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moderator99 ago

Don't you start getting all sentimental and shit.

Oh damn..... I'm starting to cry now.

Lurker17 ago

I think you were the very first person on VOAT that I reached out to long ago. You used to read and comment on some of my posts at very odd hours and my curiosity got the best of me ... so I asked. I'll be Lurker17 wherever I go. I think I'm already Lurker17 on theDonald, POAL and Parler, but VOAT always took most of my time and interest ... so I haven't spent much time elsewhere. Looks like I will have the time very soon.

moderator99 ago

I remember you asking me about that. I was always days behind on the posts because I like to go through them all and I could only get on for a few hours each day. Memories..... :-)

I just joined Poal, as Moderator99A. I also joined Gab with that user name, but it's set up like Twitter and I don't really like that format so I don't know if I'll use it much. I'll be watching to see what most of the others around here decide to go to before I choose the one I'll favor. I need a good group of people like we have here.

Lurker17 ago

It would be great if we can move together as a group, retain our old handles. An optimal solution if we can find the right platform. POAL was a slow site with few users the last time I was there many months ago. We would light it up!

moderator99 ago

I like that idea of a bunch of us moving to a semi-dead site like Poal and continuing there.

Lurker17 ago

I just tried to get in, I muffed my password at least 3 times, then I think I got it (no more error message) ... did a couple dozen captchas and still can't get in. I'll try again tomorrow.

moderator99 ago

I had no problem. Only one captcha ("PEDOLLYWOOD").

You could use Lurker_17, or Lurker17Q or something similar.

Lurker17 ago

I am Lurker17 on POAL, if I can ever get back in!