linguistics, where (((Weber))) created the first dictionary to keep a record of word's meanings with the intent of later controlling them - ask for more on this if curious)

They are why we have no idea what year this is - likely sometime in the 1600s, instead of the 2020s we believe it to be. Turns out there was a roaming band of nomads who would sell fake histories to kings who had freshly overthrown their predecessors - this history would remove all references to the old king and create a fake lineage, creating the image that the new king's family had been ruling for generations. They only reason they got caught was because they didn't bother to change the fake predecessor names or stories, much like they've done with 9-11 list of names. Also, get a load of who was running damage control in the late 1970s in that link - none other than (((Communist Magazine))).

They are why the only backup of the internet, the Internet Archive Project (which runs the wayback machine), is run by (((Brewster Kahle))). Check out his official headshot - there is a reason the memes always show the rubbing of hands.

I suspect, and just recently started investigating, that they are the reason we no longer keep our own records. From what I've learned, american families used to have a 'family book', considered of the same importance as the bible, where all births, deaths, and marriages were recorded. At some point, this was replaced with the system we have now (where the state records all family events) and there are no records of when or how this happened.

If you want more examples of lost history, I am fully loaded - just ask.


A must see

Karbuster ago

Makes me sick seeing those fucks smile as the animal bleeds out

That is not about satisfying a good god, that is some satanic, evil shit

And they love it

The_Venerable ago

Literally the spawn of satan.