TheAntiZealot ago

Sorry, I just noticed this.

Where pride starts to blind people and they become overconfident.

Overconfident about...?

Usually when someone is "overconfident" it is pertaining to a specific task. And the "over-" portion refers to the concept of failing that particular task.

VicariousJambi ago

It's already happening.

VicariousJambi ago

It's currently white genocide because the kikes are purposefully using their vast media, government and banking influence to trick people into race mixing, alter history to make it appear normal, fuck with science/education that proves niggers are a sub-species, import millions of shitskins to rape and pillage our first world countries etc etc etc. etc.

Research the kalergi plan, agenda 21, the 16 year plan, etc.

YoHomie ago

Reminds me a lot of the drills they do in North Korea. Yeah, real nice.

SharpSliceOfMango ago

The difference was that those people went there freely.

YoHomie ago

Of course they did. Of course. Ask the North Koreans if they did it freely too, they'll tell you they did too.

badruns ago

"Reason" can only be derived through unity and trust. You won't have the time or luxury to reason through things while you're being bashed in the face. Pride in your background is a good way to bring about unity. As is religion.

VicariousJambi ago

Race mixing has been a thing since the beginning of humanity

I have absolutely no idea how genes work

TheAntiZealot ago

to a certain point

And what, exactly, might that "point" be?

SharpSliceOfMango ago

Its not going to cause problems. Every nation back then had stuff like this:

14HonkHonk ago

Problems like what?

VicariousJambi ago


14HonkHonk ago

The hard focus on pride was needed for Germany as they had been humiliated and treated like animals after WW1. Restoring pride in ones race and culture (which has also been lost on Europeans today) is vital in order preserve those things.

14HonkHonk ago

Racial and cultural pride is a huge aspect of National Socialism

hedgefundhog ago

That's the core/defining idea of fascism: that the state has total control of all aspects of life, and commands absolute loyalty. You don't get that without pretty intensive brainwashing.

SharpSliceOfMango ago

National Socialism is not fascism and it did not control every aspect of life. Life was more free and normal than today.

Fascism was the ideology of 1920-40s Italy.

And people went to those events freely. There were a lot of Landjugend, Heimatvereine etc that showed off at those events. In small villages we have this still today in Germany.

If you compare propaganda back then and today: Back then you had state controlled media that was there to inform people and to limit foreign influence etc. Today you have media that is controlled by large companies and rich people that shape the opinion based on how they can profit from it. This is pretty fucking dangerous.

Phantom42 ago

Nazi Germany was the most free country to ever exist by principle.

They had freed themselves from the world.

hedgefundhog ago

States are dangerous

VicariousJambi ago

Absolutely fuck that. These people were proud of their heritage and who they were.

Muh-Shugana ago

Shit, I wish we had half as much pride the nazis.

Liber ago

I know what you mean, it’s very much in your face