Heinz ago

At the beginning I was just asking questions regarding the lies and hypocrisy of the System and got evil eye from some. Then I asked myself: Why are so many Jews in powerful positions? How could the Nazis have burned 6 Gorillian corpses? Why are they telling us it´s bad to stand for our people but say it´s good, if they stand for their people? and so I came to the holohoax and JQ truth. And I went on from there...

albatrosv15 ago

I'm in the 4th phase.

ScientiaPotentia ago

5 years ago I warned Libtards that they were turning Nazi into a term of endearment. I was right you bunch of Nazis.

matthew-- ago

This is good because it helps alleviate "white-guilt", but if you blindly follow the ideology, you're a fucking moron.

Hitler's economy didn't work; socialism doesn't work; price controls don't work; nationalisation of industries (seize the means of production comrade!) doesn't work; running your economy on borrowed money doesn't work; printing new money out of nothing doesn't work. He had good intentions, but everyone knows the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

You need a free market economy; without a welfare state; with self-defence and property defence; with a commodity based currency (gold/silver, etc); and minimal government; only for enforcing contracts, and that's it.

Never forget, Hitler was left-wing. Augusto Pinochet on the other hand...

albatrosv15 ago

The data about germany between 1933-1939 tells other story.

matthew-- ago


Tell me again how Hitler didn't finance his economy by creating financial instruments that essentially allowed him to borrow a fuck-tonne of money?

Crayonall9t ago

Gadaffi tried to introduce a gold backed currency. Suddenly he was an evil dictator that needed to be tomahawked.

matthew-- ago

I know.

Gorillion ago

Better a Nazi than a 'Nazi.

Crayonall9t ago

(((Ask a Nazi)))

antiliberalsociety ago

plugging kike honeypot

giving credit only after blatantly busted plagiarizing Voat posts

TexasVet ago

This is a brilliant post. Thank you. I used it as inspiration for this post on Gab with credit back to this OP...


TheGrandMaster ago

You literally changed the words enough to try to get away with plagiarism, then went back after to credit the post.

You're a fucking scum bag of the highest kike degree. Rope yourself.

antiliberalsociety ago

plugging kike honeypot

giving credit only after blatantly busted plagiarizing Voat posts

albatrosv15 ago

@antiliberalsociety & @TexasVet, you two are still arch-enemies? Don't you people get tired of this?

antiliberalsociety ago

This isn't about being arch enemies, he's done nothing to me personally. This is about him defrauding people and every time he takes a break and things cool down, he comes back to find new victims. That's where I come in with my friendly reminder that he's not to be trusted, and is not the leader he tries to be

TexasVet ago

Yes of course I get tired of it. Notice that I do not stalk his every post to talk shit on him though. I only defend myself... sometimes.

antiliberalsociety ago

You scaled back commenting because muh CCP

albatrosv15 ago

@antiliberalsociety & TexasVet, you two are still arch-enemies? Don't you people get tired of this?

Demonsweat2 ago

It seems that you are accepted at gab.

TexasVet ago

Yeah its like that when you don't have a small crew of basement dwellers hell bent on making you look like a horrible person. Even the one controversial thing that I did to start their obsession with me I am not ashamed of and would do the exact same thing again. 90% of everything else thrown at me are lies and deception and mischaracterizations from a few people obsessed with ruining my reputation.

Octoclops ago

Nice persecution complex, crybaby.

antiliberalsociety ago

Funny, trailer homes don't even have basements

Everything I used was your own words and actions. Trying to play victim won't save you. Running away won't make it disappear. Threatening mental anguish lawsuits won't be an effective defense against your crimes. Reporting Voat users to the FBI doesn't make you look like a leader. Calling for violence and civil war only makes you look like the shill that you are.

14 words


Sanchez_Sucio ago

No respectable man I know would beg for money to pay their bills, take the excess and purchase a selfish gift for themselves, and then act like a child when they get called out about it. The fact that you are proud of it and would do it all the same, is the very reason I would never take you seriously.

You're a nigger.

SexMachine ago

I mean, seriously, that's what put me on the path.

I went to 8/pol/ and was given a dose of holohoax history. I went to reddit, r/askhistorians, "How many people actually died during the holocaust? If the numbers at Auschwitz was reduced to 1.1 mil from 5 mil, why is it still 6 million Jews?"
Banned for being a Nazi. Whaaaaaat? I was just asking questions. "Asking questions is what Nazis do."

NihilisticClownFrog ago

Saved for the censorwake of prosperity. Honk.

Otter5000 ago

Same here. Hell, when I came to Voat I would debate people on how America was meant to be a melting pot and whatever. I originally came here because I was against censorship. Plenty of people on here disagreed with my views but they were patient enough to discuss it with me. The left continued to push me down this path by shouting me down. Well, now I'm a full blown National Socialist, although I still don't believe in strong government. Anyways, you're in good company, and I'm glad you're here!

jerry ago

I’m against all nazis but I’ll stay here forever y’all don’t know what you’re getting into

Tzitzimitl ago

you sure about that

Otter5000 ago

I'm not a nazi, bruh

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Strong government is another form of arms race. You don't want it, I don't want it, nobody with half a brain wants it but when the electorate is more polluted than a river in India and foreign powers are subverting, centralizing and leveraging the existing government to ruin you, when global corporations extort you for tax money to wage private wars... What choice do you have left?

We consolidated and gave the deep state alphabet fuckers control because we fought the Germans and the Russians and our libertarian, modular ideals could not stand against such organized and single minded entities. Nationalism would have been preferential, at least that is visible and bound to some principal/allegiance while it fucks you. The last people I want in control are the shadowy puppeteers of a once isolated and minimalist democracy turned big brother world oligarchy.

Otter5000 ago

I agree that's all we have left, my ideal is small government as you mentioned earlier. In an ideal ethnostate the native populace has the power, the folk as it were.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Yeah I'm with you, no step snek but snek already got stepped, no way to un-step snek. Volksgemeinschaft time.

YoHomie ago

Dude should probably read-up on the Nazis a little more. He may not be quite so proud.

albatrosv15 ago

From what sources?

SexMachine ago

Nazis were a little too socialist for my liking. Sure, Hitler was ahead of his time, but National Socialism is still socialism.

YoHomie ago

Exactly. Only most around here aren't educated enough about the Nazis to know that. They just think "Oh cool, no Jews and strong Nationalism", ignoring everything else.

SexMachine ago

Too many wehraboos around here downvoating without knowledge. The Nazis were left wing. Even after the night of long knives, they were still strongly socialist.

antiliberalsociety ago

Aside from the part where Hitler explains it's not a Marxian style of socialism, that it's pro private property and free enterprise unlike Marxism.

zxcvzxcv ago

You should read this little book about nazis. It is called Mein Kampf. It explains that National Socialism is as far from democratic socialism (today's socialism) as the east is from the west.

YoHomie ago

Should probably read The Goebbels Diaries too. There's a bit of contrast between the two and some light will be shed.

antiliberalsociety ago

Were you talking about the ones that were (((faked)))?

YoHomie ago

Nope, I'm talking about the real ones.

Glory_Beckons ago

Is there a particular socialist policy they had that you disagree with?

YoHomie ago

How about the government control over all industry.

Glory_Beckons ago

You might be thinking of Fascist Italy. A Fascist economy tends to nationalize all major industries, and sees a merging of corporations and state into a monolithic entity. This was not the case under National Socialist Germany. Hitler even explicitly remarked about this difference between the two systems in his speeches, insisting Germany will not follow suit after their ally.

In the words of someone who lived in the Reich:

Germany was National Socialist, but free enterprise flourished during the entire Hitler years. No company was nationalized. No small businessman was stopped from opening up his own store. I myself worked during the war for a company that can only be called part of international capitalism. If you owned shares, nobody confiscated them, like the allies did in 1945.

Industry boomed, unemployment went from 6 million (in a country of <70 million) before 1933 to next to zero by 1935, their currency went from being worth less than paper to having massive buying power, normal workers could afford regular vacations and luxury cruises, and international companies like Coca Cola operated without interference. The only trouble they had were the boycotts and blockades imposed by the Allies immediately after Hitler was elected (7 years before the war).

How can you reconcile the huge economic success of Nazi Germany with the notion that their government was bogging down and controlling their industry? Either government control of industry has to be a highly successful economic model, or they didn't really do that.

Once the war began, of course heavy taxes were imposed and some industries co-opted into the war effort. This is no different from what happened in Britain and America at the time, and every other nation that ever went to war in earnest. When you're fighting for survival, all production gets redirected towards that effort. This has always been the case until the very recent decades, during which war has been perverted into an industry of its own, dealing in mass murder and destabilization for profit.

YoHomie ago

Nope, I'm thinking about Nazi Germany.

Glory_Beckons ago

Then your Hollywood "education" has done its job well.

Demonsweat2 ago

No, not one.

googoogagaimababy ago

Lotta glow here lately. I’m shook.

Dzedo ago

Even frogs and clowns are Nazis: https://files.catbox.moe/1os7qv.jpg

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Pride cometh before the fall... Faggots.

KVD ago

So soon then. It's Summer now.

Corpse_washer ago

Programming successful.

MrDarkWater ago

so God sent the synagogue to force us back on the righteous track?

damn, that happened in the old testament too

Corpse_washer ago

You are being herded by calling you a nazi, but never mind.

MrDarkWater ago

Fool. I'm taking the pistol out of their hand and handing them a rubber duck.

Those words aren't weapons to me if I don't care about them. I'm free to do and say what I please.

Corpse_washer ago

So if i call you a faggot enough times and you become a faggot, you won, not me. I understand.

MrDarkWater ago

That word isn't used to censure ideas. Not around here anymore.

Corpse_washer ago

Doesnt matter. The only case its not programming if you were curious about nazis, learned about them without outside influence and then again without outside influence decided you will be a national communist.

MrDarkWater ago

Who are you to imagine the limits of an individual party to belief.

Perhaps I realized first who my enemies are, figured it who they hate the most and study to understand why.

They have men, Christians, race-realists, and speakers of truth. And anybody that does these things is Lacie a Nazi. My enemies named me before: a deplorable. And now I'm doing it again.

Corpse_washer ago

You seem to think jews hate nazis.

MrDarkWater ago

Goodbye. Have a nice day

Corpse_washer ago

Have good day sir.

MrDarkWater ago

Doesn't that prove that the Holocaust is a lie: that the final solution was deportation rather than systematic genocide?

Isn't that just the Jews playing along until they could convince the world to genocide the Germans?

Corpse_washer ago

It just proves nazis and zog are more connected that anyone is prepared to admit. I mean what happens with the world of all these new wannabe nazis, if they realize without Hitler there would have been never zog nor Israel? They dont even understand the nazis were communists, the only difference between them and soviets were the former being national the second international. Just mentioning the painting auction of Hitlers painings a couple weeks ago was cancelled because the paintings were signed and dated up to 1972 sends everyone shrieking like the liberals when you call them by the wrong pronoun. Too few see that the jews are too dumb to plan all this, and even fewer understand that jews may be at the top of the pyramid, but the allseeing eye sees all because it is outside and above said pyramid. A plan within a plan within a plan within a plan is just too much to prove anyway.

MrDarkWater ago

The Balfour declaration preceded Hitler, Israel was happening regardless, "Nazis are communists" - holy shit, nah, haha nope

The rest is just worthless meandering.

You're not even good at what likes are someone's decent at - word magic. You aren't convincing at all.

You can't just say " it's not the Jews" when everybody in voat has probably a hundred or more bookmarked pages pricing that it is in fact the synagogue of Satan.

Goodbye Heebie Kikeberger

Corpse_washer ago

socialists are not communists mate

You see? You are unable to swallow the truth and are now running away, as predicted.

MrDarkWater ago

I will comment on this later, but this is a major spin you've put in it that doesn't reflect reality, only your kike agenda

Corpse_washer ago

Feel free to ask for explanation of things you dont understand, but you wont. You have been presented with something you cant swallow and will not look back to try brake it up to swallowable pieces. You are not the first and certainly not the last.

MrDarkWater ago

I will. I'm just busy at work. Faggot

Corpse_washer ago

Sure you will. You know where to find me, nigger.